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ERC721 Open Zeppelin (BUY NFT) : function buy(_tokenID) gives error: "Fail with error 'ERC721: approve to caller'" in Polygon

I hope you are doing well? I am new to the world of web3 and to this forum and I hope to find some help in solving my problem. I create an ERC721 contract that would initially allow me to be able to ...
H F's user avatar
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How to send USDT from Metamask in Binance smart chain in Dart?

There is an online shopping app written in Flutter, right now, this app can connects to the Metamask wallet using walletConnect_dart package. It gets user's account address. The goal is to pay with ...
Davoud's user avatar
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What is the transaction life cycle?

When I want to send 1ETH from an address A to address B, utilizing for example Metamask, what's going on behind the scenes? At the time that I click on submit/send the 1 ETH, does Metamask try to ...
Nikolas's user avatar
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Use WETH for NFT MArketplace

I am working on WETH pragma solidity ^0.8.5; import "./Token.sol"; contract WETH { function transferFrom(address recipient, uint256 amount) external { Token token = Token(...
Rohit Mittal's user avatar
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Error when including extra data in web3.eth.sendTransaction()

According to the docs for web3.eth.sendTransaction and the docs for eth_sendTransaction: The transaction object can contain an optional data parameter which should be a String that consists of: either ...
Sprout Coder's user avatar
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web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether") appears as 4722.36648287 ether in metamask notification

I'm new to ethereum and when using web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether") it doesn't work properly. const transactionParameters = { from: metamaskaddr, gasPrice: '0x09184e72a000', // ...
NCoin's user avatar
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I am getting the following error : RPC Error: Invalid parameters: must provide an Ethereum address

I am getting the following error: RPC Error: Invalid parameters: must provide an Ethereum address. It is a simple code to send transactions using a metamask chrome extension. <script> let ...
Syscontech Support's user avatar
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Sending AVAX on Fuji testnet using MetaMask: "RPC Error: Invalid parameters: must provide an Ethereum address"

I am able to manually send some AVAX from one to another wallet on the Fuji testnet using MetaMask. Now I am trying to program it as an on-click button on my dapp as follows: const ...
mooshot's user avatar
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Is there a way to control METAMASK via some type of api feature? I want to use it as my backend to send / receive eth and tokens

Is there a way to replace geth with just using metamask via some type of api via the command line? I want to interface with metamask to send and eth and erc20 tokens. Right now geth works, but it has ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Provider does not have a request or send method to use

I am doing the Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide and I am unable to resolve this error. The code is expected to do a transaction via await factory.methods .createCampaign(this....
Anupam's user avatar
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Loader when confirm clicked in metamask

I want to add a loader to UI when there is a click on confirm transaction popup on metamask. When user clicks on confirm I want to show the loader until the transaction is confirmed. Is there a way to ...
yash vadhvani's user avatar