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Is it possible to add my dapp as a safe app without iframe?

I want to add GammaSwap as a Safe app. However, due to a vulnerability, we disabled use of <iframe> because of an attack vector that allows anyone to embed our site and trick users into clicking ...
Roberto Martinez's user avatar
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I have issue in using Gnosis wallet It says we can store any ERC20 tokens in the safe wallet, but I can not see my asset in the safe account dashboard.
Akachi1325's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Wallet connect with "self-hosted safe infrastructure(safe-wallet-web)"

What I wanna use When I use safe app( then, i can connect dapp with wallet-connect But When I use self-hosted safe infrastructure(
Junha's user avatar
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Sign Safe transaction with an Alchemy Light account owner

There's a multi-owner gnosis safe who's owners are: Another gnosis safe Alchemy light account Below code works perfectly when I sign a transaction with a Safe. But it crashes when I try to sign it ...
Anton Solovyov's user avatar
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How to get safe accounts by owner

Here I am actually working on a project in which I have to create a multisig wallet. I am using walletconnect sdk and safe sdk. I am done with functionality to create a safe account. Now I want to ...
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Confirm a multisg transaction via the safe-apps-react-sdk

I am building a Safe App (Apps in the lateral navbar --> My custom app) which is a basic React app. My custom Safe app allows a UserA to send a transaction and UserB to sign/confirm it. Basically a ...
Magofoco's user avatar
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Get all transactions from/to a Gnosis address

I need to track all coin movements to/from a wallet. I use the account:tokentx Gnosisscan API endpoint. It returns a list of transactions concerning ERC20 tokens. But how can I obtain the list of ...
Sylvain Leroux's user avatar
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Where to find Safe Recovery Module code and ABI

I am currently looking for the code and the ABI of the Safe Recovery Module but I cannot find it anywhere. I looked in the official GitHub ( without ...
Magofoco's user avatar
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wagmi `useSignTypedData` hangs in pending with WalletConnect and Gnosis Safe

With wagmi useSignTypedData, WalletConnect, and Gnosis Safe, the useSignTypedData hook doesn't detect the Safe contract's emitted SignMsg event and hangs in pending until timing out. wagmi latest (2....
Ryan Berckmans's user avatar
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Gnosis Safe executeTransaction "missing revert data"

I'm trying to add a second confirmation and execute a safe transaction using Gnosis Safe SDK. The safe address is a 2/n. export async function signTransactionAndExecute(chainId, rpcUrlProvider, ...
Aldridge1991's user avatar
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Chain Logo image doesn't display in gnosis-safe-wallet UI

I am operating Safe-Infrastructure on my local end. I already added chain info including chain logo image(there's file upload button for logo image) on the admin dashboard: http://localhost:8000/cfg/...
hapetherw's user avatar
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Getting error "Contract-transaction-hash="" does not match provided contract-tx-hash=""

I have been using the protocol kit for creating, proposing and executing the transaction via backend. I'm still able to process the transaction for Matic and ZED token, but USDT doesn't seem to work. ...
Ashish Mittal's user avatar
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Using safe transaction builder in own app

Can I use transaction builder in my react app, using iframe in the way it looks in
valentine's user avatar
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Migration Challenges: Updating Gnosis Safe Infrastructure becouse gnosis safe has removed older docker images

I've set up the entire infrastructure for Gnosis Safe on a new EVM chain that initially lacked Gnosis Safe support. However, Gnosis has deprecated that version and removed the corresponding Docker ...
the dev's user avatar
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Gnosis not working

We recently needed to upgrade the gnosis infrastructure due to deprication of old version. Earlier we were using gnosispm docker images and now we have moved to safe global. Since the transition, ...
Jogeshwar Singh ATR898's user avatar
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Multisend token details not available in Safe

in a multisend tx is there a way to fetch which tx has which currency as the data fetched through safe API and safe SDK only provides that it is a multisend tx and whom are you sending to and what is ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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How can we use gnosis protocol kit to fresh depoly and upgrade smart contracts

I was using gnosis protocol kit and api-kit to interact my gnosis safe with smart contract but now i have to deploy and upgrade my smart contract using my gnosis safe account so, how can i do that. ...
sahil's user avatar
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Safe UI cannot show transaction history for a local setup

