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Questions tagged [transactions]

The term "transaction" is used in Ethereum to refer to the signed data package that stores a message to be sent from an externally owned account.

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How can I transfer an NFT that is stored on openSea programmatically?

I want to understand, how can I automate sending NFTs from any thirdparty hosts for example, opensea or thirdweb directly to the user who clicks on the claim NFT button on my website? I do not want to ...
Coding_templar's user avatar
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How can this account address selled more erc20 token then it received?

I'm using the Alchemy API to retrieve all transactions for a specific address. When I run the API for this address on this particular token, I only receive two transactions. The first transaction ...
Thiago C Fernandes's user avatar
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Can a sandwich attack be designed using 1 flashloans and no outside capital? attacker tx, victim tx, attacker tx bundled with 1 flash loan?

So the question is can you bundle 3 transactions into one transaction where the first transaction borrows using a flash loan executes certain conditions, requires a middle victim transaction be ...
Akash Patel's user avatar
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How do I get more information about a Goerli Testnet transaction that was reverted?

The only information I get from is "Warning! Error encountered during contract ...
James Hines's user avatar
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REWARD!! PLEASE CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME ETH STUCK - I am a newbie trying to create a trading bot. and came across a tutorial, my 1.1eth stuck Metamask! [duplicate]

SORRY ABOUT THE GRAMMAR AND SPELLING I HAVENT SLEPT FOR ALLMOST 2 days BECAUSE OF THIS.. Here is a bit of a back story on why I have become a little desperate lately to find ways to make crypto faster ...
GTR ARGH's user avatar
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where does the problem of this transaction come from?

So i've been working on a smart contract and im trying to perform a swap on uniswap using polygon mainnet but im struggling to get it to work, This is the solidity code im using: // SPDX-License-...
Paucar's user avatar
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How to send a transaction request to a Safe Wallet using Safe SDK?

I would like to send a transaction request to Safe Wallet from my CLI tool using Safe SDK. Is it possible to do so in a Node.js environment? I found this: Programmatically sending a transaction ...
v1rtl's user avatar
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Coinbase / Web3 - how are they connected? Where is my balance on Web3

I am brand new. I created a Coinbase Account and started investing. I heard someone say something about web3. I don't know what this is, but I think i have money in there. As I'm still waiting to be ...
TheBlackSheep's user avatar
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Transaction fails due to: Insufficient funds for gas * price + value

I am trying to make transactions on Polygon Mainnet, but unfortunately when I automatically try to calculate the transaction fees, the transaction gets reverted because I assume that the fees are to ...
Dakata's user avatar
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How to run a script which requires a private key completely in a browser?

For a non-technical person I need to create a page on my website, in the admin area, in which he'd regularly do stuff that normally is done on local machine only. That is, a person doesn't want to go ...
Nondi's user avatar
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Transfer Ownership of a contract from one adress to another problem

I am Digital Desginer and i wanted to sell my Designs as of NFT, so that I found a guy to write me an smart contract on polygon network for me to able to publish my arts on blockchain . so After he ...
BitcoinBrothers's user avatar
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Is it possible to combine signing two cross-chain transactions into one single signing?

Lets say I have a transaction on ETH chain and one on BSC chain, I start the transaction on ETH chain and it asks for my signature. What I want to do is have it just ask for my signature once and have ...
Jaskaran Singh's user avatar
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Do Ethereum 2.0 ( PoS ) transactions still need to confirm a certain number of blocks?

I tried reading some technical articles but didn't find any ideas. Can anyone tell me or recommend some relevant technical analysis articles? Thanks alot!
Wang Feiping's user avatar
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Replaying transactions in hardhat node forked at earlier block

I am attempting to get the historical state of the chain within a block. That is, it is straightforward to use hardhat to fork at an earlier block but I want to be above to move up an arbitrary number ...
notthatintodefi's user avatar
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How to get the amount recieved during swap on Uniswap?

I'm trying to get the amount that I recieved in WETH during swap on Uniswap(can be hardcoded WETH). On the code below, I took random address that did swap, got his transactions and then decoded it ...
Daniel Kotlarov's user avatar
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How Can I Simulate a Live Network Transaction Using Foundry or Hardhat?

