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111 votes
4 answers

What is Geth's "fast" sync, and why is it faster?

One of the answers to this question suggested using Geth's --fast flag to help quickly synchronise the block data. How does the flag work, and how does using it speed up the synchronisation? Are we ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
62 votes
5 answers

How can I get a geth node to download the blockchain quickly?

I'm running a geth node on slow hardware. At the current rate of progress it could be several days before I can download all the blockchain. Is there a way to get it to synchronise more quickly?
60 votes
1 answer

What is Geth's "light" sync, and why is it so fast?

This question is in a similar vein to the past questions about geth --fast and parity --warp. There was a recent question where the OP wanted to do as little syncing as possible, and one of the ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
42 votes
6 answers

How to check my sync status on Geth 1.5.5, Raspberry Pi 3

Have a Geth 1.5.5 node running on a raspberry pi 3. When I type in sudo systemctl status geth I'll get ever changing time and block information. Neat, but how do I know when I am synced up? Is ...
Arthur D. Howland's user avatar
38 votes
6 answers

How long is the first sync supposed to last?

I've been running Geth (latest version) for around 12 hours and it's still not finished. The command prompt shows this : INFO [05-21|12:05:00] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=...
J. Doe's user avatar
  • 383
28 votes
2 answers

Why is my node synchronization stuck/extremely slow at block 2,306,843?

Using macOS 10.12.1 with Ethereum Wallet 0.8.7, nodes are connected but Sync doesn't even start. Stuck at block 2,306,843. What can I do? Please keep in mind, I am neither a coder nor a tech geek.
Ramsroyal's user avatar
  • 391
28 votes
4 answers

Possible to store the blockchain in a different directory?

I'm running geth on Linux within a Chromebook. The blockchain is being stored within ~/.ethereum, along with other important files. Problem is, the storage capacity on my Chromebook is quite limited ...
FugueWeb's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

Geth node starts to sync from the beginning after fast sync

I have synced using the --fast command. Now how should I proceed? I tried stopping it, and then running geth --rpc but it says: Last Header #1311471 Last Block #0 Fast Block #1310224 What should I ...
kostasps's user avatar
  • 373
23 votes
4 answers

How can I empty the blockchain?

I am trying to do a fast sync using geth --fast but I am getting this message: blockchain not empty, fast sync disabled How can I empty the blockchain to allow for fast sync?
Randomblue's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

What is knownStates?

I am using geth client (VERSION: 1.4.12-stable-421df866) to sync to the Ethereum testnet. To check the status of the sync, I ran web3.eth.syncing in the geth console. This is the output I see: { ...
maheshmurthy's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Synchronisation failed, dropping peer

Whenever I attempt to run geth on the command line, it seems to have trouble syncing with the blockchain. I am absolutely a novice so I could be completely overlooking. I am getting these warnings ...
user3376899's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't my Ethereum node have any peers?

I'm running an Ethereum node using geth and it can't find any peers. I've already tried the time sync command suggested on the wiki. My bandwidth is good.
paulmorriss's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

How much faster is it to sync with --jitvm?

geth help has: VIRTUAL MACHINE OPTIONS: --jitvm Enable the JIT VM The impact of --jitvm has been unanswered and I'm looking for answers to these 3 specifically: How much faster is geth --fast -...
eth's user avatar
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15 votes
0 answers

What is the difference between "geth" and "geth --fast"? [duplicate]

EDIT : I hadn't see the other question but this one ain't a duplicate because I'm asking here, precisely, if the state differs and if it does, what are the implications. The answer to that question ...
Cedric Martin's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Why isn't fast sync the default?

As I understand, fast sync has all the security guarantees of a full sync, but is faster. Is that correct? If so, why isn't fast sync the default?
Randomblue's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

how do you know your db is synced in geth?

In order to answer this question there is a need to get the timestamp of when the database is synced with geth. I can think of two ways of doing that : find the 1st occurrence of 1 block in the geth ...
euri10's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Can I run Geth without syncing?

