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Opensea not showing contract metadata

I have deployed my solidity contract to Arbitrum Sepolia network. The contract should manage ERC721 NFTs. Now I have trouble with opensea.testnets showing the metadata for Contract itself(bunner, item ...
Yuriy K's user avatar
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Why my SBT (SoulboundToken-ERC721) code isn't displaying images on OpenSea?

Here's the code: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol&...
Bayu Mukti W's user avatar
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How to mint random NFT token using ERC721SeaDrop?

I need your help with a problem. I am using ERC721SeaDrop smart contract provided by opensea. But it mints the token with a token id like 1,2,3 etc. I want it to generate random token ID for NFTs. So ...
Vinay Kharayat's user avatar
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Question on tokenUri

suppose I have 10 images in a folder, I got the CID of that folder by uploading it on pinata, what is the fastest way to get tokenURI for each images?
Hacek 's user avatar
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What interface do I need for my contract to receive Bulk Transfer from OpenSea?

I have a smart contract that should be able to receive ERC721 tokens. I have implemented the onERC721Received and this works fine if I send one token at a time from OpenSea or from the ERC721 ...
trashrobber's user avatar
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Seaport order fulfillment is not verifying signature

@seaport devs I need your help. I have been stuck in an issue. I have been using Opensea Seaport contracts for my NFT marketplace order settlement. All stuff is done except signature verification. I ...
Umeraqeel's user avatar
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What is an NFT collection?

Is there a specific EIP that allows for collections of NFTs to be created or are NFT collections completely off-chain? If there is a way to create an NFT collection (group of NFTs) on chain, how? Also,...
Henry Gagnier's user avatar
4 votes
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How do i prevent users from selling NFTs they earned from my platform to any external marketplaces like openSea

I am building my platform where users will do several tasks to earn NFTs as a reward, I don't want them to sell these NFTs on any external marketplace. Is there a way through which I can restrict my ...
Talha Sajid Chaudhary's user avatar
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How does the opensea bulk NFT transfer work?

I've tried looking at the smart contracts of the bulk transfer function but it confuses me? Like where is the transfer function? If someone could explain it to he that would be appreciated Here is the ...
Merc's user avatar
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Seaport smart contract signature

I created smart contract to buy NFT with Seaport and i use signature from seaport-js but I have an error like this: If I convert data to readable error I get this: 'InvalidSignature()'. Does anyone ...
Jérémy Combe's user avatar
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NFT Not Showing Up

Hello I finished every step of the video tutorial titled "How to develop an NFT Smart Contract (ERC721) with Alchemy - Beginner | Road to Web3" until the part where we go to OpenSea testnet ...
zach king's user avatar
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Why fee basis point is used?

Can someone explain to me why to calculate royalty I often see that marketplaces instead of common percentages use fee basis points? 1% = 100 bps I don't fully understand the advantage of this ...
AGJoYy's user avatar
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How to trade NFTs on Opensea market with smart contract solidity

I want to create a smart contract solidity who buy NFT on Opensea. I can't find explain documentation or exemple, except in javascript with OpenSea SDK. I wrote a code who buy nft with OpenSeaSdk: ...
Jérémy Combe's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting stuck on salt parameter to buy NFT through Opensea contract

I am trying to buy an NFT through the Seaport contract but getting stuck on the SALT parameter.The Seaport contract specifies the following list of parameters as inputs. struct BasicOrderParameters { ...
hypervvenom's user avatar
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Implement Opensea Operator Filter Registry

In order to enforce creators fees over NFT contracts Opensea request that you implement the Operator Filter Registry. According to the documentation you should override the following methods: ...
forhas's user avatar
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Change flow of transaction on opensea

I have created an asset that is linked to a physical asset. My transaction flow should be as the following: Customer buys NFT via opensea Customer's ETH and NFT is transferred to an escrow contract ...
Carol.Kar's user avatar
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NFT metadata not show on Opensea or Rarilble (Goerli)

I am deploying a NFT collection on goerli, before going to main net and the metadata is not showing. ON etherscan ...
Joby Ingram-Dodd's user avatar
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How does opensea exactly picks up the base URIs and what happens if I update it?

