What I wanna use
When I use safe app(https://app.safe.global/) then, i can connect dapp with wallet-connect
But When I use self-hosted safe infrastructure(https://github.com/safe-global/safe-infrastructure/tree/main)
There is no button(or feature) like above.
- currently I tested it in the ethereum network, but I will use safe-infra with unsupported network.
Try to do
I added "NEXT_PUBLIC_WC_PROJECT_ID=XXX" in the ui.env file
but It only activate the button below
Q1. What should I do now if I want to use a specific dapp (swap, lending... etc) on a network that is not officially supported by the safe global app?
Q2. For the above question, I have tried to connect to the dapp through "wallet connect" like a safe global app, but those features are not visible in the safe-infrastructure repository. What should I do?