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WETH tokens burned after Single Swap

WETH is being sent to 0x000... address automatically after swapping: I just checked balanceOf on WETH ...
ㅤasdf's user avatar
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Transaction is not going through even when bundle receipt returns 1

I am trying to implement a swap feature in my app where users can swap tokens. It uses Uniswap's SwapRouterV2 to do the swap and it works perfectly. But now I am trying to implement Flashbot into it ...
Zak's user avatar
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maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas for flashbot's

I'm trying to rescue my vesting rewards with flashbot's and my bundle has 3 transaction's but i'm always to late with this code. const gasTransaction = { transaction: { from: "0xbc808B.....",...
Stackmaster's user avatar
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expired transactions using flashbots eth_sendPrivateTransaction

I'm trying to send a swap transaction using eth_sendPrivateTransaction to alchemy, which then routes it through private mempools using flashbots. But my transactions keep expiring. I have tried adding ...
blockchainhelpneeded's user avatar
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Is it possible to submit private bundled transactions on chains other than ethereum mainnet?

my ethereum wallet was hacked via chrome extension and my private key was leaked. After stealing all my main assets, he left me about 20% of my networth in the account and has setup a sniper bots on ...
Nikhil Kolte's user avatar
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How to get a transaction positioned earlier in a block?

Setting a higher priority fee encourages inclusion within a block but it is only loosely related to the position. What is the best way to get a better position? Would it help to submit to Flashbots or ...
jhourback's user avatar
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relay for L2 chain such as Base chain

For ethereum mainnet, there is "relay" for sending bundle, e.g., flashbots relay. But is I cannot find such thing for L2 chain such as Base chain. Is there any relay for Base chain, or relay ...
walkerlala's user avatar
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How to go about building a spam sniper bot on ethereum

I am interested in sniping[buying] tokens in the very first block in which their trading gets enabled. However, for most tokens I find the transaction to enable trading is sent privately bypassing the ...
explorer66's user avatar
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Sending private transactions on the BSC chain

I know that on the ethereum chain there exists flashbots to avoid sending your transaction directly to the mempool. How can I do the same thing on the Bsc Chain? I want to send my transaction directly ...
John's user avatar
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npx hardhat test "Timeout of 40000ms exceeded" when repaying flash loan

I am trying to follow along with a youtube tutorial that teaches you how to make a basic uniswap flash loan application. I have copied every piece of code, line by line, from the video as instructed. ...
ChewyCorndog's user avatar
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Flashbots-Ethers 6.9 support

Just wondering if there was a recent Flashbots version that supports ethers.js 6.9 or newer? It appears that the latest Flashbots version is only compatable with ethers ~5 versions.
Max.Koeg's user avatar
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Arbitrage bots are way too risky [duplicate]

All I hear from forums is that the only way I can profit with a flash loan is I create my own arbitrage bot and I fund $800-$1600 worth of Ethereum upfront to cover for gas fees. I've never made that ...
Joseph Capozza's user avatar
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Pancakeswap V3 flash loan, receiving F0 error even though the flash loan has been repaid

I'm trying to finish up the callback function for a pancake swap flash loan. Everything is now working however for some reason the flash function fails due to an F0 error (ie. not paid the loan back). ...
Alexander Hunter's user avatar
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Timeout Error: eth_callBundle . Flashbot

Hi I am having an issue in flashbotsProvider.simulate() while pushing a transaction to the miners to be send to the block without sending it to the mempool. Below is my source code // 1. Import ...
hammad ali's user avatar
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Best way to get validator address/fee recipient address for a block

Is there any other way to get the proposer fee recipient address other than using flashbots relay API? Relay API isn't thorough and for certain blocks, you can miss out on getting the proposer fee ...
Ramon912001's user avatar
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supplying liquidity + sniping own coin in same bundle it looks like this transaction has Supply liquidity and swap Eth for its token all in one bundle. can anyone ...
anon's user avatar
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Flashbots with 0 gasPrice