I was trying to create an ERC721 contract with an upgradeable URI method (to help the inclusion of extra NFTs in the future). I created the contract and minted an NFT. After that, I updated the ...
Shubham Sharma's user avatar
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Random string in end of my NFT collection

I am new to NFT development. I have deployed a NFT contract to mumbai testnet and minted an NFT but I don't know what is this random string in the end of my Collection name Does anyone know what is ...
Rishabh Raghwendra's user avatar
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Metamask signature request on opensea

Can you please explain why we need to sign the message when connecting the wallet on opensea? Why is it so necessary and what? I tried to sign and reject it, but I didn't see any difference on UI. ...
AGJoYy's user avatar
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How do opensea royalties work?

Can you please explain or share some useful links about how opensea manages to validate royalties amount and addresses? I was exploring seaport contract for a while and didn't get answers. The ...
AGJoYy's user avatar
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What’s the role of the ERC721 in NFT?

I understand the interface of the ERC721 contract but I would like to know: Does one ERC721 contract is like whole exchang? OpenSea for example is only one ERC721 contract? What makes NFT unique? If ...
matank001's user avatar
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Why does Opensea split my NFT collection into two collections?

Opensea splits my smartcontract (deploy on rinkeby) into two collections:
Wout van der Hoef's user avatar
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Metadata not showing up in opensea testnet

I have encountered a very annoying problem for me. OpenSea and LooksRare (testnets) don't want to display my nft metadata. I'll attach pictures below. Contract constructor: Deploy script: Metadata: ...
MetaverseM4ster's user avatar
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How to show all ERC721 tokens in my page, like opensea or rarible?

i have a question and i think someone can help me. I'm developing an NFT Marketplace, and i already have the Smart contract, but i don't know how Marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible have ALL the nfts ...
john gomez's user avatar
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Fakes on OpenSea

Recently, our team faced a small problem. We made an announcement of the collection and showed several nfts. Soon, fakes of our collection and our profile appeared on OpenSea. How to resist this ? ...
MetaverseM4ster's user avatar
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How can I get the price of NFT on Opensea using chainlink?

I have tried to use the chainlink and contract address of NFT to fetch the price but I am not sure where I am wrong pragma solidity ^0.8.7; import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/...
Samresh Kumar Jha's user avatar
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Set a minimum price an NFT can be listed on exchanges for

Is it possible to have a minimum price for a ERC721 contract that would prevent the token being traded on exchanges if listed below that set price. (Not the mint price of the token itself) Say an item ...
ablekane's user avatar
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In Solidity, what are the differences in purpose between overriding isApprovedForAll() and enabling meta-transactions?

When setting up an OpenSea-compatible contract in Solidity for the Polygon network, what are the differences in purpose between overriding isApprovedForAll() and enabling meta-transactions? From ...
Sam2018's user avatar
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What is the correct way to implement meta-transactions for OpenSea using Polygon?

OpenSea documentation provides differing information on how to implement meta-transactions: The code snippet OpenSea has under "Meta-transactions" shows the contract inheriting ERC721, ...
Sam2018's user avatar
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ERC721 Royalties - how to determine what token sale the royalty payment came from

Whenever a royalty amount is paid out for the sale of an NFT is it possible to determine which token was sold to cause the royalty payment? I have a smart contract as the recipient address of ...
luxo's user avatar
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Opensea source code

for (i = 0; i < words; i++) { /* Conceptually: array[i] = (!mask[i] && array[i]) || (mask[i] && desired[i]), bitwise in word chunks. */ assembly { let commonIndex := ...
ALEX's user avatar
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Opensea testnet not showing metadata [closed]

Whenever I try to mint something on testnet(rinkeby) Opensea does not show my metadata. I use their API and I get validated
Efesus's user avatar
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How opensea auction smart contract work without storing the ether

Trying to understand how opensea "Make the bid" work. Whenever any interested buyer wants to buy an NFT, they have to create an offer,in which they basically sign a message(commitment)(which ...
Dummy Mail's user avatar
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OpenSea - get sale price within safeTransferFrom function of NFT contract

Imagine that NFT get's sold on OpenSea. Opensea contract within single transaction calls transfer of funds from buyer to seller and calls safeTransferFrom function in contract of NFT-collection (used ...
PokatilovArt's user avatar
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NFT metatdata not showing on opensea?

