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Questions tagged [nonce]

A random number that is only used once. It is generated at the beginning of a communication by one communication partner and has to be sent back by the other one in order to prevent replay attacks.

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Is it possible for two users to receive the same nonce-generated ID in a Solidity smart contract?

I have a smart contract deployed on the Ethereum blockchain where each user who interacts with a specific function is assigned an ID based on a nonce value stored in the contract. The nonce is ...
Nerses Asaturyan's user avatar
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How to manage sending transactions for a wallet used for a server?

When the users wants to withdraw their funds from the contract (on Arbitrun), the backend of my app does that for them to verify from the database that they can. I recently got "Nonce too low&...
Daniel's user avatar
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Transactions Order

I am wondering how can I guarantee the order of transactions, For example if we send two transactions as A , B ... they will be coming out as B, A? I want to prevent that and I want to get A then B. ...
SKS's user avatar
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How to implement waiting for transaction validaton?

I'm running a bot that is making a series of smart contract calls on Avalanche c-chain from one account. I'm checking for transaction validation by waiting for a nonce increase with export async ...
kuco 23's user avatar
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Overwrite sweeper bot transaction with higher gas price

Is it possible to beat sweeper bot transactions by creating a tx with the same nonce but higher gas price? From what i understand, block builders are incentivized to pick tx with higher gas fees. ...
kevin janada's user avatar
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Ethersjs: Calling a method in a smart contract: nonce has already been used, Nonce too low

I have a contract that has a simple method: function getOwner() external returns (address) { return owner; } I'm trying to call it in NodeJs using ethers library: // create the provider and the ...
parsecer's user avatar
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when a contract nonce will increase, and why? [duplicate]

when we send a transaction with a EOA, the nonce will increase to ensure the sequence and ... but mu question is what is nonce in a CA? why we have it? and when and why it increase?
Keyhan Alizadeh's user avatar
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TypeError in Nonce [Web3, Python, FlashBot]

Here is the code. When I wrote the private key of sender's address without string, it showed me provide sender's key as string. When I wrote the private key of sender's address in string, it showed me ...
Axaansh Dholiya's user avatar
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Nonce delays while using different nodes

Question related to the nonce, In case I am using a scaling solution with few nodes due to massive traffic with many transactions and submitting a transaction to node X, but the nonce for the next ...
Sergey Foiering's user avatar
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Redeploy to same address using CREATE (not CREATE2) | aka does a nonce reset?

Let's say I am using a (Gnosis) Safe as my main deployer account (0xD1) to allow for use of CREATE2 calls. I use my main account, 0xD1, to deploy a "TempCreator" contract (0xC2) using ...
L Co's user avatar
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2 answers

How Can I Identify the Blockchain Where a Smart Contract Is Deployed Using Its Address?

I am trying to identify the specific blockchain where a smart contract has been deployed using its deployment address. However, I am unable to find a clear source or method for doing so. When I looked ...
Faisal Hussain's user avatar
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How to drop and replace a transaction

I've read many stack posts but the ones I found are either very old or do not link to updated docs where the answer can be found. Does Ethereum have a replace by fee option similar to Bitcoin? ...
Nat's user avatar
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How to set transaction nonce when sending multiple transactions at the same time?

If I send transactions(web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction) to one contract at the same time using 10 different wallet addresses,do I need to manually set the nonce for each transaction? And how to set it?
user2873314's user avatar
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Error: Returned error: nonce too low

const Web3 = require('web3'); const { ethers } = require('ethers'); const { Web3Provider } = require('@ethersproject/providers'); // Virtual addresses const fromAddress = '...
Amin Hlel's user avatar
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Reset nonce to 0

Using hardhat and ethers.js, how do I reset the nonce queue to 0? Not submitting a new tx with the nonce of the one that's stuck. For example, the latest nonce I have is 432 and I want to reset it to ...
dNyrM's user avatar
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Gas settings when sending a tx

I currently have several txs stuck on Pending even after passing them 100 gwei of gasPrice while current baseFee is 0.000001086 gwei (on Goerli and using ethers.js). const ops = { gasLimit: ethers....
dNyrM's user avatar
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1 answer

