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Questions tagged [sendtransaction]

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Ethereum Geth Node for writing transactions

We are running a full Ethereum Geth node, but the resources and support effort is too great. All we need to do is create ETH addresses and send transaction, not read or scan the blockchain. Can anyone ...
Peter Cooney's user avatar
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Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [execution reverted] in BNB

I have a problem with creating listing on marketplace in BNB chain. I am using ThirdWeb sdk. When I create listing, the transaction fails. Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [...
Julian Zhang's user avatar
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Web3j transaction hash is always null with txManager

code block: TransactionManager txManager = new RawTransactionManager(web3j(), credentials()); String txHash = ""; TransactionReceipt txReceipt; try { txHash = ...
Fabx's user avatar
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Gas estimation error when interacting with smart contract

I wrote a simple smart contract for bulk sending eth to multiple addresses on Remix pragma solidity ^0.4.21; contract PayMultiple { function pay(address[] payees, uint values) public payable{ ...
duyanhhz's user avatar
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Can we send tokens to BSC pair address and receive tokens in return?

We're almost at war with ChatGPT :) For example, when we send 1 busd to a pair address, such as BUSD/WBNB, won't the pair address directly give us WBNB in return? Chatgpt says it gives one, it doesn't ...
Jack Suelman's user avatar
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Java Web3j - How to solve the error `invalid sender`?

I am web3j beginner. Now I am trying to send transaction and faced this error: invalid sender. It's related credentials, I think. ECKeyPair keyPair = walletService.keysFromWallet(password, ...
Pavlo Posternak's user avatar
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Why there is no private key in sending transaction code in Web3.php?

I want to use Web3.php so that I send contract transaction to Ethereum blockchain. I use the following code: $web3 = new Web3('... node address ...'); $contract = new Contract($web3->provider, $...
Alireza Zojaji's user avatar
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Error signing transactions with Alchemy using safeSdk.executeTransaction(safeTransaction) from @safe-global/protocol-kit (gnosis-safe)

SOLVED - SOLUTION TO BE POSTED BY ME TOMORROW! Hello builders! One Line summary: safeSdk.executeTransaction(safeTransaction) from @safe-global/protocol-kit does not work for signing transactions, I ...
brayve pancake's user avatar
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error : "Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal" await web3.Eth.TransactionManager.SendTransactionAsync(transactionInput); In c#

Every thing is working fine till I execute var transactionHash = await web3.Eth.TransactionManager.SendTransactionAsync(transactionInput) await web3.Eth.TransactionManager.SendTransactionAsync(...
Mudasir Mudasir's user avatar
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Signing a valid ERC20 transfer transaction

I'm building a backend that has an endpoint to set up a send transaction. This send can be a native, ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155. The idea is to configure the transaction correctly according to its type,...
Vitor M. Almeida's user avatar
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'err: insufficient funds for gas * price + value:

I am using sepolia testnet, to make a signed transaction between two accounts locally, below is the code :--- let { Transaction: Tx }= require('ethereumjs-tx'); let {Web3} = require('web3'); const ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Transaction executed but 0 ETH sent

When I try to send EHT using the below code, the transaction executes, but 0 EHT is sent: const getEthereumContract = () => { // const provider = new ethers.provider.Web3Provider(ethereum); ...
Valentyn Kasyan's user avatar
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How to broadcast a signed transaction and cover gas?

I'm providing a custodial wallet API solution and everything is handled through APIs. The flow looks like this: 1. Client request (tx payload) => MyServerAPI.sendTransaction(tx payload) 2. Where ...
icebox's user avatar
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How can I see the history of an ERC1155 token on-chain?

Let's say I have 10 tokens of a specific token id within an ERC1155 smart contract. If I send 1 of those tokens to another address and then this address send it elsewhere, is there a way I can see the ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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How to find out when pending transactions go through? Ideally I'd be alerted

How do I know when transactions are either successfully mined or still sitting in the mempool? I don't want to just overbid on gas to get my transaction to get mined faster / more instantly from the ...
0xshells's user avatar
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How do I prevent people from seeing my transactions and the information about these transactions?