I am developing a NFT contract on ETH using open Zeppelin, and reached the stage where, I am deploy on rinkeby. However there appears to an issue with the tokenURI and contractURI as the image and ...
Joby Ingram-Dodd's user avatar
2 votes
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How are Meta Transactions executed with OpenSea Implementation?

I am developing a simple ERC721 contract for Polygon with this implementation of NativeMetaTransaction (used in OpenSea code examples)
Flavio Brassesco's user avatar
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NFT Picture and metadata detail not display testnet opensea (polygon mumbai)

The minted NFT item and detail not displayed on test net Opensea while rinkeby network working properly . pls kindly advise where gone wrong ...
brook18's user avatar
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How to enable third party to create sell order on behalf of token owner?

I am working on a slightly modified minter process in which the caller provides the process with token metadata (name, description, and the digital asset), and the process handles the entire minting ...
user10931326's user avatar
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supportsInterface breaking viewability on OpenSea

I have two identical ERC721 contracts that allow for minting nfts with one exception. One of the contracts has the following bit of code: function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view ...
user2623706's user avatar
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Erc1155 is meant to substitute Erc721 standard in the future?

I'm asking this question because when deploying a contract for example for collectibles, the most used standard is erc721 but erc1155 offers new feautures. One basic feature to understand the ...
Moisés Briseño Estrello's user avatar
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Using OpenZepplin Payment Splitter with ERC-2981 for royalties

I am trying to implement ERC2981 for royalties but want to use OpenZepplins Payment Splitter to split the royalty amount to two different addresses with two different amounts. I can't find any ...
Cleoke's user avatar
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Opensea - To first time sell I need to sign messeage & Sign a message using your wallet to continue but it shows error afterwards [Picture shown]

This is my first time selling and it says that I need to "sign message" shown here. I did that but I got the error is shown below instead of approval: Any advice on how I can fix this issue ...
Feynman's user avatar
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Difference between Contract-level metadata and tokenURI in OpenSea?

What is the Difference between Contract-level metadata and tokenURI in OpenSea? Is the Contract-level metadata mandatory in OpenSea integration?
Crypto Kuinka's user avatar
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I get "There was a problem processing your request" when buying or accepting an offer on OpenSea

I made my own collection of NFTs on OpenSea and I'm trying to buy or accept offers. The network I'm using it Polygon (Mumbai). The problem is, that there's no way, or at least I couldn't find a way, ...
BonisTech's user avatar
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Unable to create sell order with OpenSea SDK, but no errors reported

I'm learning how to use the OpenSea SDK in Node.js (found here) by referring to its example OpenSea Creatures. The SDK links to a two-year old branch but I'm using the master branch. I'm trying to ...
user10931326's user avatar
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How NodeJS (Backend) listen permanently to events in Opensea?

I have created a smart contract using solidity with ERC-1155 token standard and published my NFTs on opensea. But how can my nodejs (backend, not frontend) listen to the NFT success transfer event ...
user5509129's user avatar
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How to access the price nft asset is being sold for in your NFT contract?

I have a unique case in which I want to implement an NFT contract that prevents users from selling/transferring NFT tokens below a specific ether price. Opensea uses wyvern protocol for NFT order ...
hassan ahmed's user avatar
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Is it possible to code logic for an ethereum wallet?

As a disclaimer, I am not a solidity developer, so this question might be a bit naive, but any help would be appreciated. I want to know if I can use a smart contract to code logic for an ethereum ...
Patrick Badger's user avatar
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Can't See NFT on OpenSea Testnet

I just deployed my contract on rinkeby and minted one nft, but I can't see the nft information on OpenSea testnet. Can somebody help me?
n3n3's user avatar
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