Appreciate the hard work of team! I am following the doc to setup everything locally and on aws, seems every thing works fine including safe wallet creation, transaction submission and signing, but ...
xiaohuo ren's user avatar
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Have Gnosis Safe Pay Transaction Gas Fee

I am currently using gnosis safe. When the execution of any transaction is made, the signer has to pay the gas fee. I want all gas fees to be paid by the safe, not the signers, how can I make this ...
Shariq Ali's user avatar
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Error GS026 in 2nd call to execTransaction - GnosisSafe v1.3.0

I'm conducting a PoC in which web3j is used for dealing the GnosisSafe smart contract (SC). In this way, we've successfully deployed the SC, put some ERC20 tokens under its control, added some ...
rcaballeron's user avatar
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Why has the Safe{WALLET} dapp iframe an outer scrollbar?

Just integrated the Safe{WALLET} with the dapp and noticed that the <iframe> on the desktop has this extra scrollbar on the right hand side. Further, since the dapp has its own ...
Hasan Karahan's user avatar
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Execution Reverted: GS013 Error in Safe Wallet During 0x OTC Transaction

I am encountering a 'execution reverted: GS013' error when trying to execute a script that aims to fill an Over-the-Counter (OTC) transaction through Safe Wallet using the 0x protocol. This issue ...
Tiago Soriano's user avatar
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2 answers

Fund deposit on Polygon safe wallet whereas wallet is on gnosis chain

I've created a safe wallet on the gnosis chain using the safe relayer: ChainId being 100 and ...
user3668100's user avatar
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What should be value of _singleton variable in deployProxy method?

I want to know that sometimes people using Safe contract as singleton address where as sometimes people are using safeL2 contract as singleton address. So as per gnosis team which one should be ...
Xyz People's user avatar
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Server error (500) when attempting to post a transaction from Brownie + ApeSafe

I post transaction every other day, to multiple Safes using a combination of Brownie and the legacy ape-safe (I know, upgrade is due). Since yesterday, attempting to post to Ethereum Mainnet and ...
Saj Badger's user avatar
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How to integrate safe core account abstraction into web app

I want to create and web app in which user will be able to - create their smart wallets using google signin (web3auth) interact with other smart contracts for minting or transferring assets In my ...
user127325's user avatar
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Best way to call Gnosis Safe execTransaction from Vyper /

I would like to interface the Gnosis safe execTransaction method in my contract (which is written in Vyper). From what I've understood the execTransaction takes the following arguments (based on a ...
Christian Papathanasiou's user avatar
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How can my contract withdraw tokens that are owned by a Gnosis Safe wallet?

Assuming the following super simple code, how can I withdraw ERC20 tokens that are owned by a gnosis safe to my contract? I set up a spending limit in my gnosis safe allowing the bellow contract to ...
Christian Papathanasiou's user avatar
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GNOSIS SAFE WEB SITE: Format error when passing a param value

Hellow, I'm trying to pass the arguments of a param but I get a format error, the param is this: When I pass this param in the code I just send this array: [{"target":"...
Daniel Berbesi's user avatar
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Gnosis safe: recurring transfers missing

I was checking the Reccuring Transfers Module from the safe modules repo and I saw an import called Module which is not actually present in the npm package in the latest ...
Rich Wang's user avatar
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Trying to deploy a gnosis safe multisig wallet with 3/5 threshold on mumbai testnet

I am trying to deploy a gnosis safe multisig wallet with 3/5 threshold on mumbai testnet. I try and launch it using their website interface but apparently it does support mumbai mainnet but not mumbai ...
ShisukeUrahara's user avatar
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How do I get a SafeTransaction from it's transaction hash?

I am trying to execute a SafeTransaction using gnosis sdk (, but I only have it's transaction hash. How do I fetch the safe transaction object using the hash ...
user124477's user avatar
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Not receiving attestations on Gnosis Node

I have an Avado i7. I have been running two gnosis validators nodes for over one year. Starting around June 12-14 I stopped receiving attestations rewards. I followed the guidance of the Avado ...
Mike's user avatar
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Unable to recover signer address using api/v1/safes/{address}/multisig-transactions

I am trying to sign a valid transaction hash (obtained from the onchain Gnosis Safe wallet itself) but when I sign the hash and then provide it to the multisig-transactions endpoint to propose the tx, ...
Markus's user avatar
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how to use Gnosis Safe sdk at backend(nodejs)

import SafeAppsSDK from '@safe-global/safe-apps-sdk'; type Opts = { allowedDomains?: RegExp[]; debug?: boolean; }; const opts: Opts = { allowedDomains: [/$/, /$/], ...
Nidorino k's user avatar
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How to set up Safe transaction service for forked ethereum mainnet testing?

