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Is it possible to transfer USDC from Fantom Opera network to BEP-20 network?

I have tried couple of bridging websites like Anyswap, Spookyswap but it failed badly. My coins are stuck in Fantom network. I want to switch them to other network, any suggestion?
TNX LABS's user avatar
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Transaction Decoding on Fantom. I can't extract the data I need

This is the first question I post here so I hope my question asked properly. I'm scanning the Fantom mempool searching for specific types of functions that interfere with pairs liquidity. I'm having ...
fil997's user avatar
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Not understanding gas calculation on an EVM network [Fantom]

This is a question about Gas fees for transactions. The bottom line is I can't understand the price (in gas units) of transaction - And I will walk you through a specific transaction to show you my ...
Michael Rabinovich's user avatar
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Real-time subscription to events in fantom?

I've tried to listen to events using websockets. import asyncio, json from websockets import connect wss = 'wss://' params = json.dumps({"id": 1, "method": &...
hdnguyen's user avatar
4 votes
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Swap 2 tokens directly with Pair, without Router

It is possible to swap tokens, interacting directly with the pair, and not with router? If it's possible I can receive an example (explanation, not necessarily the code) For example: Blockchain: ...
KunLun's user avatar
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Debug a deployed smart contract

Please tell me about some methodologies or tools for debugging already deployed smart contracts, as some crypto protocols don't support testnets. I am currently using a cheap blockchain (Fantom) for ...
skock's user avatar
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sushiswap flash loan never makes a profitable trade?

Any ideas as to why this flashloan contract isn't working? getting prices from a pricing aggregator I've verified the prices are accurate Thought that maybe it was because of slippage/liquidity but ...
U Avalos's user avatar
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Reserves are not changed after swap tokens

I forked Fantom network. And I use UniswapV2Router02, WrappedFtm, Btc contracts deployed on Fantom network in my test scripts. This is test scripits. beforeEach(async () => { [owner, ...
bindle bisu's user avatar
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HardhatError: HH700: Artifact for contract "UniswapV2Router02" not found

I wanna get UniswapV2Router02 deployed on Fantom network. UniswapRouter = await ethers.getContractAt( "UniswapV2Router02", "0xf491e7b69e4244ad4002bc14e878a34207e38c29" )...
bindle bisu's user avatar
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MetaMask Registering Contract Methods - Not Working

I was following these docs: After verifying my contract and using the write section, my methods still aren't verified by MetaMask, ...
ozftm's user avatar
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Why is there a public burn function in this Fantom Smart contract?

I was reviewing some of the smart contracts on Fantom and came across this function in ZOO: Whilst they have an internal burn ...
ozftm's user avatar
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Smart Contract Creation and Functions

I've recently created a smart contract on Fantom and wondered about a few details: Mint Functions Burn Functions Can any users or developers interact with these functions. For example, with my newly ...
ozftm's user avatar
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Transaction triggered successfully but users can edit transaction amount, How can I stop this?

I've recently added FTM payments to my website and discovered once the transaction is sent to MetaMask everything goes to plan but looking at the image below, Users can directly edit the amount sent ...
ozftm's user avatar
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Gnosis Safe on Fantom

There seems to be unofficial Gnosis Safe launched on Fantom blockchain. Does this solution have the same API that Gnosis Safe provides to get ...
origaminal's user avatar
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Wftm swap transaction always fails

I'm trying to swap some wftm tokens for boo tokens on spookyswap. I have 1.11 worth of wftms. I've done it manually with 0.01 worth on the spookyswap website so i don't understand why this code won't ...
pkjag's user avatar
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What does self destruct in a contract mean? [duplicate]

When I see There is a writing that the contract is self destruct. What does it mean? Some says that no one knows the private key ...
user4951's user avatar
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How do we know that a transaction has been canceled?

For example, If I see this It's written that there is this contract
user4951's user avatar
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Contract has callable functions not in ABI or source code

I've found several contracts for which I am able to call functions on the contract's front-end but that exist in neither the contract source code nor ABI. When I call the functions, ftmscan (an analog ...
Ryan's user avatar
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do wallets like metamask interact with

I want to create my own wallet using nethereum. Do I need paid service like infura? Say I want to send money from one fantom address to another. Do I need some public ethereum or fantom client?
user4951's user avatar
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What does difficulty mean in PoA and PoS chains?

