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Issue executing transaction from Gnosis Safe (compensation to you if you resolve)

We have been trying to capture funds from a smart contract, that holds the funds. We are getting errors attempting to execute from the Gnosis interface. The transaction has three addresses that have ...
doc8591's user avatar
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Funds in smart-contract won't withdraw to Gnosis Safe Address

I have a simple NFT smart contract that withdraws funds to multiple addresses including one Safe address. However, the execution reverts. I've duplicated the contract on goerli testnet: https://goerli....
Green's user avatar
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Error - "Multisend should only be called via delegatecall" while calling gnosis multisend function?

I am using to encode batch transactions into Meta transactions. And following to send ...
Sweta Shaw's user avatar
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Gnosis Safe ExecTransaction

I'm trying to create a safe and withdraw interacting with the smart contract. I managed to create a new safe but when I try to call the execTransaction function I'm having some issues. // SPDX-License-...
DeFi-Nav's user avatar
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How to send a Gnosis smart contract transaction through uniswap

I have created my ERC20 smart contract on uniswapv2 router and deployed it on the ethereum rinkeby network. I need to use Gnosis Safe to send a multisig transaction through uniswap. kindly need ...
henry's user avatar
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How to encode initializer in gnosis-safe proxy contract?

Currently I start learning gnosis-safe contracts I have a small doubt in gnosis-proxy contract how to encode initializer in createProxyWithNonce function. Reference transaction id : https://rinkeby....
Akshay Tarpara's user avatar
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Deploying a contract that inherits GnosisSafe from another smart contract

relative beginner to both Solidity and Gnosis here, so please bear with me :) I have the following contract: contract MyCustomWallet is GnosisSafe { using GnosisSafeMath for uint256; ...
David Lee's user avatar