I don't want to expose my pending transactions to the public mempool b/c I want to prevent arbitrage and tactics like frontrunning.
0xshells's user avatar
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ERC721 Open Zeppelin (BUY NFT) : function buy(_tokenID) gives error: "Fail with error 'ERC721: approve to caller'" in Polygon

I hope you are doing well? I am new to the world of web3 and to this forum and I hope to find some help in solving my problem. I create an ERC721 contract that would initially allow me to be able to ...
H F's user avatar
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The economics of batching transactions on main net

I want to know if it is feasible to achieve even a marginal saving on gas fees if you were to write a smart contract to send N transactions in batch as opposed to making N separate transactions. Given ...
Richard Jarram's user avatar
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web3py sendTransaction without private key

I am trying to make a transaction, but failing. I have ganache-cli with 1000 ETHs in each wallet. I am running some python scripts to make transaction. Using this link, I am not able to do so. This ...
Yash Madhwal's user avatar
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How to send USDT from Metamask in Binance smart chain in Dart?

There is an online shopping app written in Flutter, right now, this app can connects to the Metamask wallet using walletConnect_dart package. It gets user's account address. The goal is to pay with ...
Davoud's user avatar
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Send eth by deploying a Contract ( Ethers.js )

Is there a way to send eth to another wallet at the same time with deploying smart contract? let factory = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, signer); const contract = await factory....
MAD's user avatar
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I Have A Ethereum ERC 1155 NFT in my Trust W. I want to send it to my MetaMask Wallet. Do I send this NfT to my MetaMask the same way as if I was sending a regular NFT?. Like normally sending a BNB ...
StuckDrop's user avatar
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How can I automatically transfer an amount of Ether when I transfer my NFTs erc1155 to another account? That's my code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.4; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; import &...
Federico Freddi's user avatar
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Sending TX in Ethereum won't return a response

I'm trying to send ETH in goerli by this code let provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider(process.env.ETHEREUM_NETWORK); let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(prK, provider); wallet.sendTransaction({ to: ...
Camila326's user avatar
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How to send BNB to multiple address without using for loop

I need to send BNB or BSC tokens to multiple addresses. I saw some answers but they are used for loop. I can't use a loop because it takes a lot of time and the server is not responding. Is there any ...
sri vijay's user avatar
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How can we send contract transaction with Web3dart package?

I'm using web3dart package to send tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. but every time returns error : [log] RPCError: got code -32000 with msg "filter not found". [log] #0 ...
user113939's user avatar
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Multicall transaction execution using uniswap router failing

I'am trying to swap multiple tokens in single transaction (multicall). The transaction is going into pending state and failing after some time. The code snippet and the transaction hash is attached ...
Bejo Jeffrin's user avatar
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how to sign with raw transaction data - EthersJs, Infura

As the below picture display. If I know the raw transaction data, then how can I sign this transaction with the ethers.js? Thanks. Supplement The raw transaction data is display on the metamask. I ...
SylorHuang's user avatar
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Transaction gas problem

I wanna send transaction and before that i wanna calculate the gas fee and input value as much as : finalAmount = value - gasFee For doing this i get gas price from provider this way: const gasP = ...
Alireza's user avatar
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Connect different wallets and make a transaction on each at the same time

I want to connect my different eth wallets to a contract and I want to claim the token from that contract from different wallets at the same time. do anyone knows how can I do this one? Please help me ...
Dasappan's user avatar
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Problem publishing ethereum transaction after signing

I am trying to publish ethereum raw transaction after signing, with proper gas fees, and chainID. Unexpectedly, some signatures are published but some others fail to publish with error Invalid Sender. ...
MJay's user avatar
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How can i make a contract receive payment from a particular address and hence forth that same wallet address can't make payment to the contract

i know the question may sound silly but I'm relatively new. I'm trying to make a contract to receive payment from a particular wallet address just once and henceforth that address that made the ...
Patrick Ehimen's user avatar
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How to mint NFT using ethers.js?

I'm a beginner in blockchain dev... I'm using the famous Hashlips ERC721 smart contract (available here: ). The ...
Henri's user avatar
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What is the transaction life cycle?