In PoW, the meaning of "difficulty" is quite straightforward and, for instance, fully described in yellow paper. ( But what does the "...
Valerii's user avatar
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0x: Query Liquidity Pools for APR

Is there a way to use 0x to query LPs to find out their current APR? I'm trying to build a small reporting tool and would love to query LPs on these DEXes, but can't seem to figure out how. I tried ...
Luke Cassady-Dorion's user avatar
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How to query prices on Fantom blockchain

I'm trying to write some Javascript code to query Fantom DEXes to find out the price wFTM in various wFTM / USDC liquidity pools and I'm a bit lost as to what contract method to call. I'm starting ...
Luke Cassady-Dorion's user avatar
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Gnosis Safe Fantom - Connect to site that needs to connect using MetaMask and not WalletConnect

have a multi-sig wallet created and in use. It requires 2 of 4 signatures and all seems to be working just fine with it. I now need to interact with a website ( to connect ...
bravenoob's user avatar
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Unable to decode input using Etherscan ABI

I'm looking at the input for a transaction that calls a Smart Contract and I cannot make sense of it. This specific sample is on FTM, but I'm assuming there is no difference in behaviour to ETH? ...
Matthew Scerri's user avatar
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FAIL. Reason: SafeMath: subtraction overflow When trying to deposit to Geist on FTM

Keep getting an overflow randomly when trying to deposit to geist. This error randomly occurs and I cannot explain why. Has anyone else experienced this behaviour? Here is a link to the repo:https://...
Chinmay Gopal's user avatar
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Send Signed Transaction with Private key

I deployed Test Token(Copy of LQRD) on Fantom test network. I sent signed transaction From A account To B account using A private key. The transaction was succeeded. But token was not transfered from ...
K.Araki's user avatar
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0x API returning error for getting Fantom quote

The call is this one and fails with a "Server Error"
Solerus's user avatar
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Interacting with contract giving absurd price in Metamask

I have created a token exchange contract that works fine when interacting directly from Remix or , but when trying to build the app to work with the contract, it is giving absurd prices ...
FBK's user avatar
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ERC20 Approve call to use tokens in another smart contract

I am trying to build a smart contract that is using my custom token. Below you can find the sample of smart contract that I have created that showcases the approve function. // SPDX-License-Identifier:...
FBK's user avatar
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Websocket returning "unexpected server response: 200"

Using ethers.js with node, I was able to connect and communicate with websockets until recently. My code did work but now I only get Unexpected server response: 200 as response when trying to ...
kitaro's user avatar
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Different gas costs for token transfer on Fantom network

Can someone explain why the same WFTM transfer costs one time 38k and another time 23k gas? Here are the two transactions:
flo's user avatar
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eth_accounts RPC method returns some unexpected accounts on the Fantom blockchain

What are the accounts that get returned by the eth_accounts RPC call on the Fantom blockchain? This doesn't seem to be the case on other blockchains and they (seemingly) always return an empty list. ...
loxs's user avatar
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4 answers

How to deploy a contract in Rinkeby, Ehereum, Polygon and Fantom with the same address?

I have noticed by doing some tests that when I publish the same contract on different networks, the address is the same. Then, the "Etherscan" of each network show a link to ...
Extrange planet's user avatar
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swap working for `swapExactETHForTokens` but `swapExactTokensForTokens` resulting in an error

I have been trying to write token swap scripts for Spookyswap on Fantom (so the transaction formatting should be pre EIP-1559) in python using I have forked Fantom via Hardhat for testing ...
Blackwidow's user avatar
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constructing transactions for Fantom

Below is my attempt at constructing a transaction on Fantom (Keep in mind that Fantom is not EIP-1559 compatible, so the format should be the old one) contract_txn = contract_SPOOKY_ROUTER.functions....
Blackwidow's user avatar
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Unable to send_raw_transaction using on Fantom Network

I am currently trying to simply send FTM from one wallet to another on Fantom mainnet, albeit encountering a Value error 'rlp: expected List' as listed below. ftm = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('https://...
MSalty's user avatar
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How to run Dapp on the Fantom blockchain?

I have deployed 2 contracts on Fantom that were running on Rinkeby. Worked really well. However, when I run my Dapp using "yarn dev", I get nothing. It cannot connect to the blockchain. So ...
Philip Rutovitz's user avatar