I have written code in Rust to do Uniswap V2 swap via the ethers-rs library. This code is not part of a contract but rather a standalone application. I understand it's possible to test this locally. ...
Until To Do it's user avatar
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USDT Transaction Dropped & Replaced

While trying to send USDT to a wallet address, my transaction got dropped and replaced. I assumed that the transaction would go through if I just wait, but it seems that it got replaced and sent to a ...
fwara07's user avatar
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Multiple erc20 tokens approval in one transaction

Is it possible to set approval for multiple different erc20 tokens in one transaction? As for now I have this function but it does not seem to work when tested. function batchApprove(address ...
Kokons's user avatar
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Alchemy API: How to get transaction history including failed and pending transactions for a specific wallet address?

In React I'm building a transaction history screen to list succeeded, failed and pending Polygon transactions. Using alchemy_getAssetTransfers I can retrieve the transaction history for a specific ...
Operator's user avatar
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failed to deploy smart contract on my private network

I created a private network of POA, and I use clef to seal blocks like this: I have successfully run this chain becaues it can produce blocks and I can create transactions between 2 accounts, and ...
jds250's user avatar
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Why I can't send ether through this code?

I have written the following code for testing. I can successfully send dummy ERC20 tokens by calling the createSwap function on contract A by whitelisting the contract addresses on goerli For test ...
noubidev's user avatar
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How Can I Filter Ethereum Transactions by Method ID or Name, Similar to Etherscan's Advanced Filter Feature

I am working on a project where I need to retrieve all transactions associated with a specific method within a given block or set of blocks. As an example, Etherscan provides this functionality ...
Daniel Kotlarov's user avatar
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Is it possible transaction A get executed while transaction B is in middle of execution in the same block?

Imagine I have deposit function which can receive funds from user and the amount sent will be updated in state based on balanceBefore and balanceAfter of token in the contract: 1: function deposit(...
mahyar's user avatar
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Why this transaction has extra characters in input data

In this transactions 0xa70ce6df9c08496dfb14eb9a90aee82a9d93c2a4385c990766ea9d91ed80127c input data is a call of swap function: 0000000000000000000000003208684f96458c540eb08f6f01b9e9afb2b7d4f0 ...
Berni's user avatar
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Listening to uniswap for transactions, need to add a nonce filter

I'm here looking to watch Uniswap (or any DEX) transactions and detect whenever an interesting transaction goes through with a newly created wallet nonce = 0, or close to it). How can I add further ...
James Livingstone's user avatar
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How to find the origin of the token/crypto in the wallet?

For example, Wallet 0x...A1 has 0.5 ETH. I want to know about the origin of 0.5 ETH. Can I get that data from the Etherscan API (what endpoint?) or another solution?
77ay's user avatar
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Reduce gas price?

I'm working on a sniping bot on uniswap, and i have a little problem : the first ones to buy are those who pay the most. Pretty logical, but I don't really want to pay 300$ in priority gas to be the ...
Newly Sama's user avatar
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Why my test net transactions (created from dart using web3dart) are not getting through?

I have used web3dart to create a few ethereum transactions. All of them are getting stuck in pending. For example:
user123798's user avatar
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Transactions not ordered fairly? (BSC)

If we take a look at the first few transactions block 29930437 on Binance smart chain, there is something very interesting going on, if we compare gas prices: Tx 0: The first transaction payed ~2132 ...
Jaron_e's user avatar
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external call to non-existing address returns success

I have this simple contracts which forwards the calldata to and external contract: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.13; contract AccountTest { /** * execute a ...
johnhckuo's user avatar
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I found a transaction that the maxFeePerGas is equal to maxPriorityFeePerGas on Etherscan

I know the maxFeePerGas = baseFeePerGas + maxPriorityFeePerGas in EIP-1559. But I found this transaction. I ...
BigSmile's user avatar
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'err: insufficient funds for gas * price + value:

I am using sepolia testnet, to make a signed transaction between two accounts locally, below is the code :--- let { Transaction: Tx }= require('ethereumjs-tx'); let {Web3} = require('web3'); const ...
Shubham's user avatar
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How to correctly specify maxPriorityFeePerGas?

