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Decoding function input without ABI

It may sound a bit stupid, but how does etherscan, or other similar services decode function input without knowing it's abi? I know, that there are websites like , but ...
user26577548's user avatar
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How to Parse msg.Data

Lets say I have a function and I forward the data to another contract function Foo(uint256[] myInts, bytes optionalParams) public { validator.Validate(; } I would like to parse ...
RitzyDevUk's user avatar
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Failure to decode JSON

I'm trying to decode the following ZK proof, that lives in a JSON file, into a Solidity struct, using the Foundry book guide for JSON, but I'm getting continuous either errors or the wrong values: ...
dNyrM's user avatar
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How do I determine the constructor bytecode for contracts created by another contract

I am looking to decode constructor arguments for EVM contracts. Some contracts are created by externally owned accounts, but many are created via a contract transaction. In both cases how can I ...
Matthew's user avatar
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How can I decode a Gnosis Safe transaction?

I interacted with a smart contract using Gnosis Safe and sent a transaction to the Sepolia network: I ...
Thomas Hepner's user avatar
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Decode Safe transaction data with web3py

The transaction from Safe multisig is executing a contract so it cannot be decoded it directly with the contract ABI. The Safe transaction includes data field with long hex string starting 0x6a761202 ...
tmiyc's user avatar
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Need help with abi decode and encode

the solidity data structure and code is as follows : struct Order { bytes32 sender; int128 priceX18; int128 amount; uint64 expiration; uint64 nonce; } ...
Invented Most's user avatar
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How to decode a bytes value from Ethereum event with ethers.js

I've got the following event declaration in my Solidity contract: event RemoteOrderCreated(bytes32 indexed id, uint32 indexed nonce, address indexed sender, bytes input); And I capture the event ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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117 views ContractEvents.myEvent.process_receipt decoding

Here's a link to the docs for reference: I have the following code: txhash = "{hash}" tx_receipt = w3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(txhash) processed_logs = w3.eth.contract(address="{...
Fermin Carranza's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to analyze a tx data?

Given a transaction of type types.Transaction (golang go-ethereum), how can I analyze the data field and check if it has a swap or a sync event? I know that ...
AnastasiaShishkova's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to decode a nested encodePacked?

The structure of the encoding is abi.encodePacked( abi.encodePacked( address, uint256, uint256, address, uint256, address, ...
Ryan Sea's user avatar
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1 answer

How to decode the on a function in plain solidity?

I was wondering how to decode the data payload received on a function At first, I thought it would be enough with knowing the order of the variables and the exact data type of them at the moment of ...
Stalin Macias's user avatar
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Get addresses of transfers from transactions Web3Py

I am facing issue while trying to retreive data from Goerli (basically, Ethereum). I am trying to fetch transaction from this contract. For every transaction it creates a new airdrop by creating a new ...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
2 votes
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abi-decoder decode params from data of uniswap transaction

I could decode data for one transaction normally, but I can not for other. I am attaching both examples. I have no clue why the second one doesn't work because it seems I am doing the same yet it won'...
JohnyFree's user avatar
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call a function in the same contract

i have a contract who containt a function onTokenTransfer(address _sender, uint256 _fee, bytes memory _data), when i transfer some ERC-20 Token using ERC-677 function transferAndCall, the function ...
noro meb's user avatar
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Decoding Storage From trace_call (stateDiff)

I am using Erigon. I am using pendent transactions of swap in goerli, this is an output from trace_call (stateDiff): { "output": "0x", "stateDiff": { "...
Rafael's user avatar
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What happens if the actual return data type of a contract method is different from ABI

Suppose we want to handle ERC-20 tokens, but some of the token contracts does not comply with the standard completely. In IERC20 interface, transfer has the following signature. function transfer(...
ywat's user avatar
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How to decode DSProxy input data

I'm trying to debug a tx made through a DSProxy deployed on Polygonscan, but I'm having a difficult time since the _data part of the DSProxy function input is ABI-encoded. I would have to comb through ...
Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq's user avatar
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Dynamically decoding response based on user-provided type

In Solidity, I want users to provide the Solidity type of a response upfront, and when the response arrives, I want to decode it based on the type that the user provided - basically dynamic decoding ...
Jeff's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Decoding data from swap event. Uniswap V3

I'm learning how to listen events in blockchain. So I listened an event Swap on Uniswap V3 and got this result: { blockNumber: 15560305, blockHash: '...
Viktor Cortez's user avatar
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abi.decode fails to decode Structure

Function reverts when trying to decode this struct: struct NftProperties { uint32 dateOfFirstOperation; uint32 timestampStart; uint32 timestampEnd; int64 equivalentCO2; uint64 ...
Sky's user avatar
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Detecting internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response

Intro Hello everyone, I am attempting to filter and recreate internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response and the {tracer: "callTracer"} tracer. An example transaction can ...
user3223162's user avatar
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Fastest way to find the function in a contract from it's selector?

Let's say I have a function selector: 0xa9059cbb And I have a contract as such: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.7; contract CallAnything { function balanceOf(address ...
Patrick Collins's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I decode call data in solidity?

I have data in memory that is used for a function call, so I guess that makes it call data rather than a calldata (data location). This call data, say bytes memory data, consists of a selector and the ...
Marlo's user avatar
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Decode number of tokens and token contract address from (ERC-20)

I have a smart contract with just a fallback function and some logic. I want users to send their tokens directly to the smart contract to do some smart contract logic on receive. I've implemented ...
send1490's user avatar
4 votes
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decodeParameters function python web3?

