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Can ERC721-C enforce fees in any NFT Marketplace?

I have been reading about ERC721-C standard, to allow enforceable fees, in this link from OpenSea The document states the following: This interface is implemented by ERC721SeaDrop, ERC1155SeaDrop, ...
Alexander Herranz's user avatar
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Opensea not showing contract metadata

I have deployed my solidity contract to Arbitrum Sepolia network. The contract should manage ERC721 NFTs. Now I have trouble with opensea.testnets showing the metadata for Contract itself(bunner, item ...
Yuriy K's user avatar
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Why my SBT (SoulboundToken-ERC721) code isn't displaying images on OpenSea?

Here's the code: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol&...
Bayu Mukti W's user avatar
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How can I avoid my ERC-721 token to be added to hidden/suspicious NFTs by Metamask?

I have deployed an ERC-721 collection and mint a new NFT token with proper metadata URL. The NFT displays perfectly on OpenSea, so ERC-721 code and the JSON Metadata should be fine: https://opensea....
Alexander Herranz's user avatar
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How can I get the "official" WETH which is different from wrapping from Uniswap on Sepolia testnet?

I am trying to make a bid on some NFT assets. I have Sepolia ETH from faucets. I also wrapped the Sepolia ETH into WETH using Uniswap. However, Opensea doesn't seem to recognize that WETH. This is the ...
KubiK888's user avatar
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If two persons split the minting process payment 80-20% on opensea , what are the rights and risks of each one on NFT?

I am new to NFT minting. I created a collection and am about to create a NFT . Someone has a buying customer on opensea for my Artwork to be minted. He suggests to pay 20% of the minting fees while I ...
Frank's user avatar
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How to query tx by calldata suffix?

I'm building application with frog within frog, we can add datasuffix on tx calldata like below in my case, it's fc000023c0 and I want to query all tx made from my application. anyone know good way to ...
Steve's user avatar
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How NFT marketplaces detect NFTs metadata updated?

I have learned ERC-4906 to notify updating metadata. I found out the way to detect some NFTs metadata updated, but I don't know how marketplace detect tremendous NFTs metadata updated. Please let me ...
ttt's user avatar
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Opeansea does not preview gltf animations of gltf files stored in ipfs

In theory opeansea supports gltf and gtb files using the animation_url in json file. However they don't render the animation and just display the text of the the gltf file and does not render it (see ...
Iván's user avatar
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Can I complete a transaction some unspecified time after signature?

I want to: User signs and gives needed permissions X time passes, an if statement in a code loop triggers A specified NFT is listed for sale using open-sea API Since this code will run through the ...
Shrey Birmiwal's user avatar
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I sent ETH to an Opensea Ownable Delegate Proxy Contract, Is there anyway to retrieve it?

I accidentally sent ETH funds to the Ownable Delegate Proxy contract owned by my address. However, i am not a developer and have no know-how as to how i could obtain these funds back or if that is ...
ether_explorer11111's user avatar
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Opensea Metadata Line Break

I'd like to add a line break to my NFT's description, but export const metadata = ["NFT Name", "Hi! \nThis is my NFT"]; \n would straight up not show break and not show metadata. ...
antuK3n's user avatar
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Testing a node.js script on mainnet

I have a Node.js script that sells 105 NFTs to the highest bid offers. I have tested the script on testnet but to be 100% sure, I also want to test the script on 105 NFTs on the mainnet. But I do not ...
Salman's user avatar
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ETH stuck in Polygon (Matic): Bridge smart contract

I was trying to make an NFT purchase on OpenSea and somehow I managed to send ETH to a "Polygon (Matic): Bridge" smart contract but didn't get the NFT I was expecting in exchange. Now I don'...
johnwolf1987's user avatar
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Why OpenSea marketplace API return 'null' for signature?

I'm trying to fulfill an existing listing on OpenSea marketplace programmatically using seaport-js (SDK of seaport protocol). I used OpenSea's get_order to fetch an order but the signature is null. ...
Shuying's user avatar
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How can I transfer an NFT that is stored on openSea programmatically?

