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How do I stake ether on Holesky?

I've been collecting ether from Holesky faucet for about 40 days and counting, and no where to move it but a few layer 3 options that has no staking methods. Is there anyone who knows how to stake ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can evm make an EOA transaction during another transaction?

I want to deploy a smart contract that would do something like this: transfer eth from the contract to account A make a transaction to another smart contract from account A(given the nonce and the ...
Andrew Slock's user avatar
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External call recipient can consume all transaction gas

External call recipients consume all transaction gas, leading to transaction reversion. How to Prevent this?
Uttam Singh's user avatar
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Transactions Order

I am wondering how can I guarantee the order of transactions, For example if we send two transactions as A , B ... they will be coming out as B, A? I want to prevent that and I want to get A then B. ...
SKS's user avatar
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Is it possible for a view function to revert (in a loop?)

If I have a view function and it runs a loop to get a large set of data, is it possible to revert and be out of gas, or no matter how big the loop is will it still call it? This function will not be ...
Henry Gagnier's user avatar
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Account Balances Not Updating When Interacting with Smart Contract on Private OpenEthereum Network

Context: I have set up a private Ethereum network using OpenEthereum, configured with four nodes: a validator node, two non-validator nodes, and an RPC node. This setup is part of a project for a ...
Martin's user avatar
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How state variable change affects blocks in blockchain?

When a state variable is updated, is a new block mined with the new value and then spread over the network? or the value is overwritten. I know that once the block is mined it can never be changed but ...
Niladri's user avatar
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Transaction on BSC gets reverted due to Fail with error 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'

I'm not able to make a swap using the contract for some reason (I'm sure that I'm missing something fundamental). Here is the code.
somaito's user avatar
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where does the problem of this transaction come from?

So i've been working on a smart contract and im trying to perform a swap on uniswap using polygon mainnet but im struggling to get it to work, This is the solidity code im using: // SPDX-License-...
Paucar's user avatar
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Transfer Ownership of a contract from one adress to another problem

I am Digital Desginer and i wanted to sell my Designs as of NFT, so that I found a guy to write me an smart contract on polygon network for me to able to publish my arts on blockchain . so After he ...
BitcoinBrothers's user avatar
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Multiple erc20 tokens approval in one transaction

Is it possible to set approval for multiple different erc20 tokens in one transaction? As for now I have this function but it does not seem to work when tested. function batchApprove(address ...
Kokons's user avatar
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failed to deploy smart contract on my private network

I created a private network of POA, and I use clef to seal blocks like this: I have successfully run this chain becaues it can produce blocks and I can create transactions between 2 accounts, and ...
jds250's user avatar
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How to find owner of contract deployer on etherscan website On the Etherscan website, where or how do i navigate to the deployer wallet of this contract? Apparently if i look closely at ...
Jim41Mavs's user avatar
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An event with unclear purpose and data emitted in transactions

I've observed this in multiple txs I've looked at, so, here's a random one on Polygon Mumbai: link. It contains several emitted events, the last of which is this: What is this event and how to ...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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How to identify contracts created using deployer contracts from the logs?

I am interested in keeping track of each new contract created on Ethereum. So far, I have been looking at the transaction logs, there is a field to if this field has no value, that means it is a ...
Crypto Man's user avatar
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Can events be emitted WITHOUT a transaction?

I am curious as to why the emission of Ethereum events is tethered to the fact of a transaction being entirely mined I realize that we can also make calls to public view functions, which do NOT ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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Can transactions sent later have a lower block number?

I apologize in advance if my question is stupid. What I'm curious about is that transactions sent first must be recorded in the preceding block number? As far as I know, just because you enter the ...
Primrose's user avatar
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How Can I Give Priority in Transfer Function? (Solidity)

If two transactions has the same gas fees, I want to transaction which has minimum gas fees should have priority. uint minersTip = tx.gasprice - block.basefee; Here is transferForm method. Can i add ...
XcellentEEE's user avatar
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Attempting to send ETH from wallet to contract

I am attempting to implement a basic token swap in which someone sends Ether to the smart contract and receives Governor Token (GT) in return. The contract is able to send GT however, when sending ETH ...
Beau Chaseling's user avatar
6 votes
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When to use .call and abi.encodeWithSignature when calling external function and when not to

Can anyone tell me why sometimes you have to us the .call method and abi.encodeWithSignature when you want to call a function on an an external contract (First example below) and other times you can ...
Blockpain's user avatar
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Transactions with my contract are older than the contract itself

I have recently started my blockchain development journey and I can't seem to find an answer to my question. I have deployed a new contract (the same way as I did a few before) on 19.09.2022 13:25 yet ...
xirlit's user avatar
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Is it possible to prevent uniswap from listing or changing your token?

we need to deploy a private business token with a fixed price for exclusive internal use (It is complicated to explain here in a few lines but it is related to workers' meals in restaurants). We want ...
Extrange planet's user avatar
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After minting 10,000 NFTs, do you list them for sale one by one? If so, then how long does it take to finish listing all of them? [closed]

After minting 10,000 NFTs, do you list them for sale one by one? If so, then how long does it take to finish listing all of them?
dagh's user avatar
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What should I do to mint 2000 items?

When I try to mint 2000 items in remix I get this error: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending? ...
ahs's user avatar
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How to integrate zokrates proof into ethereum transactions?

