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Web3py and Uniswap issue, transacction reverted

import json from web3 import Web3 # Set up your connection to Ethereum infura_url = '' web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(infura_url)) if not web3.is_connected(): ...
ander torregrosa's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the difference between transaction revert and status:0?

After running transaction = abi_func(**func_args).build_transaction({ 'chainId': 1337, 'gas': 200000, 'gasPrice': w3.eth.gas_price, 'nonce': w3.eth....
Lyn's user avatar
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How to know why Uniswap cancelled my transaction?

I am not pro, but can someone check please why my transaction was cancelled on Ethereum after sending to Swap token on Uniswap v2?
sirjay's user avatar
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Is there Uniswap V2/V3 function to get initial token supply amount in pool?

I need to get initial token supply when liquidity pool was created by querying Ethereum node (RPC) or Uniswap contract and not Mint() function, is it possible to do (python)? To get reserves on any ...
sirjay's user avatar
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Etherscans ABI and transaction receipt topic[0] are different. Bug?

I need simply to get Transfer data values from transaction with 1 log It sends +7,601.747 LINK. The problem ...
sirjay's user avatar
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Etherscan API doesn't return internal transaction (although it has)

Here is transaction with simple Transfer() some GALA tokens. Etherscan shows 1 internal transaction: But it'...
sirjay's user avatar
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Why Etherscan's API missing ABI functions?

Here is transaction In logs we can see 3rd function SendToInjectiveEvent(). It is interaction with ...
sirjay's user avatar
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Ethereum transactions: how decode already decoded input data?

Here is transaction It makes Swap 0.095 ETH for 1,125.066 VDO on Uniswap V2. If to scroll down, press More ...
sirjay's user avatar
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How to create a "Transaction history" part of a Wallet App?

guys! Right now I am working on web3 project, which has a wallet as it's one parts. Can you give me advices on how to create this Transaction History for user, because I am kind of stuck on it. First ...
Kind_Man's user avatar
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Can i append the ethereum transaction's data input when generating a QR Code? Is there a better way to track transactions?

My application manages sales with local payment methods and Ethereum/Bitcoin. When using crypto payments a QR Code will be displayed for the customer, with the wallet's address and amount. The issue I'...
andrepz's user avatar
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Web3Py 'TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED' error when executing a swap even if tokens spending have been approved

I tried to execute a swap using Web3py with the following function: def swap(node, account_address, pvt_key, contract_address, contract_abi, action_type, amount_in, amount_out_min): #load USDC and ...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
2 votes
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Get addresses of transfers from transactions Web3Py

I am facing issue while trying to retreive data from Goerli (basically, Ethereum). I am trying to fetch transaction from this contract. For every transaction it creates a new airdrop by creating a new ...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
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How do I fetch the entire transaction-history of an address in the fastest way possible?

I just built myself a hardware full node at home. It's running geth and I'm accessing the on-chain data through the JSON RPC API. I'm using because of convenience. I want to have a "...
PeepoXBT's user avatar
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Why is WETH balance of an address is wrong on hardhat fork?

I have forked mainnet with hardhart with below command: npx hardhat node --fork --port 8546 When I get the balance of 0xbd497b28d443a5345674fef37c50d8fd68e7bd94, it shows it ...
Tugay's user avatar
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error: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'invalid sender'}

I have my smart contract deployed on BSC Testnet: If I connect my Metamask on bscscan, I can use all the write contract ...
Anil Panda's user avatar
1 vote
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Checking new transactions for a specific wallet using Web3py

I am trying to make a piece of code that scans a wallet for new transactions. When a new transaction is detected my code should print the transaction hash. I looked online and saw stuff about the ...
JaspeR's user avatar
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Replacement transaction underpriced

I am building a Django service with Celery that sends multiple transactions to a contract and I am finding that the error {'code': -32000, 'message': 'replacement transaction underpriced'} from geth ...
tinom9's user avatar
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What should I do to see the number of outgoing tokens in the transaction hash?

I will need the following data of the outgoing transaction with a transaction hash given by the user: sender, recipient, transferred token amount. I was able to get sender and recepient data with ...
Berkant's user avatar
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481 views Transaction Keeps Timing Out

I'm attempting to send a transaction using between an address I created & my metamask account on goerli. Everything seems to go well until confirming the transaction, at which point w3.eth....
Steven Cloud's user avatar
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Conversion from Wei to Ether gives different results [duplicate]

I'm trying to analyze the transaction of this contract, but sometimes when I try to convert from wei to ether value of tokens I got comma in different position than expected. This is how I proceed: 1)...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
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Conversion from Wei to Ether gives different results

I'm trying to analyze the transaction of this contract, but sometimes when I try to convert from wei to ether value of tokens I got comma in different position than expected. This is how I proceed: 1)...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
1 vote
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how to find the creation block_number for a given contract_address using

I was trying to find the creation block number using contract address , is there is a way to find creation block number when a contract address is deployed using
Kavita Joshi's user avatar
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Getting Error with EIP1559 style transaction: "unrecognized fields: {'maxFeePerGas', 'maxPriorityFeePerGas'}"

I wanted to sign and send a transaction interacting with a smart contract. This is the tx: Tx = ID.functions.withdraw(50000000000, '0x....').buildTransaction( { 'chainId': 1, 'gas': 410000,...
Buuu Axie's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Get Transaction details using Python

I'm trying to get details of a given transaction (Datetime, Sender, Receiver, Name of Token Transerref, quantity). This is an example. I don't know any API or method can allow me to get these data. I ...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
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Can I get more specific metadata for a certain transaction hash from a basic RPC connection (e.g. Infura)