I want to understand, how can I automate sending NFTs from any thirdparty hosts for example, opensea or thirdweb directly to the user who clicks on the claim NFT button on my website? I do not want to ...
Coding_templar's user avatar
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NFT Not Show In Opensea Collection Profile

I am trying to buld ERC721 to my NFT. But the NFT not show in NFT opensea profile Collection. I am using openzeppelin library and the basic project is using Hashlib labs. The skenario is when i mint ...
angga danar's user avatar
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How does opensea create token Id for the opensea collection contract

I understand that the tokenId of the opensea collection contract is not randomly and it is encoding of different data . Can someone help me to find which all data opensea uses to create that tokenid
infamousdegen's user avatar
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How to construct an OpenSea order hash in Java?

my code to construct an default order hash as follow: public class BuildTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { StructuredDataEncoder dataEncoder = new ...
221 1's user avatar
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Is it possible to create an OpenSea collection using their API?

I want to create a collection in OpenSea but using a php backend instead of using their platform. Is it possible to do this? I have been looking at their API documentation and I haven't been able to ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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How to get hash and signature of payload parameters using java

I want to use openSea's api, but I don't know how to get the hash and signature of this json object using java. { "parameters": { "...
yuta O's user avatar
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How to mint random NFT token using ERC721SeaDrop?

I need your help with a problem. I am using ERC721SeaDrop smart contract provided by opensea. But it mints the token with a token id like 1,2,3 etc. I want it to generate random token ID for NFTs. So ...
Vinay Kharayat's user avatar
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Is it possible to know if a NFT was sold in OpenSea?

Is it possible to detect, by looking at the transfer events, whether a NFT was sold from a Marketplace or not? Basically I want to know if, in these cases, the safeTransferFrom method notifies the ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Where does open sea and other website store NFT data?

Where are the pictures, traits and transactions stored that we see on NFT marketplaces and collection sites?
NFT_king's user avatar
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Question on tokenUri

suppose I have 10 images in a folder, I got the CID of that folder by uploading it on pinata, what is the fastest way to get tokenURI for each images?
Hacek 's user avatar
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What interface do I need for my contract to receive Bulk Transfer from OpenSea?

I have a smart contract that should be able to receive ERC721 tokens. I have implemented the onERC721Received and this works fine if I send one token at a time from OpenSea or from the ERC721 ...
trashrobber's user avatar
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why Seaport Opeansea testnets API return "null" for signature?

I am trying to retrieve offers detail using seaport API for a given asset contract for a given token ID but it returns null for the signature field. My understanding is that this signature is the ...
Surbhi Audichya's user avatar
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How can I accept a buy offer for a specific NFT from a given collection on OpenSea using a Solidity smart contract?

How can I accept a buy offer for a specific NFT from a given collection on OpenSea using a Solidity smart contract? I have an NFT collection X listed on OpenSea and there are several buy offers. I ...
Surbhi Audichya's user avatar
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Null token URI for ERC721 metadata on OpenSea TestNets

I am relatively new to deploying ERC721 tokens for NFT collections and I have a quick question about why my token metadata isn't properly refreshing and showing the images, description, name and ...
OhItsPM's user avatar
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Whitelist and identity tracking of NFT holders

I am working on ERC1155 NFT collection and because of the regulation related to the project I am part of, we are required to allow only certain users to hold the NFT. For that reason, I want to ...
Ron Megini's user avatar
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restrict the NFTs of my contract (ERC721) to be traded on marketplaces?

Are there tricks in solidity to prevent the NFTs minted by an ERC721 contract to be (a) not recognizable and (b) not being transferable by marketplaces like OpenSea, SuperRare. I see those possible ...
Majd TL's user avatar
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Fetch NFT listings from popular marketplaces

maybe this is not the right place to ask about this, but I don't know where to ask this question. So, for suggestions on where to ask, I would also be grateful. I have been looking for a way to fetch ...
Cosine's user avatar
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My NFT image doesn't appear on etherscan

I've created a simple ERC721 contract and minted some NFTs, as I mint the images are visible on opensea but not on etherscan. here is my contract,
Nishant Pacharne's user avatar
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How to programatically sell items in OpenSea (Polygon network)?