When I want to send 1ETH from an address A to address B, utilizing for example Metamask, what's going on behind the scenes? At the time that I click on submit/send the 1 ETH, does Metamask try to ...
Nikolas's user avatar
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Send ETH using ethersjs without private key

Most tutorials I googled need wallet's private key to send ETH, such as this. How can we send ETH without knowing the private key using ethersjs? So, that user can just call their MetaMask and send.
ratib90486's user avatar
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Use WETH for NFT MArketplace

I am working on WETH pragma solidity ^0.8.5; import "./Token.sol"; contract WETH { function transferFrom(address recipient, uint256 amount) external { Token token = Token(...
Rohit Mittal's user avatar
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Getting issue while installing @ethereum-alarm-clock/cli

Ran Command : npm i -g @ethereum-alarm-clock/cli Issue received below : I am able to install other packages though, Is there something i need to do? while npm i -g @ethereum-alarm-clock/lib , I got
Rohit Mittal's user avatar
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Solhint: Why should I avoid multiple calls of "send" in a single transaction?

function withdrawAll() public payable onlyOwner { uint256 _each = address(this).balance / 4; require(payable(t1).send(_each), "Account is being paid out"); require(payable(t2)....
Gray Blanchard's user avatar
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Error when including extra data in web3.eth.sendTransaction()

According to the docs for web3.eth.sendTransaction and the docs for eth_sendTransaction: The transaction object can contain an optional data parameter which should be a String that consists of: either ...
Sprout Coder's user avatar
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Send ETH to Contract Fails in Tests

I'm trying to send ETH to a contract in tests using hardhat await owner.sendTransaction({to: greeter.address, value: "1000000"}), but it reverts with "function selector was not ...
Kof's user avatar
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can i send my testnet ethers to external testnet account?

I am rich now. I installed geth on ubuntu, created a testnet chain, made an ethereum account, mined 100 ethers, and tried sending 20 ethers to another testnet ethereum account. It seems I am learning ...
carrotcoach's user avatar
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How to send ether from a smart contract address to another address?

I have a contract that I can deposit ethers by using a fallback function. The question is, I want to send the ethers INSIDE THIS smart contract to another random address. I am not asking to send ...
Abdulhakim's user avatar
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How to specify priority fee and max fee per gas in Geth' JSON-RPC API?

A legacy transaction can be created with the following parameters through the eth_sendTransaction API: params: [{ "from": "0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155", "to&...
q9f's user avatar
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I am trying to create a store_transaction and change the Blockchain by passing a value

I am trying to create a store_transaction that is later on signed and sent and trying to receive a transaction receipt. I am getting error while creating a store transaction while trying to build it. ...
Sameer's user avatar
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Creating a smart contract that only accepts a specific ERC20 token [duplicate]

Currently building a smart contract that will basically receive money from users and users can withdraw what they've put into. I want the money held by the smart contract to be only USDC (+ USDT maybe,...
Xeway's user avatar
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web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether") appears as 4722.36648287 ether in metamask notification

I'm new to ethereum and when using web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether") it doesn't work properly. const transactionParameters = { from: metamaskaddr, gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000', // ...
NCoin's user avatar
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What are the major differences when making a send transaction with ethers.js, hardhat, geth, and eth-cli?

There seems to be so many tools to make a send transaction. What are the differences from using ethers.js, hardhat, geth, and eth-cli? I'm just trying to process a bunch of private keys for my service ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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I am getting the following error : RPC Error: Invalid parameters: must provide an Ethereum address

I am getting the following error: RPC Error: Invalid parameters: must provide an Ethereum address. It is a simple code to send transactions using a metamask chrome extension. <script> let ...
Syscontech Support's user avatar
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Can a contract check an existing transaction for validation?

I am new to smart contract development so any help or guidance is appreciated. I am thinking of creating a contract that checks if a certain transaction has already been done for validation. Is that ...
Firdaus Indradhirmaya's user avatar
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How to add transaction deadline?

I am using web3 to make transactions but I am stuck on how can I add transaction deadlines in web3.eth.sendTransaction function. I am using 0x API for getting the swap quote. My code :- await web3.eth....
Mohit's user avatar
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