Is there a function like "decodeParameters" for web3 python? Regards
Blocktoshi's user avatar
2 votes
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How to compress transaction's input?

Any idea to compress the input data to erase the much zeros From: ...
khennati's user avatar
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Why use abi encoding/decoding for method parameters? Why not simply separate the parameters in the method signature?

I have seen source codes where they would encode a bunch of parameters into a single bytes parameter and pass it into a function, what's the real purpose of doing it? For example: function hello(bytes ...
xenon's user avatar
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Why can't "input data" get decoded in a normal, readable format in an explorer, in some cases?

Let's say, this transaction The function router.swapExactAVAXForTokens was called here. However, in ...
Rurik21Ami's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to decode input using Etherscan ABI

I'm looking at the input for a transaction that calls a Smart Contract and I cannot make sense of it. This specific sample is on FTM, but I'm assuming there is no difference in behaviour to ETH? ...
Matthew Scerri's user avatar
2 votes
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How to parse constructor arguments on contract creation transaction using ethers.js?

Ethers.js has a parseTransaction function that can be used in the following way to extract arguments from any transaction on a deployed contract. const txDescription = contractInfo.interface....
Peteris's user avatar
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How to send bytes data to contract with to decode

I'm doing a test and trying to send bytes data to a contract so it can parse, store in variables, and return a value. Solidity code pragma solidity 0.6.12; contract testbyte { function sendBytes(...
dekubaka's user avatar
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How do I parse a bytes32 in solidty?

I have a bytes32 object in memory or storage and I want to parse it into little chunks, for example into one uint8, followed by a bool, followed by uint10, followed by address. How can one do that? I ...
Marlo's user avatar
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Decoding input data from transaction

I'm struggling with decoding the input data from transaction, have tried already everything that I found in similar topics here but all I can retrieve is: { "method": null, "types&...
Vladimir Zaslavsky's user avatar
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How to decode string from bytes 32 in event log that is returned as hex on event log subscribe

I am using the web3.eth.subscribe method to listen for events on a contract. When an event occurs, I am using the web3.eth.abi.decodeLog to decode the data from the event. One of the parameters I am ...
penguindev11's user avatar
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How can I decode calls to the songbird network?

for example: I am a multisig signer. And I want to decode the call data that is used to call a specific smart contract. example on smart contract : 0x02f0826ef6aD107Cfc861152B32B52fD11BaB9ED (WNat) I ...
Naso's user avatar
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bscscan contract argument data decoding

Let's take a look at this tx: as you can see it's buying token through pancake swap: ...
Marijus's user avatar
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Decode input parameter without ABI

I have a transaction with input data that looks like this: 0x2293db5700000000000000000000000030823e060e8be429b34bd9192df9cad4b166a056 I know that the last 40 characters is the token address which ...
Marijus's user avatar
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Best way to decode transaction input on the client side

I need to decode transaction input on the client side. Libraries like ethereum-input-data-decoder needs NodeJS dependencies like fs. Now I decode the one type of contract methods as follows: const ...
Narnik Gamarnik's user avatar
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How to decode input for tx sent to zero address (contract creation tx)

Decoding transaction input data requires providing ABI. How can I decode transaction input from a transaction issued to "zero" address? This special address is used for creating new ...
kubas1242121's user avatar
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How does Solidity decode a struct returned from a delegate call?

I have a proxy contract that delegate calls to a target contract. The proxy is similar to DSProxy. In it, there is an execute function: function execute(address target, bytes memory data) external ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Decode raw data within Solidity

If I only have the raw input data of a contract call, what would be the best way to decode it into readable form within Solidity? "[INPUT]":"...
dNyrM's user avatar
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How to decode when the input of tracsaction consists of multiple contracts?

I'm testing how to decode the input data of a transaction. I am currently using Infura and web3py. In the case of USDT token transfer, USDT ABI and contract address are obtained and decoded through ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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Is it possible to encode and decode two consequent byte arrays (with unknown sizes) using `abi.encode` and `abi.decode`?

Is it possible to encode and decode two consequent bytes using abi.encode and abi.decode (as following)? bytes memory data = abi.encode(data1, data2); // later on (bytes memory data1_recovered, bytes ...
Ehsan Khodarahmi's user avatar
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3 answers

Would it be possible to integrate crypto with trading bot? [closed]

You can create a trading bot in trading view and see how well your crypto would perform in a given time frame. (I can see how much money would I make if I didn't sell or how much money I would make if ...
Abinash's user avatar
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Decoding Transaction input data in Nethereum

I'm using Nethereum and see this example of how to decode the Input data of a Transaction object. Nethereum Playground C# This looks like it assumes that you have to know which function data you're ...
user1142433's user avatar
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Decoding transaction data using abi-decoder

I'm trying to write a very simple script in typescript that finds uniswap transactions and decodes the transaction data so I can read the function being called and the parameters it is being called ...
Vegtam's user avatar
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Method's parameters: a way to know a uint256 is a token amount and its number of decimals?

When decoding transaction actions or logs, I never know how to human-read uint256 values when they are token amounts and, if so, how to know how many decimals they are. For the decimals, do I always ...
Alpha60's user avatar
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8 votes
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Convert String to Hex using ethers.js

If I use web3.js I can convert a string to hex with: web3.utils.toHex('4c7b7ffb66b344fbaa64995af81e355a') How do I use the same utility for ethers.js?
Patrick Collins's user avatar
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decode ethereum input data in R [closed]

I am using the etherscan API to get the input data of transactions. However I have no real clue how I can decode the input data into something readable. For example: ...
Mike Grimich's user avatar