I'm researching about how can I allow my users mint NFTs on Polygon network from my website (done), and to list those items in Opensea (in Polygon Network). Opensea SDK I was researching the Opensea ...
Alexander Herranz's user avatar
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How do platforms like OpenSea sync ERC721 token info in an efficient manner?

I assume OpenSea syncs all ERC721 token info to a private database. Current NFT ownership APIs don't provide the kind of filtering mechanisms that are available on OpenSea. I'm wondering how exactly ...
leotron's user avatar
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Seaport order fulfillment is not verifying signature

@seaport devs I need your help. I have been stuck in an issue. I have been using Opensea Seaport contracts for my NFT marketplace order settlement. All stuff is done except signature verification. I ...
Umeraqeel's user avatar
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Is it possible to track marketplace sales for an ERC721?

I know I can track events for smart contracts, such as Transfer and Approval for ERC20 and ERC721 or even ApprovalForAll for ERC721. I also know that I can track my own defined events for any smart ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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I Can't Find my Collection on OpenSea Testnet

I recently deployed a smart contract to the testnet. You are able to buy NFTs using fake eth. I'm following this tutorial but when I deploy my contract to the testnet (new Alchemy App, New API key, ...
That_Coder's user avatar
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What is an NFT collection?

Is there a specific EIP that allows for collections of NFTs to be created or are NFT collections completely off-chain? If there is a way to create an NFT collection (group of NFTs) on chain, how? Also,...
Henry Gagnier's user avatar
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what this error and how to solve it with metamask wallet?

this error appears when the buyers buy nft item on opensea Internal JSON-RPC error. ( "code": -32016, "message": "The execution failed due to an exception.", "data&...
asd youa's user avatar
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Listing large amount of NFTs up for English sale on Openseea

Since the release of latest Opensea API, support for English auctions has been removed (Source). I am therefore looking for an alternative, which would allow creating listings for large amount of NFTs....
Nal Luksic's user avatar
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What should the input parameter structure look like in validate(touple) function of Seaport contract?

I'm trying to call the validate() method of Seaport but can't find the correct form of inputs, as it always returns the error types/value length mismatch when calling on Etherscan. I'm calling the ...
Nal Luksic's user avatar
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How do i prevent users from selling NFTs they earned from my platform to any external marketplaces like openSea

I am building my platform where users will do several tasks to earn NFTs as a reward, I don't want them to sell these NFTs on any external marketplace. Is there a way through which I can restrict my ...
Talha Sajid Chaudhary's user avatar
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using image_data for opensea's metadata instead of image

I understand it is not recommended, but I was curious about including the code for an SVG in image_data which would replace image per opensea's metadata standards page. This: { "description&...
chriscrutt's user avatar
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How does the opensea bulk NFT transfer work?

I've tried looking at the smart contracts of the bulk transfer function but it confuses me? Like where is the transfer function? If someone could explain it to he that would be appreciated Here is the ...
Merc's user avatar
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Seaport smart contract signature

I created smart contract to buy NFT with Seaport and i use signature from seaport-js but I have an error like this: If I convert data to readable error I get this: 'InvalidSignature()'. Does anyone ...
Jérémy Combe's user avatar
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Price not showing in marketplace after minted from smart contract

We have created a fronted which require client to fill in name,description,price and attach an image. After mint, name, description and image able to display in Opensea created, but price not showing. ...
John Joe's user avatar
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How do Opensea competitors (like Blur) subscribe to new NFT for-sale listings?

I assume Opensea's API/SDK is blocked and not accessible by Opensea competitors, like Blur. Now, when a new listing is created on Opensea, there is no on-chain transaction, just a gasless signature by ...
Donn Lee's user avatar
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NFT Not Showing Up

Hello I finished every step of the video tutorial titled "How to develop an NFT Smart Contract (ERC721) with Alchemy - Beginner | Road to Web3" until the part where we go to OpenSea testnet ...
zach king's user avatar
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Why fee basis point is used?

Can someone explain to me why to calculate royalty I often see that marketplaces instead of common percentages use fee basis points? 1% = 100 bps I don't fully understand the advantage of this ...
AGJoYy's user avatar
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