I am trying to send a transaction quickly by adding a priority fee that is half the base fee with the following logic: const { baseFeePerGas } = await client.getBlock(); const priorityFee = ...
Sam Scolari's user avatar
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contract runner does not support sending transactions

Update (08 July 2023) : From node_modules/ethers/lib.esm/contract/contract.js, I found the error message (the assert part). const send = async function (...args) { const runner = contract....
Téwa's user avatar
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How can I send transaction in eth2.0

I want to use BLS signature scheme to sign and publish a transaction on a testnet. As far as I know, sepolia is running as PoS now and I guess it uses BLS but I couldn't find any tutorial that uses ...
XRAYS's user avatar
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What is the data structure that represents message in Ethereum?

In ethereum whitepaper there are separate sections for Transaction and Message contents. While I am able to find in an implementation a file called "transaction.go" which contains (more or ...
bridgemnc's user avatar
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Modifier will get executed in the EVM or no?

where Modifier executed? in block 1, for example i want send 10 eth to a contract address. in the modifier i will check that contract address should have 0 eth balance. The check is done at the ...
Saeed Alipoor's user avatar
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Nethereum listen to an event after send transaction

Solidity code for creating a new contract calling createRainfallPolicy: event PolicyCreated(address _policy, string _insuredId); function createRainfallPolicy(/*Params*/) public { RainfallPolicy ...
Farceg's user avatar
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Solution to Txn front-running?

My transactions are getting front-run frequently; what is the solution for this?
Tien's user avatar
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How to calculate a tx's effectiveGasPrice within a block?

Let's say I query all transactions within a block. Assuming all transactions are already settled, how can I know what will be their effectiveGasPrice ? I'm confused that transactions specify a ...
Cizia's user avatar
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My coins were sent from my metamask wallet to another wallet without my consent

I just claimed tokens after a presale had ended from the token site to my metamask wallet. That transaction was successful. However, just one minute after that transaction took place, my coins were ...
john prasitsak's user avatar
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Trying to get txn hash

How can I get an Ethereum transaction hash whenever a particular NFT/ERC20 token is transferred? Not sure exactly what process/code is needed to do that.
Tien's user avatar
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Has anyone here used QuickAlerts?

How can I track transactions from and to a wallet address? / How can I track smart contract events in real-time as they happen? Renat Ghoste
renatghoste's user avatar
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Metamask "Activity" can't list transactions at the recipient side!

I have a private Ethereum network. A block explorer (blockscout) is connected to my miner. The problem is: using Metamask, I can send transactions, which are mined and shown in the block explorer, but ...
S.Rti's user avatar
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How do I search and audit the transaction logs I submit through QuickNode?

I'm using QuickNode to submit transaction logs, does anybody know how to search and audit these logs? - elchuo160
Jesus Silva's user avatar
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How to get transactions from a wallet address?

Is there a way to get all the transactions from a wallet address using ethers.js or Or are there any third-party libraries that have this functionality? I'm looking for something along the ...
Adrian D.'s user avatar
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EIP-1559 transaction classification on etherscan

I am wondering how I can detect the type of transaction submitted on Ethereum based on EIP-1559 adopted or not. Thank you
Motiv's user avatar
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What fees are incurred when I run smart contract continuously?

I have a question about the ongoing cost of a smart contract. Imagine a company named Acme Co. Acme Co deploys a smart contract the executes the following logic: Pay Bob 10 ETH on the first of the ...
Bob Reselman's user avatar
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How to get and decode logs of all transactions of a block in web3?

How to get and decode logs of all transactions of a block in web3? My question is very similar to: Is there a way to get the logs for all transactions in a block? But the suggestions were given using ...
Alison Silva's user avatar
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on etherscan Why input Data amount value and ERC-20 tokens Transferred value are different

In this case Why input Data amount value and ERC-20 tokens Transferred value are different?
Misck's user avatar
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