Verifying Transactions before Finding Nonce

I am trying to learn theoretical fundamentals of Blockchain. In PoW, the miner who finds the nonce first gets to create next block and all other nodes add that block. Now, what I don't understand ...
Brijesh's user avatar
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ECDSA Nonce reuse attack

so I recently stumbled upon this video by @bertcmiller who created two transactions with the same nonce "k". That seen I researched quite a lot of pages explaining how to recover the private ...
Robert Bahn's user avatar
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0x protocol - Using the qoute endpoint without takerAddress parameter

I want to use the 0x quote api endpoint ( When requesting a swap, i do not know the takerAddress since at request time i do not know ...
Plus Ultra's user avatar
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Can I sign a transaction several days in advance and give it to a 3rd party so they can execute it whenever they want?

Let's say I create and sign with my keys a transaction to swap USDC for ETH with all the required parameters (both parameters for the swap and tx parameters like gas, etc), but I don't send it. If I ...
Hiperfly's user avatar
4 votes
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How to use nonce to prevent signature replication?

I would like to verify that a message is sent by a certain address, and to get the signer address I use the following function: function VerifyMessage(bytes32 _hashedMessage, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, ...
Ahmet Yazıcı's user avatar
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Python Mass Transactions Nonce

currently am using to send transactions in python which has led to some problems web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("")) PA=web3.eth.account.from_key(...
sijog70374's user avatar
3 votes
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I can't fully understand the usage of nonce in a solidity example

I'm reading a few examples from solidity docs: docs. I've come across this function: function claimPayment(uint256 amount, uint256 nonce, bytes memory signature) external { require(!usedNonces[...
Allennick's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to find out the first transaction sent TO an account?

Is there a way to find out the first transaction sent TO an account? Hey everyone, I know that given an address, I can check if a given transaction is the first tx.from by checking its nonce. Nonce == ...
trademarc's user avatar
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Nonce of an account or contract in etherscan

According to, nonce is a counter that indicates the number of transactions sent from the account, and in a contract account, this number represents the number of contracts created by the ...
MHMasoon's user avatar
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How to increase an account nonce on web3js?

i'm running a script using web3js in which one i have my accounts[0] that is running 2 transactions. When i do: await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(accounts[0]) , i receive X (number) as a response. ...
Wallace's user avatar
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Nonce update for multiple CREATEs in a single transaction when some fail

Suppose executing the bytecode of a smart contract in a particular (single) transaction leads to several CREATE's in a row (triggered by the same smart contract). Is it true that the nonce of that ...
Olivier Bégassat's user avatar
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How long before transaction is removed from the Mempool

So I have a transaction T1 that has been stuck in pending because I put the gas really low. I forgot about this and then tried to process two transactions after with $126 gas fee and $111 gas fee. I ...
Eddie Martinez's user avatar
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What is mining puzzle used in Ethereum?

In case of Bitcoin we know that puzzle used is generating a nonce such that there is a fix number of Zeros in the hash. While in case of Ethereum blocks we couldn't find any similarity can someone put ...
Viraj's user avatar
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Hardhat + Waffle + Hardhat: Nonce has already been used

This week at a talking by our friend Patrick Collins during the Chainlink Spring 2022 Hackathon schedule, I took knowledge of the possibility of moving ahead of time on the blockchain during tests: ...
Fabiano's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I configure Index position of Transaction in the block?

How can I configure Index position of Transaction in the block?
Tor Chonlakan's user avatar
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Sending hundreds of transactions every minute, TXs seem to get randomly stuck in mempool even after setting high gas

I'm building an application that needs to send hundreds of transactions every minute (consistently for hours & even days) to the Polygon blockchain. To achieve this I'm setting unique (and +1 ...
Shanzid Shaiham's user avatar
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HashMap based nonce for Gnosis-safe MetaTx's?

