I'm using web3dart package to send tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. but every time returns error :
[log] RPCError: got code -32000 with msg "filter not found".
[log] #0 JsonRPC.call
<asynchronous suspension>
#1 _FilterEngine._refreshFilters
<asynchronous suspension>
My code:
static Future<String?> sendToken({
required String selectedAccountSecretKey,
required String rpcUrl,
required TokenModel token,
required String withdrawalAddress,
required double amountInWei,
required int chainId,
}) async {
try {
final client = Web3Client(rpcUrl, Client());
final gasPrice = await client.getGasPrice();
final credentials = EthPrivateKey.fromHex(selectedAccountSecretKey);
final sender = await credentials.extractAddress();
// read the contract abi and tell web3dart where
// it's deployed (contractAddr)
final abiCode = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/abi/erc20.abi.json');
final contractAddress = EthereumAddress.fromHex(token.contractAddress);
final contract = DeployedContract(
ContractAbi.fromJson(abiCode, 'ERC20'),
// extracting some functions and events that we'll need later
final transferEvent = contract.event('Transfer');
final balanceFunction = contract.function('balanceOf');
final sendFunction = contract.function('transfer');
// listen for the Transfer event when it's emitted by the contract above
final subscription = client
FilterOptions.events(contract: contract, event: transferEvent),
.listen((event) {
final decoded =
transferEvent.decodeResults(event.topics ?? [], event.data ?? '');
final from = decoded[0] as EthereumAddress;
final to = decoded[1] as EthereumAddress;
final value = decoded[2] as BigInt;
log.i('decoded response: $decoded');
log.i('$from sent $value ${token.name} to $to');
// check our balance in MetaCoins by calling the appropriate function
final balance = await client.call(
contract: contract,
function: balanceFunction,
params: <dynamic>[sender],
log.i('We have ${balance.first} ${token.name}');
final EthereumAddress receiver =
final txId = await client.sendTransaction(
//chainId: chainId,
contract: contract,
function: sendFunction,
//from: EthereumAddress.fromHex(token.contractAddress),
//gasPrice: gasPrice,
parameters: <dynamic>[receiver, BigInt.from(amountInWei)],
await subscription.asFuture<dynamic>();
await subscription.cancel();
await client.dispose();
return txId;
} catch (e, s) {
log.e('sendToken() error: $e , stack: $s');
return null;