I want to test some api calls using web3.js and so I am using geth as HttpProvider. Can I start geth without the syncing? Is something like geth --nosync --rpc available?
niksmac's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Geth disk and memory performance analysis

A week ago I started a synchronization of a geth node with these parameters: --fast --cache=1024 --rpc --rpcaddr "" --ws --wsaddr "" --wsorigins="*" The result that I have obtained is ...
eduadiez's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Is there a quicker way than geth --fast to download the Ethereum blockchain?

I had the Mist client installed, but it hadn't been updated in a few weeks so I tried renaming the chaindata folder (instead of deleting it) and downloading the blockchain with geth --fast as that is ...
dhuyvetter's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Corruption on data-block while synchronising

My home server's been down for a couple of days while I do some upgrades. I'd had Geth running in one of the terminal windows, but shut it down gracefully using exit before taking the server offline. ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

ethminer Failed to submit hashrate

I keep getting an error: ethminer Failed to submit hashrate :( I am very new to this whole mining thing, and just want to learn more. I am using: Geth Version: 1.5.0-unstable ethminer version 1.2.7 ...
doart3's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Sign raw transaction offline with C++ on arduino

I'm exploring the IoT side of the EVM. I've programmed Arduinos and ESP8266s to interact with a Geth JSON RPC. I'm trying to be minimalistic and avoid NodeJS on the Geth JSON server side. Currently ...
GusGorman402's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Syncing ethereum testnet

I'm syncing my geth client with ropsten testnet and just realized how slow is the syncing process after a certain block(trying to retrieve information from blocks that got in blockchain yesterday) for ...
Saulo Ricci's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Fatal: Could not open database: resource temporarily unavailable

I get this error when I run the geth upgradedb command: I0317 08:29:57.792433 4202 chaincmd.go:137] Upgrading blockchain database I0317 08:29:57.792491 4202 database.go:71] Alloted 16MB cache ...
Kizito's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

"retrieved ancestor invalid" message during synchronization

We have been running a private ethereum network for a couple of months. Today we tried to add a new node to the network. When the node was synchronizing, (after 3-4 hours) it stopped with the ...
user813's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Convert an eth key to a geth key

I need to convert my eth key to a geth key. eth put the key in %appdata%\roaming\Web3\keys, and I see it as a .json file. If I move that to the %appdata%\roaming\Ethereum\keystore directory, geth ...
feebel's user avatar
  • 93
9 votes
1 answer

geth rewinds chain on every startup

I'm using geth to connect to the rinkeby network with fast sync. However, every time I restart geth I receive the following output: Maximum peer count ETH=25 LES=0 total=25 ...
Werner der Champ's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Persistent "deep transaction reorg" whilst syncing full geth node

Whilst syncing a new full node using the geth comand "geth --syncmode full", every other line after a few hundred blocks I see the following: WARN [12-02|02:30:46] Skipping deep transaction reorg ...
AnotherGethUser's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What does mean "Failed to retrieve current release"?

When I start with geth with light syncmode, I get the following error message: ERROR[date] Failed to retrieve current release err="can't fetch trie key ...
Distic's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why is Geth's "fast" sync now the default, whereas before it wasn't?

As of version 1.6.0, the default method used by Geth for syncing the chaindata is "fast": The default sync mode is --syncmode=fast, for full sync please use --syncmode=full. Previously, the ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers


I just wanted to mine ETH with my CPU. I use Windows 7 64 Bit with ethminer. I started the cpu miner with a batch ethminer -t 6 -C -F*******...
Nils Zimmermann's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Sync blockchain while mining?

I'm new to ether mining. Do I have to sync with the blockchain while mining? Currently I'm using ethminer for solo mining with GPU and geth to sync with blockchain.
J. Eth's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is there a dynamic pruning in geth --fast?

Once i've downloaded the blockchain with geth --fast , is there a dynamic pruning on the up-comings blocks, or will I archive all the blocks from where I stand?
yoregis's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How can I maximize the probability that my ETH nodes stay synchronized with mainnet for as long as possible?