When I simulate the transaction I want to send a 0x data and the gasPrice seems 0 thus I am not included any one has any idea why the gasPrice is 0. How can I increase the gasPrice { "results&...
Gencehan ARPAÇAY's user avatar
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Help me make sense of this seeminlgly simple Uniswap V2 transaction, please This appears like a vanilla UniswapV2Router02 swap, sending the well-known method ...
blitter's user avatar
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Impossible to get my bundle include even with 20 eth as priority fees

Bundle was not included in target block. Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently attempting to execute a SwapExactETHForTokens transaction on Uniswap V2 using EIP-1559. When I try ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Flashloan + flashbot

Can i use both flashloan and MEV builder in one transaction? Means borrowing from flashloan, then building my transaction in MEV builder (to prevent sandwich attack )? If it is possible, can anyone ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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Does flashbots protect send your transaction to a flashbots MEV auction?

According to the flashbots docs, it says: Flashbots Protect makes it easy for everyday users and developers to use Flashbots for frontrunning protection. However, it goes on to say: We abstract ...
Patrick Collins's user avatar
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Publishing a signed transaction using flashbots rpc takes many tries?

I'm sending a signed transaction using flashbots rpc, in the following way. But often it takes many tries 2 ~ 4 times to be picked up? cast publish --rpc-url ...
Simon Liu's user avatar
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Flashbots on Mumbai/polygone

i'm trying to run a flashbot test on Mumbai. What is the flashbots RPC endpoint for Mumbai and Polygon network ?
adam mr's user avatar
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How to see if a transaction was private?

Is it possible to check if a transaction was sent privately (e.g. via flashbots , bloxroute) or using the public mempool? If yes, what would be the best way to do it?
lino17's user avatar
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Is there any significant advantage that UniswapV3 has over UniswapV2 in a Flashloan(or Flashswap) scenario?

I have been following the flash loan market for a while and I want to eventually experiment on it but i am having a hard time choosing between UniswapV2 and uniswapV3 for making my swaps. Is there any ...
Shigaba Shigaba's user avatar
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Why do flashbot transactions have gas fees?

From reading the docs it seemed to be that instead of setting a maximum gas fee on a transaction, we could use this function to tip the miner. However, looking at flaashbot transactions it seems like ...
boneyeye's user avatar
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Fighting against BNB sweeper bot

here's a short description for people not involved in crypto world. There's a Metamask crypto wallet that was connected to BNB network, and used to stake some tokens (freeze them for long time to get ...
skazichris's user avatar
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How to fastest send Flashbot transaction?

Flashbot transaction always delayed about 10 blocks. Is there a way to confirm Flashbot transaction in now_block_numer + 1 block?
Moon soon's user avatar
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Can builder modify the bundle in PBS?

If I send a transactions bundle to a specific builder, can they add a new transaction in my bundle to attack me? How can I prevent this from happening?
user119568's user avatar
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Flashbot bundle not included troubleshooting

I'm trying to send Flashbots bundles on Goerli. I for-loop 10 times to send bundles, every time the target block number increases by 1, in case the previous bundle fails (What I did in Flashbot bundle ...
Yuhua Wei's user avatar
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How to send bundles directly to top MEV builders?

I can send my bundles to Flashbots builder successfully. However, there are only about 20% of blocks are built by Flashbots builders, other blocks are mainly built by builder0x69, beaverbuild, and ...
Yuhua Wei's user avatar
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Flashbots error unable to decode txn

I just tried to use flashbots in combination with ethers and my smart contract. For my implementation i used the ethers-provider-flashbots-bundle guide from github. I did everything exactly like ...
Steven's user avatar
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Is there any other way to send transaction bundle to miners besides Flashbot?