I am forking mainnet so that I can simulate a proposal to a DAO via multisig that I do not own, using hardhat, ethers, and typescript. When I create a transaction, there's no way to set up a Safe ...
Morgan W's user avatar
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How to submit a nontrivial transaction to a multisig wallet programmatically from a script?

I'm trying to programmatically (via ethers.js) submit a tx to a multisig--specifically a a DAO proposal--and the ABI for the deployed multisig on etherscan (
Morgan W's user avatar
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Implementing Biconomy on Safe Contract

Does anyone know how i can implement biconomy on Safe Contracts?
Jaskaran Singh's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there an accepted way to keep track of all messages approved by a signer on-chain using Safe?

I'm using a Safe multisig contract, and I would like to have a public mapping on that contract which keeps track of all the tx that a signer has approved. The contract has an approvedHashes mapping of ...
Ron Turetzky's user avatar
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How to add Pulsechain (ChainID 369) with factory proxy Gnosis-Safe existing ETH vault

Last week I managed to create a Polygon Gnosis Safe for my existing vault by adding the factory proxy, given at github:
Gnosis Safe's user avatar
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Is it possible to withdraw assets in gnosis safe wallet without enough owner signatures (1 of them is without seed phrase)

I have gnosis safe wallet with funds, and It have 3 owners and sign threshold is also 3. One of wallet owners lost his seed phrase forever. Is there any way to recover funds from the wallet, or access ...
Antareo's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are gnosis safe contracts not optimized when compiled?

this is a question about Safe Contract. Compiling the GnosisSafeL2.sol contract confirmed that it was close to the EVM contract max size of 24.5KiB. And when I run the hardhat optimizer 200 times, I ...
Toby Kim's user avatar
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Detecting gnosis safe through Walletconnect

I am on a chain with a specific problem of not being able to estimate gas when Gnosis safe walletconnect dapp is used to connect to a dapp on this chain. So I require detection on whether the wallet ...
Atilla Birer's user avatar
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why do i get the GS200 error when setting up safe?

I'm trying to set up a gnosis safe with two owners and threshold of two but i keep getting this error and i'm not sure why. I checked my inputs with other scripts the have the same type of inputs ...
user120185's user avatar
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ABI interaction of Safe custom module

We've recently deployed a contract to testnet for managing membership nfts of a gnosis safe, however, is there any way that we can go about interacting with this custom module in a way that doesn't ...
Noah McGuire's user avatar
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Error loading transactions/ Will not connect wallet [closed]

I can load the GSafe wallet. My SAFE tokens appear on the assets list, but not in the bar at top right. My MM wallet will not connect, but will connect to other dApps. I can not interact with the SAFE ...
Czero's user avatar
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How to get exact error from contract instead of GS013 error?

I am getting GS013 error if transaction on deployed contracts fails, which is fired through gnosis multisig. I want to get the exact error instead of gs013 on reverting. Can I use simulateTxAccesor ...
Shailendra Singh's user avatar
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In Gnosis Safe, Is there any information about transaction service's API Spec detail?

I want to use the public Transaction Service operated by Gnosis Safe. You can find out how to use the API through Swag here, but details such as rate limit or ban policy are not available. There seems ...
Toby Kim's user avatar
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Problem when withdraw from contract in gnosis safe

I could not withdraw from contract in gnosis safe. The executing wallet has enough funds to cover for gas. Details as below: Contract interaction: 0x4059c4a0b8a2B528C4f2E101A3bB8fB169aBa4fB - network: ...
Godwin Mount's user avatar
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Getting "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getNetwork')" with gnosis-safe-sdk+hardhat

Snap of code: const { Contract, Signer, providers } = require('ethers') const Safe = require('@safe-global/safe-core-sdk') const EthersAdapter = require('@safe-...
Shubham Kumar's user avatar