I run three full ETH nodes, one on my local, home network, and two in the cloud. All three make use of geth. My "local" node, is always in sync with mainnet, i.e. always showing the same last block ...
abattia's user avatar
  • 303
8 votes
3 answers

Mining ETH on HD 6950 DAG allocation problem

I have 2 HD6950's which I wanted to use for ETH mining - but I have the well known DAG allocation problem. I can't find a solution for this problem - that's why I'm asking here. And please don't tell ...
Nils Zimmermann's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Can I safely interrupt and restart fast sync in geth?

I am new to Ethereum and trying to get set up a new node with geth (using 1.6.5-stable). I am running geth --fast --cache=1024 and so far have been syncing for around 3 days (Win 7, 6GB RAM). I see ...
nick101's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

**Updated** Ethminer - no such file or Directory error after building cpp-ethereum on Ubuntu 14.04

I am new to all of this, although I do some programming on Windows and the web. I have a small rig I want to use for mining ethereum. It is a dell inspiron 560. It has a new Nvidia GE-Force 610 ...
Mark Mongeau's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

ETH sent to ETC address

I accidentally sent ALL my ETH on ETC address :( 6 months of mining gone :( I sent from one exchange to fresh address on another exchange, but on ETC ... Is there ANY way to track those coins? I'm ...
bojan pavkovic's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can I tell my progress and the number of peers I'm connected to when using geth to download blockchain?

I'm running get --fast --cache=1024 on my laptop as we speak, and I'd like to know some stats about how many peers I'm connected to at any given time. I've been checking the size of my chaindata ...
Christopher Shroba's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to tell whether an address is mist, mew or parity?

How can I tell if an address is from Mist, MyEthereumWallet or Parity? Is there anyway to know? Are they encoded differently?
fluter's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is there any c++ library for signing transactions?

I am working on light wallet in c++, and I am looking for a c++ library for signing transactions. I mean something where i will pass transaction and private key and it will return signed transaction ...
ADV's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What is Geth's JIT VM?

Whilst downloading the blockchain which has taken me approximately a week to get to block 1.09 mil, I received a message from geth.exe after a reboot around 1050999 -1060888 You're one of the lucky ...
01infiniti's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Intermittent Synchronisation failed: no peers to keep download active?

My geth blockchain sync is stalling with the error message: I0323 07:46:09.085264 3027 downloader.go:267] Synchronisation failed: no peers to keep download active I've tried to restart it but it ...
rethsid's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to use --trie-cache-gens value as performance tunning on downloading the blockchain (Geth)?

I would like to know how to use a specific command in geth. Geth lists "Performance tuning options: --trie-cache-gens value (number of trie node generations to keep in memory - default: 120). Thing ...
Frenato's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can anyone help guide on running two geth clients on the same box and same network?

I am working on Mac OSX. I have the CL tools installed and I can start one geth client on a private network. Mining works. Wallet features work. I am able to successfully mine eth and deposit it into ...
bluprint's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a downloadable Ethereum bootstrap?

I am trying to synchronize a full node, and this is going very slowly, the progress alternates between bursts of high CPU usage (which is fine, it is heavy but importing), and long times with nothing ...
Fairglu's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can I do a fast geth sync without consuming too much memory?

My problem is this. The recommended advice in order for geth to run a faster initial sync is to use the option --fast plus a non-default value for the option --cache. The option --cache appears to be ...
oom's user avatar
  • 71
6 votes
1 answer

Full node sync only preserve the last 128 history states

While researching on the different sync modes and their behaviors, I learned that geth full sync will replay all transactions from the genesis and preserve all history states, while fast sync will ...
xiaoyao's user avatar
  • 273
6 votes
2 answers

How to install eth on debian? (symbol lookup error)

I installed from the ubuntu ppa and got this error. ➜ ~ eth eth: symbol lookup error: eth: undefined symbol: _ZN3dev3eth14EthashGPUMiner14s_numInstancesE What can I do / check? I'm on debian ...
euri10's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Ethereum Merkle Patricia Trie (Extension node)

I do not have time to look through the source code right now. My questions is: In Ethereum, when is the decision to replace part of a given path with an Extension-node made? I suppose the sole idea ...
Vega4's user avatar
  • 323

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