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UniswapV2Router.sol addLiquidity() / UniswapV2Pair.sol mint() - Learning to read code

Can anyone explain to me what I fail to understand/misunderstand when reading the mint function of the UniswapV2Pair.sol contract after the addLiqudity function of the UniswapV2Router.sol initiates a ...
Leonardodawinci's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How concurrency works on Ethereum?

If 2 persons call the function deposit in my smart contract at the same time, sending 100 USDC each, and in my deposit function I use balanceOf(address(this)) to check the balance of my contract in ...
Ryan Holanda's user avatar
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i am compiling this lottery contract but the picWinner and getPlayers are not working

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.7.0; contract lottery{ address public manager; address payable[] public players; constructor(){ manager = msg.sender; } ...
Muhammad Usman ALi's user avatar
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How to fix? warning (2018) function state mutability can be restricted to view

function withdraw() external onlyOwner { if(block.timestamp < end || totalCollected < goal) { revert CollectNotFinished(); } }
ansoiri98's user avatar
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Tracking total sold not total supply?

I am setting up a pre sale contract, it enables users to purchase the tokens via a prelaunch which they are distributed from the owners (our contract owners) wallet when a user buys them. How are ...
Jim Mike's user avatar
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generate url in smart contract, based on block.chainid and address(this)

For the past few days I have been looking into creating a simple function to generate a url based on block.chainid (uint256) and address(this). The idea is as follows: function url() public view ...
Cloudronaut's user avatar
4 votes
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Calling private functions using Yul ( Solidity )

I'm currently learning Yul in Solidity and experimenting with the call() function to call other functions in inline assembly. I've noticed that as soon as a function is set to private, I receive a ...
Pintus20's user avatar
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Unexpected overflow result from a function when inputting max uint256

I am looking at the following function tickUpper that is supposed to retrieve the 24 bits of a 256 bit number beginning at bit 208. It's cast to an int24 because it interfaces with uniswap ticks. I ...
user127148's user avatar
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Why are these functions using %128?

I am looking at the following functions which (i) take a 7-bit number (up to 127) and add it to 256-bit number, starting 64 positions in from the right and (ii) read that 7-bit number given the 256-...
user127148's user avatar
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how to get a function's signature that have a structre as parametter

function createClone( uint256 dbId, launchpadLib.IDOInfo memory _idoInfo, launchpadLib.IDOInfoTwo memory _IDOInfoTwo ) external{} I have this funtion how can i make signature of this function with ...
VIKASH VASHISHAT's user avatar
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Attack vector in direct transfer function in EC721

How the attack vector would look like in case of direct transfer function in EC721 standard. It is described in the comment A marketplace is transferring an NFT from Bob to Mary (among many other &...
ramiz_karaeski's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is an Internal function type variable?

I was going through solidity documentation and found this paragraph inside "Function Types" section A function of ...
ImBatman's user avatar
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Possible way to hack Solidity into executing a function directly from a struct as a method? (v0.8.20)

pragma solidity 0.8.20; contract SolidityLimitTest { mapping (address => Hack) private Hackable; struct Hack { uint amount; function(uint) returns (uint) ten_x; } ...
Ashraile's user avatar
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What is the correlation between "Hash" (Method ID) & "Name"

I was checking Etherscan and come across a deployed contract (Create contract), but the method id was 0x60a06040. I then used and found out that the ...
anon's user avatar
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Do you have to explicitly state in the body of a function that it should return something?

I'm looking at the following function which is supposed to return (uint8 id, uint8 nextId). I see that in the body of the function, the return statement is within an "else" statement - see ...
auditor_chick's user avatar
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Creating a local variable in an if statement?

I'm looking at a function that creates a local variable in an if statement. If someone called that function and the condition to the if statement was not triggered, that local variable wouldn't exist, ...
auditor_chick's user avatar
2 votes
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Where in the code of this unstake function is ETH actually transferred?

