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Questions tagged [private-transaction]

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GDPR: ETH addresses and token transfers

How to ensure that your application is GDPR compliance when using wallet addresessee for your users (generally linking each user to one Ethereum Wallet Addresses), knowing that ERC-20 transfers will ...
Alexander Herranz's user avatar
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How to go about building a spam sniper bot on ethereum

I am interested in sniping[buying] tokens in the very first block in which their trading gets enabled. However, for most tokens I find the transaction to enable trading is sent privately bypassing the ...
explorer66's user avatar
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How to see if a transaction was private?

Is it possible to check if a transaction was sent privately (e.g. via flashbots , bloxroute) or using the public mempool? If yes, what would be the best way to do it?
lino17's user avatar
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Quorum private transaction not working - Every function returns undefined

I am following the quickstart tuto on Quorum website. I launched the examlple script, which is showing how to manage private transactions. In the example, there are 3 members A, B, C. The script ...
Mike's user avatar
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How are private transactions possible?

I'm curious about the origin of private transactions (how are they even possible, who came up with them) and how they work. Also, are private pools the same as relay services? Why have they gained ...
Chiron's user avatar
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Sending private transactions using ethers and hardhat

I am using HardHat and ethers to send mint transaction: const ABI = (await ethers.getContractFactory("MyContract")).interface const contract_address = "0xABCDABCD" const [...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
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How to see if a tx was private using web3.eth.getTransaction?

If a tx is sent to miners directly (e.g.: using flashbots) instead of the public mempool, etherscan lists these transactions as 'private transaction'. How would I check if a tx is private using web3....
Geert-Jan's user avatar
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Flashbot Private Transaction

Encountered this type of transactions [Flashbot Private Transaction] for the first time while checking out the transactions from a sketchy account From what I understood so far; these transactions ...
Rehan Benuka's user avatar
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Why is this transaction showing value as 0?

New to crypto. I see in the erc20 tokens column that there are some SNX tokens. SNX was converted to aSNX then it was supposedly transferred to another wallet. But when I check that wallet there is no ...
dundermifflin's user avatar
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How come this tx appears as "private" in etherscan but is also a uniswap v2 swap?

I am trying to decode the inputs of some transactions and came across this one: It appears as a private ...
Jorge's user avatar
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How to send a frontrun resistant transactions using a browser extension like MetaMask?

It used to be very simple to send a private transaction on Ethereum. My aim is to perform a trade which would be fontrun if it was sent in the mempool or shared with all miners. As there’s no way to ...
user2284570's user avatar
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