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Questions tagged [hosting]

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How to accept Ethereum payments on a membership video streaming site?

What is the best way, or are there any regulated payment merchants besides BitPay, to accept recurring subscription fees in Ethereum, for example, on a video streaming site? Or would it be better to ...
user610620's user avatar
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Complexity of IPFS files

I'm fairly new to IPFS and I was wondering how complex the files that you host in IPFS can be? Can you keep an event listener continually listening for input without downtime? Can you retrieve ...
dNyrM's user avatar
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Where can I upload a secret file that no one should have access to except my site?

I want to create a website that will transfer money in real time from my ethereum wallet to another ethereum wallet. To do this, I use the web3.js library in the javascript file. This js file also ...
Alexei's user avatar
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1 answer

Where to host web3.js and Infura websocket project?

I am working on a simple twitter bot to log sales of an NFT collection by subscribing to the Transfer event on the smart contract and posting a tweet after gathering info about the event. This works ...
Tyler Pashigian's user avatar
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Is a dapp really decentralized if the frontend is hosted on a centralized server?

If we need to access to the Dapp from a website (which requires a central DNS, a central hosting, a central team developing the front etc), does not that mean the app is not decentralized? Can we ...
Enrique's user avatar
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requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=7545): Max retries exceeded with url

I created a blockchain app using Ethereum, I downloaded a virtual box. I activated the smart contract on the virtual box and connected it to the Python file on the original device. When the ...
esraa's user avatar
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1 answer

Who communicate on a private ethereum network?

I'm new to Go-Ethereum (GETH) and would like to ask a question that may seem quite dumb. Let's say that I create my own private ethereum blockchain with GETH (I created accounts, the genesis block...),...
Rayan Barbara's user avatar
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Server for end production dAPP?

I'm talking for end-production purposes and I'm interested what server specification and which hosting services dAPP developers use. Considering my scenario, I made a decentralized application in ...
Iulian's user avatar
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1 answer

Deployment of Blockchain Dapp application on cloud!

I have my dapp in progress using PrivateNet, Metamask, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT & Solidity in Ethereum. After the finishing of my application I just wanted to host my application on cloud. As of now ...
Aiswarya's user avatar
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2 answers

Hosting Ethereum Node on VPS

I am developing a website (Php/mysql) for trading, which will communicate with block chain via smart contract. My website will be a service based website. it will not a high traffic website and have ...
Sumit Narang's user avatar
2 votes
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How to setup a high performance parity RPC service?

I'd like to provide the RPC service from a parity daemon hosted in EC2. There're multiple options regarding the instance type, if it's for production, should I choose "compute optimized" or "storage ...
Yuanfei Zhu's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to point a domain registered with ENS to swarm content?

I'm hosting my web site on swarm now. And I registered a .test FIFS domain to point to it: 5.test I can verify that I am the owner of that domain with the ensutils.js: > ens.owner(namehash('5....
q9f's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to define a default index for directories hosted by swarm?

I've uploaded my homepage to swarm, using the --recursive flag, i.e.: 0 ✓ user@ursae ~/.src/ $ swarm --recursive up co/ I0115 11:32:09.046878 upload.go:195] uploading file co/...
q9f's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is possible to transfer data between nodes using cpp-ethereum's whisper protocol?

Right now I am working on developing a standalone application in C++ using libraries of cpp-ethereum, I was looking at the source code for cpp-ethereum and an idea stuck into my mind that wouldn't it ...
Shirish Patel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Hosting Ethereum on Digital Ocean

I am not quite sure whether this is right place to ask this question but let's carry it forward. I wanted to host Ethereum on Digital ocean. Has anyone ever tried that? Any HowTos on hosting ethereum ...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to access files hosted on swarm?

The swarm roadmap suggests that the orange paper series and a landing page is released on swarm. There is also an internet gateway for swarm: But how to ...
q9f's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do I host Ethereum on a server?

I recently tried to get geth and solidity up and running on a virtual server I have some free time on. I got stuck trying to build the Solidity compiler due to issues with the OpenGL library. I've ...
Donavan Theodor's user avatar
142 votes
1 answer

What is Swarm and what is it used for?

What is Swarm and what is it used for? And what is Swarm's relationship with Whisper?
eth's user avatar
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