I need some help with applying a Zokrates zero knowledge proof into ethereum transactions I am using Goerli testnet and i have a full node that is fully synced to the ethereum blockchain. I have ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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Please help me find what this function does? Is there is a way around it

I was able to locate this piece of code in a contract that automatically sends the token you buy into the dead wallet. function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(address account, ...
Spaceswim's user avatar
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How to switch between accounts to check Approve functionality on truffle CLI

I am cloning myself of the Openzeppline for my own NFT marketplace. Mint, enumeration, transferFrom, approve functionalities have been implemented but I have no idea of testing approve functionality ...
enthusiastic's user avatar
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Can a smart contract generate dynamic data for an existing transaction during retrieval?

I want to store a transaction on the ethereum blockchain with someText attached to it: { from, to, value, data: someText } I later wish to retrieve that transaction and read ...
Sprout Coder's user avatar
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passing array of struct as a function argument (

I want to call this method updateRewardsPercentageByTokens() , with but I fail . please can you help me find a solution updateRewardsPercentageByTokens code : function ...
wael hasnaoui's user avatar
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Can anyone explain what happened here?

Here is a transaction that was made by contract to create an nft in another contract. This is hacked contract ...
Noob's user avatar
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Can a contract check an existing transaction for validation?

I am new to smart contract development so any help or guidance is appreciated. I am thinking of creating a contract that checks if a certain transaction has already been done for validation. Is that ...
Firdaus Indradhirmaya's user avatar
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how to fetch private key of metamask account while transaction using web3.js

I have a problem, What I want is to user to come at my website, from where he/she can connect to its metamask wallet account, after connecting I want them to allow to do transaction from some specific ...
Talha Arif's user avatar
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How to send contract using web3gl

I tried to send contract from web3gl to BUSD. But I am not sure how to pass arguments and value. Please give me some help. // smart contract method to call string method = "transfer"; ...
Daniella's user avatar
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How does Uniswap Interact with my Token Contract When Users Swap?

I've been getting the hang of smart contract development and token creation in general, but the one thing I've been struggling with is understanding how Uniswap interacts with my token contract when ...
Cole Medin's user avatar
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Does method call in log is optional?

Let me explain my question in detail. let's say we are gonna deploy a smart contract that would invoke a certain function in an official contract (e.g function bark in contract dog) Link: https://...
joe Qi's user avatar
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Which transaction gets executed first on a contract

I'm building an ETH wallet as an exercise to learn more about the Etheruem blockchain. I was wondering what mechanism is used to decide which transaction is executed first. Suppose the following: 2 ...
Mintelek's user avatar
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How to reject an address from entering a lottery if that person has already entered

I am programming a lottery. I am storing the players (addresses) who enter in a public array, and I only want a person to be able to enter ONCE per lottery. Meaning if they have sent in the required ...
e n's user avatar
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Q: How can I fully handle wallets and transactions without any user confirmation?

I am attempting to create a messenger DApp for a small group of users. My goal is to avoid things like transaction signage popups and wallet funds by paying and signing everything for all users in the ...
Dan Botzu's user avatar
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Are smart contract data outputs hashed?

Last year a colleague and I ran a physics simulation in block #9360178, and published it here: Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 4644. The transaction ID is: ...
Magnus Hanson-Heine's user avatar
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DeclarationError: Undeclared identifier. Did you mean "balances" or "balanceOf"?

I have gone through the similar questions and weirdly, none of them seem to solve this problem. I am creating a simple token contract contract Token { mapping(address => uint) public balances; ...
Pe Dro's user avatar
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Can a contract create a transaction that may trigger a change of state on ethereum network?

I am looking at the slides of this link. As I see there the author differentiates between a message and a transaction. As can be depicted in this slide Furthermore, looking at the four cases of ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How to make sure child contract address appears in transaction details when created by a factory contract?

When you look up a transaction hash on a site like etherscan their are fields like to, from and create. What can I do so that the field create has the address of the child contract deployed instead of ...
YulePale's user avatar
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automatic transaction upon expiration of time [closed]

my goal is for the contract to accumulate the balance and, for example, after two days automatically send it to the wallet set there. I will be grateful for your help.
BRAGA's user avatar
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Is there a smart contract that rewards someone who has held a token for a certain amount of time with additional tokens?

Basically if someone holds a token for a given time "x" amount then they are rewarded extra tokens? Is there a smart contract that can do this or is it even possible? Thank you.
jony's user avatar
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Data Stream Processing on Ethereum

I developed a system that receives continual streams of requests via a REST API. For each bit of data contained in the body of the request, the sender receives an according bit of data in the response....
wehnsdaefflae's user avatar
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What are these contracts buying and selling tokens for profit within seconds?

I have invested in many tokens but one thing I've noticed is that there is usually an address that buys some tokens and sells almost immediately for some profit or sometimes for a very minor loss. ...
CodebyOscar's user avatar
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Recreate transaction log in solidity code

I have this log and i want to code a solidity contract/function that would do the same. What i understand reading this transaction is that WBNB contract (0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c) is ...
Rémi Baldy's user avatar
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What is the Intent of smart contract and decentralization

I have just started on blockchain and found that there are two key benefits with Ethereum: smart contract and decentralization. I tried to understand the benefits they provide and why they could have ...
user3488903's user avatar
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ERC20 token lost in the ether

Realise this is a long shot but giving it a go anyway: I had a situation quite recently where my wallet security was compromised and I suddenly had to move all of my crypto out of it quite quickly. In ...
StockyP's user avatar
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How Ethereum take fees in broadcast?

Can I broadcast someone else signed transaction and use fee from my address? if yes then how? Let me elaborate my Question Suppose person A want to transfer some ERC tokens to person B. But person A ...
kishan's user avatar
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