I'm studying flash bot recently, and I found by chance that the first few transactions of this block( seemed to be a flash bot bundle (...
Yuhua Wei's user avatar
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hardhat script giving this error when ran

Please, I need help clearing this. root@DESKTOP-O7HMHFH:/mnt/c/pr0/projects/arbitrage/comp# npx hardhat run scripts/manipulate.js --network localhost Beginning Swap... Input Token: COMP Output Token:...
Soyaya's user avatar
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How to get all the bundles on a particular block?

I'm a beginner at flashbots. As stated in the document, we can use Flashbots Bundle Explorer ( to inspect bundles and search by block numbers. How to obtain all ...
Yuhua Wei's user avatar
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How are private transactions possible?

I'm curious about the origin of private transactions (how are they even possible, who came up with them) and how they work. Also, are private pools the same as relay services? Why have they gained ...
Chiron's user avatar
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Is mev-geth analougue to geth?

I was reading about ethereum node impementations and found something about mev-geth, wich is a fork of geth made by flashbots. If i want run a node just to propagate my own transactions and query the ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Flashbots Inclusion of a Mempool Signed Transaction

Hello i'm trying to understand how flashbots Bundles are working. So far i can send a flashbots Bundle with several transactions that i made. But in the official docs it is stated that we can include ...
GolGotS's user avatar
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Understanding eth_sendBundle, eth_sendPrivateTransaction and eth_sendRawTransaction

I want to understand the differences between the three RPC methods, so I can know which one is best for my use case. I am currently using eth_sendRawTransaction to submit transactions to the public ...
pestopasta's user avatar
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Flash Loan Transaction

Please I need help here, I am new to flash loans. I want to understand flash loan transactions on ether scan , how to identify them, if the transaction make profit or not. I am trying to implement a ...
Soyaya's user avatar
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Polygon Marlin MEV don't work with python

I'm trying to send 3 transections with MEV Marlin using web3-flashbots. But if i'm trying to use code from here(, i have a error with web3....
404's user avatar
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Sending private transactions using ethers and hardhat

I am using HardHat and ethers to send mint transaction: const ABI = (await ethers.getContractFactory("MyContract")).interface const contract_address = "0xABCDABCD" const [...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
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Is it possible to sign a transaction with eth_signTypedData?

I am trying to make a front end that allows you to send bundled transactions from multiple different accounts. Though, because of this I am not able to use "signTransaction" as wallets don't ...
0xQuinttin's user avatar
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Flashbots - Bundle simulation always reverts

I have a series of transactions I'm trying to bundle in golang. several of the transactions are signed transactions from a range of different wallets that are not yet submitted to the mempool. When I ...
user3428734's user avatar
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What is this MEV tx trying to achieve?

For this TX: Seems PunkOTC sent 7 ETH to mev bot and mev bot sent this 7ETH to (Lido: Execution Layer ...
Nick's user avatar
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Getting empty result from eth_sendBundle on builder0x69

I need to send my bundle to builder0x69 block builder using eth_sendBundle RPC method, but I get a response message with an empty result. I could not find any documents related to that builder, but it'...
Ehsan Khodarahmi's user avatar
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NEW Error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit

The following error appears Error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit (error={"reason":"processing response error","code":"...
user108591's user avatar
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How multi-hop bots finds the best way?

I have seen many bots perform multi-hop swaps to get the best arbitrage opportunity. So how do they find a such best path & exchange for their multi-hop swaps which gives the best returns? For eg ...
Rishabh Raghwendra's user avatar
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Scam wallet token recovery

How to build a code to recover the remaining coins from a hacked wallet Assume a hacker has compromised the wallet and automatically withdraws some funds how do I recover the remaining funds and there ...
Pedro Ezekiel's user avatar
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How to see if a tx was private using web3.eth.getTransaction?

If a tx is sent to miners directly (e.g.: using flashbots) instead of the public mempool, etherscan lists these transactions as 'private transaction'. How would I check if a tx is private using web3....
Geert-Jan's user avatar
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