I am looking at this repo, which is contracts for a decentralized pegged asset issuance system backed by liquid staking tokens like rETH. Specifically, I have a question about the functions unstake in ...
auditor_chick's user avatar
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Can you refer to a contract inside itself?

Sorry this is a very minor question but the following is part of a contract called LibOrders.sol. The function below calls LibOrders.cancelOrder....normally I think you would just put "...
auditor_chick's user avatar
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Two people calling this function at exactly the same time

I was looking at Rocket Pool's docs on interacting with other contracts and they included a simple example function that another protocol could use to accept deposits of ETH, forward it to RP, and get ...
auditor_chick's user avatar
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Can you return something only some of the time with a function in solidity?

I am looking at a function that says it returns two uints, but the return statement is inside an else statement, so obviously there are conditions under which nothing would be returned. Can you have ...
auditor_chick's user avatar
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How can I execute a call from a contract using another contract?

I own a contract (contract A), which in turn, when deployed, created a secondary contract (Contract B). I have funds trapped in contract B, contract B, has a function that allows its owner to withdraw ...
Leandro Loures's user avatar
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Revert inside a for loop

If there is a revert inside a for loop that is inside a function, and the revert is triggered, will the whole function revert?
auditor_chick's user avatar
2 votes
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Invoking a function with different amount of input than the function takes

function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub( uint256 a, uint256 b,...
Harsh Dhankhar's user avatar
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When calling a custom function on an ERC721 it keeps reverting when called from the frontEnd but works if called from remix

I am having an issue calling a function on one of my contracts. I have an ERC721 contract that has a function getTokenUnlockableContent. function getTokenUnlockableContent( uint256 tokenId ) ...
Tebbo's user avatar
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How Can I Filter Ethereum Transactions by Method ID or Name, Similar to Etherscan's Advanced Filter Feature

I am working on a project where I need to retrieve all transactions associated with a specific method within a given block or set of blocks. As an example, Etherscan provides this functionality ...
Daniel Kotlarov's user avatar
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how does swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens work and its inputs

I tried many things on inputs but unfortunately I am just receving a gas error (the one that says would likely fail if continued) How does the function input works exactly? uniswapV2Router....
Lupus7's user avatar
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How can I modify this function to return my wallet address?

How do I modify this function to return my wallet address using uint160? I want to remove all the for-loop logic. I've created this contract and sent ETH to it, but I am having trouble getting the ETH ...
user3705373's user avatar
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Function with both override and virtual keywords

What I understood from this is that if a function has virtual keyword, it can be overridden. And if a function has the keyword override means it is overriding another function. So, does the function ...
ratib90486's user avatar
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Hello. Is token mint allowed in this snippet? Or can it be mint again?

function mint(address user, uint256 value) external onlyOwner { require(user == OWNER, "NOT_OWNER"); balances[user] = balances[user].add(value); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(value); ...
Azimov Zaur's user avatar
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Calling Aave Lending Pool V2 "Borrow" function returns "reverted with reason string 59"

My smart contract is trying to use stETH as collateral to borrow 250 WETH on the Aave Lending Pool V2, but the borrow function reverts with code 59: BORROW_ALLOWANCE_NOT_ENOUGH = '59'; // User borrows ...
MasterShake20's user avatar
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Call contract's function

I'm new in solidity and blockchain itself. Typed myself contract for Voting in VSCode and tried to figure out how I can run code and research workflow and etc. During researching figured out that for ...
gaandalf's user avatar
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How to use another deployed smart contract functions?

What I want to do is deploy a smart contract with functions that other deployed smart contracts can call and get a response from. How do I implement this? Is there any useful guides you guys know I ...
Mohd Arafat Hossain's user avatar
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Chainlink Functions return an array or list of strings from Functions-request-source.js

Hope someone can help. I am stuck trying to work out how best to extract the different string values from the returned bytes data. Chainlink Function request source requires the return value to be a ...
Vince Reid's user avatar
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How do you use `delete` on a function?