I am trying to deploy a "verifyTx(tx_hash){}" function that takes a hash and tells me the state (succ vs. fail vs. pending), but I was hoping to get more advanced information on the hash if ...
jdero's user avatar
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passing array of struct as a function argument (

I want to call this method updateRewardsPercentageByTokens() , with but I fail . please can you help me find a solution updateRewardsPercentageByTokens code : function ...
wael hasnaoui's user avatar
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I am trying to create a store_transaction and change the Blockchain by passing a value

I am trying to create a store_transaction that is later on signed and sent and trying to receive a transaction receipt. I am getting error while creating a store transaction while trying to build it. ...
Sameer's user avatar
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Wait for a transaction to be mined ends too soon

I got a simple python script that sends a signed transaction then wait for the transaction receipt. All is working perfectly, but when I poll my wallet (a metamask wallet) just after the reception of ...
GuillaumeA's user avatar
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How to know what coin has been exchanged through Web3 Api

Is there a way to know what coin and how much of it has been exchanged when getting a transaction history through the Web3 API?
Questionmark's user avatar
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1k views Transaction with hash ХХХ not found

I have a issues. I need to receive a receipt for transaction "0x7a695820b6491b767308c45776e1da5445c7a2edac29aa14d916bda834d47c31" on Polygon, in which the Klima Token contract was created. ...
Denis's user avatar
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How do I get information on pending transactions of a wallet/contract?

I have tried so many API such as Etherscan, Moralis, and Blockcypher but they all only display completed transactions. Is there a way to scan a wallets' pending transaction and get information out of ...
Austin's user avatar
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Why does the call() method from cause a revert when combined with transfer()?

I have deployed a contract for my custom ERC20 token. I am trying to send tokens using contract.functions.transfer(address, 20000000000000000000).call() Above code is giving error raise ...
Chetan Warke's user avatar
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Get contract address and total holders from a hash transaction

I would like to know if it is possible just from a transaction hash (like this one: '0x98daf5eb1fe55d9ebed51b1ee0b7dcb3bfe04ea5bb0663d40927a683771cdc09') to be able to retrieve the contract address of ...
Mudan Elber's user avatar
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How is transactionIndex decided in a block?

I'm using web3py and web3js to send transactions on the Harmony EVM chain using sendRawTransaction, and i noticed that once my transaction is sent, the transactionIndex value will always be between 0 ...
JayK23's user avatar
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is it really necessary to use the public key to send erc20 tokens?

It is evident that the private key is the fundamental piece of everything, for that reason I wonder, why we need to include the public key in the transactions, why does the private key not do the ...
frank stone's user avatar
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Sending transactions to smart contract every 3 seconds

I have been trying to solve this issue for a while now and would really appreciate any help i can get. i am essentially trying to create a loop that doesnt stop after one succesful tx. End goal is to ...
user84407's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I validate if a transaction hash is valid using

How can I check whether a transaction hash is valid or not using Python []? The answers I found was in javascript, related: How to test if a TransactionHash is valid using web3? What is the ...
alper's user avatar
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How to decode transaction input data on Polygon network?

I am trying to decode the input data that was passed within a transaction. I managed to figure this out on Etherscan, however performing the complementary action on Polygonscan leaves me with an ...
BramAppel's user avatar
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Creating similar output as EtherScan "Transaction action" with

I'm trying to get transaction data from etherscan and would like to get exactly what is represented in the "Transaction Action" section of the transaction details. For example, in this ...
Greg's user avatar
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web3py - get transaction result

I'm trying to parse the following UniswapV3 transaction in Python using web3: Etherscan shows as Transaction ...
user79787's user avatar
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What's the best way to get transactions for an address using

I'm trying to write a script that will use a public Ethereum address and get a list of all the transaction hashes. I'm using but the methods I see for getting transaction information use the ...
DBWeinstein's user avatar
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How to send ethers to specific address based on solidity contract but not web3py?

I have written a solidity code, running it on Remix and I use ganache and web3py library to interact with it. My code is something like this: contract simplePayment{ function sendPayment(...
Yash Madhwal's user avatar
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How to create and send Flashbot transactions?

So far, I only understand flashbot bundles are signed raw transactions with one of them being a bribe to the miner for the mining fee, but : Is the bribing transaction special in the way it is valid ...
user2284570's user avatar
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How to manually interpret balance change after custom Events using

Context I am trying to build my own Ethereum explorer. I know this already exists on Etherscan out-of-the-box but the features that I want are either rate-limited or not even provided via its API. To ...
pcko1's user avatar
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Transaction works or fails depending on the destination address

I was trying to make a deal with another user and he sent me this address: 0xb1f4c727afa220eec5d218399eb443662ab2610e But when I tried to do the transfer I received this error TypeError: Transaction ...
javanoob's user avatar
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web3 get_transaction get_transaction_receipt how to see the error-Message for a failed transaction

I am using the web3-implementation from python ( and use the both methods get_transaction and get_transaction_receipt to lookup failed transactions. If the status-field from ...
Egirus Ornila's user avatar
19 votes
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ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC'}

Good afternoon, after having been developing a blockchain web app for some months, it's the first time I get this error when making a transaction. ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'only replay-...
Busto's user avatar
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requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=7545): Max retries exceeded with url

I created a blockchain app using Ethereum, I downloaded a virtual box. I activated the smart contract on the virtual box and connected it to the Python file on the original device. When the ...
esraa's user avatar
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how to get list of transactions history about specific contract address using web3?

I really don't know how to get a list of transactions history about specific contract address using and I use Infura HTTPProvider I just have only one 'contract address'. Can i get information ...
juwon's user avatar
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How to get external transaction using python

I am trying to test their code in order to detect the Ponzi smart contracts. When I run their code following error occurred to get the external transactions. Here is their code ; for addr in ponzi: ...
Amir Ali's user avatar
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