I am using infura's ITX service to handle message delivery, as it is a hard problem. One thing about ITX is that it doesn't guarantee message order, which is understandable (as that would be hard).... ...
mischat's user avatar
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NONCE_EXPIRED error with ethers.js on local hardhat node

I'm trying to call multiple (3) times this Solidity function function mint(address to, uint256 id) public onlyOwner { ERC1155._mint(to, id, 1, ""); } from this TS code contract = ...
Eddie R's user avatar
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Error "replacement transaction underpriced" using Nonce method of cancelling transaction

I have a pending transaction that is not going through because of low gas price. I tried sending a new transaction with the same 57 nonce (
pachecovich's user avatar
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Unable to clear pending transaction on current Nonce by increasing fees

I have a pending transaction from 1 week ago, I tried every step to clear it that I can find online. I know which nonce it is, and I doubled and tripled the gas limit and fees, but it still won't ...
stucknonce's user avatar
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What would cause a pending Ethereum tx to not show up on Etherscan?

I am using the Web3 2.0 library to call web3.eth.sendTransaction and send Ether from one address to another. When I check the nonce of my wallet in my program using the following web3 functions, it ...
Barney Chambers's user avatar
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Correlation between order of txs in the same block and nonce

I found position index referring the order of txs within a block. Txs are executed in order from position 1 to the end. Is there any correlation btw the position(order of txs) and the nonce of txs? ...
lagoiz's user avatar
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Does tx run in the order of being included in the block?

When the block is executed, Should the order of txs included in the block be the same as the order of the nonce? Or can it be different? For example, when trying to run three txs (nonce is 1, 2, 3) ...
lagoiz's user avatar
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whether nonce increases if tx is invalid due to invalid sig

I am wondering that whether nonce increases if tx is invalid due to invalid sig. Based on what I know, the nonce increases even though tx is invalid regarding of the reason of failure. right? If so, ...
lagoiz's user avatar
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Gnosis safe without safe nonce

Is there any way of creating a Gnosis safe without using "safe nonces" ? I would like to automate certain transactions from a pool of already signed transactions but don't know the order.
user3923073's user avatar
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rlp: non-canonical integer (leading zero bytes) for uint64, decoding into (types.LegacyTx).Nonce

I have written a program to send raw transactions via JSON-RPC. It seems to work for existing wallets, but I get this error when I try to send the very first transaction of a new wallet (nonce is zero)...
Kinjo's user avatar
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How do I get the PoW nonce of a specific block in solidity?

This question doesn't have an answer that shows how to get the PoW nonce for a specific block internally from within Solidity. From my understanding in Ethereum nonce is used for an account's tx ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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Pending transactions remain pending forever?

I have a pending transaction stucked for more than 24 hours. I have receive advice on how to cancel it already so please do not answer me that advice again. Because it hasn't worked for me. Now my ...
Moisés Briseño Estrello's user avatar
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Why is eth_getTransactionCount nonce incorrect under load?

I'm calling eth_getTransactionCount via JSON RPC, and taking that value and trying to use it as nonce for a RawTransaction to send ETH. I'm running this against a ganache server. This happens in a ...
user3534080's user avatar
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Ethereum transaction order, nonce, and miner confirmation. Can someone clear it?

I have question that has been bugging me for a while. It's about first order and nonce. First of all when i send multiple transaction in meta mask, they should confirm in sequence if i do not change ...
CryptoGuss's user avatar
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Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas]?

i have this address 0xb5f82127b5067f1019abd362ba812c0ef8196717 as you can see i have 3 transaction failed with this error : Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas]. I was ...
eZebda's user avatar
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Infura out of sync

I have 13 transactions according to[my_account] and when I dispatch "eth_getTransactionCount" to[my_project_id] (with &...
Remy Ponso's user avatar
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Why is the EVM designed to have "private variables"?

In EVM, one contract is able to read code and balance of any addresses. However, storage and nonce of other addresses is not accessible. Since all states are public on the blockchain, why is EVM ...
zzh1996's user avatar
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How to correctly set nonce?

on an account with no transaction set yet, using getTransactionCount will return 0. Should I specify the first transaction with nonce 0 or 1? and on the next transactions after the above is mined, ...
curiousJorgeXX's user avatar