"If a function type variable is not initialised, calling it results in a failed assertion. The same happens if you call a function after using delete on it." is a quote from the official ...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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does empty function has security risks?

I have to implement the following interface in my contract interface IMetadataRenderer { function tokenURI(uint256) external view returns (string memory); function contractURI() external view ...
sciNFTist.eth's user avatar
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ParserError in solidity

I wrote the following contract (for educational purposes): // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.8; contract Coin{ holders[] public investors; mapping(address=>...
FNH's user avatar
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How I do I calculate the price of a Token as the amount of the token bought increases

Let say I created a Min price = 0.00056 ether for 150 coins which is the Min amount and the Max price = 0.1 for 20,000 coins which is the Max amount. What will be the price of the coin when I buy 1000 ...
jacobs david's user avatar
2 votes
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SOLIDITY NOOB QUESTION. Is it necessary to specify that a function is a view function if it's obviously a view function?

For example: function contains(address _key) public view returns (bool) { return map[_key] != 0; } I don't know how this could be manipulated to change the state of anything, so to me it ...
Paul DeLucia's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

The redundant `_from` parameter in the `transferFrom` function of an ERC721

The Non-Fungible Token Standard (described in EIP-721) specifies, among other things, the signature of the transferFrom() function: function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) ...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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Is there a decentralized version of Cloudflare Workers?

Is there a decentralized version of Cloudflare Workers or some comparable service like AWS Lambda functions or GCP Cloud Functions? I would love a blockchain based, or just a decentralized version of ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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What is Solidity's equivalent of raw_call()?

I'm wondering, does Solidity also have a raw_call() function like Vyper which sends a byte[] array (payload) as calldata to a specific address? If so, what is that function? Is it also raw_call()?
MuellerSachs's user avatar
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Function isn't returning the uint256 value after initializing mapping

I'm facing a problem with the function return type in solidity. Here is my code: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.17; contract Birth { mapping(uint256 => bool) public ...
Asir Shahriar Roudra's user avatar
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Modifier vs function call

What is more gas efficient and secure, using a modifier(for example only owner) or calling a function to verify state(calling a function that returns owner address and compares that to the address ...
NFT_king's user avatar
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Error When Passing Struct as Input to Function in Solidity

I'm trying to just call a function that has a struct argument...The thing is that Remix somehow doesn't recognize all the inputs from the struct in the function. I tried making the image very ...
caiosa's user avatar
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Function override error and abstract error after importing the contract

*this a contract for erc721: contract erc721{ event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 indexed _tokenId); event Approval(address indexed _owner,address indexed _approved, ...
Baby's user avatar
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Declaration error: undeclared identifier error in remix while using exiting Owner contract's function getOwner. Kindly help in solving

function withdraw() external isOwner() { address payable owner = address(uint160(getOwner()));//**this is the line I get err owner.transfer(address(this).balance); } owner contract: function ...
Baby's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is it possible to use interface functions as types?

I would like to use a function defined in an interface as a function type, like this: pragma solidity >=0.8.17; interface Foo { function myFunction() external; } contract Contract { ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Getting two different booleans calling a function 2 times in a row

I tried to create a function which could return me 2 different booleans after I call it two times in a row. I tried my best to use different random methods like storing block.timestamp in an uint, or ...
Vagner's user avatar
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How to identify where coin/token value is changed

I'd like to build an algorithm that analyzes value creation, transfer and destruction on a blockchain (such as new ETH minted, ETH gas burned, ERC-20 tokens transferred, etc.). Assuming I have a ...
Michael C's user avatar
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Does it make any sense to specify reference type function input parameters as calldata if the given function is only called contract to contract?

As far as I am aware contract to contract calls store input arguments in memory. Or put more precisely they store them in memory and they can be accessed with CALLDATALOAD within the the new call ...
FreddyC's user avatar
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