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Error during tokenization with the contract: 0xe83cE6bfb580583bd6A62B4Be7b34fC25F02910D

I have an Alchemy project through which I have received transactions. I would like to tokenize these transactions using the following Python script: import json from web3 import Web3 # Codes de ...
James CARTER's user avatar
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How to know why Uniswap cancelled my transaction?

I am not pro, but can someone check please why my transaction was cancelled on Ethereum after sending to Swap token on Uniswap v2?
sirjay's user avatar
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TransactionRevertInstructionError: Transaction has been reverted by the EVM

I am now trying to use addLiquidity with Uniswap V2 on sepolia testnet. I am using web3.js in truffle, but there are some areas where errors keep occurring. I have posted only the necessary code here. ...
songyujin's user avatar
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web3.js wrong EIP-1559 transaction

I am currently working on a function (for educational purposes) that signs a hex message, extracts the signatures and create a signed transaction, but every time I add the signature, the from address ...
Adebayo Anuoluwa's user avatar
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web3.js Keccak256 giving different answer

Minimum reproducible example : hash1 = "be516d52220ea58966754101dd7ee25be73a695febd2bca54145681e2cc72fe9" hash2 = "edede15ad23aba32fd2613ffee105278e322b2d81314bcb66eb4c453ad072bd4" ...
shadow's user avatar
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Is there Uniswap V2/V3 function to get initial token supply amount in pool?

I need to get initial token supply when liquidity pool was created by querying Ethereum node (RPC) or Uniswap contract and not Mint() function, is it possible to do (python)? To get reserves on any ...
sirjay's user avatar
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How to send entire account balance to another address on Base

The below code is what I used to transfer entire account balance to other address on the ERC20 network and it works fine on it, but not on Base. Maybe it's because Base has different transaction fee ...
Zero's user avatar
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Replacement fee too low, Base Sepolia

This is the code I have for sending a transaction on Base Sepolia. I am using this to split the balance in my account into two halves and sending each half to an address one by one. export async ...
Zero's user avatar
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Is it possible to make an atomic transaction using web3.js only?

I am currently working on a project using web3.js that invloves making 2 transactions atomically. Is it possible to pass those 2 transactions in a single transaction object to make it atomic or is the ...
John's user avatar
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Etherscans ABI and transaction receipt topic[0] are different. Bug?

I need simply to get Transfer data values from transaction with 1 log It sends +7,601.747 LINK. The problem ...
sirjay's user avatar
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Cannot send USDT on Polygon : Error happened while trying to execute a function inside a smart contract

//token_address is the adress of the contract : 0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F //because USDT on polygon is a Proxy contract, minABI is the abi of the contract where it redirect : https://...
Francois's user avatar
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Etherscan API doesn't return internal transaction (although it has)

Here is transaction with simple Transfer() some GALA tokens. Etherscan shows 1 internal transaction: But it'...
sirjay's user avatar
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Why Etherscan's API missing ABI functions?

Here is transaction In logs we can see 3rd function SendToInjectiveEvent(). It is interaction with ...
sirjay's user avatar
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analysing a wallet on a specific contract (web3js/ethers)

is it possible to obtain the transactions of an eth address on a given contract (nft)? at the moment the os API does not allow this, or rather, I would have to iterate over all wallet transactions ...
klok's user avatar
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Transfer Ether through a smart contract

I'm pretty new to web3. I'm writing a simple smart contract to receive ETH and transfer it to a fix address, really a simple smart contract. Its work well with standard token but not with Ether. Can ...
Xar Tran's user avatar
2 votes
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Issue with Smart Contract Interaction using Web3.js 4.2.0: TransactionRevertedWithoutReasonError on MetaMask and Sepolia Testnet

Problem Overview I am facing an issue while interacting with a smart contract using Web3.js version 4.2.0. The specific method causing trouble is broadcastMessage(string), designed to store a string ...
Dawid's user avatar
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Send selected token (the one you deployed) with web3js

How to send a transaction of a token that I have in my wallet other than the default one like ether in Ethereum without a contract method just with web3js?
seojunchian's user avatar
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'value at "/0" is required'

const {Web3} = require("web3"); require("dotenv").config(); const sPrivateKey = process.env.SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY; const sPublicKey = process.env.SENDER_PUBLIC_KEY; const rPublicKey =...
seojunchian's user avatar
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eth_sendTransaction does not exist/is not available

What I am trying to do is I am trying to send transactions with web3js. At first I used sign transaction then send signed transaction get the same error after a little bit of research and tryed them. ...
seojunchian's user avatar
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Tracking the spedup transactions from metamask

while building a Dapp using metamask to make transactions, i figured that metamask is not responding correctly when a transaction is spedup, making my code wait forever for a canceled transaction that ...
Kaki Master Of Time's user avatar
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Cannot send transaction to smart contract, 'unknown account' even with account added to wallet

I am trying to send a transaction that updates the state of a smart contract. I have locally deployed a ethereum network using Geth and three VM. Here is my JS code: import { Web3 } from 'web3'; ...
robeng's user avatar
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REWARD!! PLEASE CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME ETH STUCK - I am a newbie trying to create a trading bot. and came across a tutorial, my 1.1eth stuck Metamask! [duplicate]

SORRY ABOUT THE GRAMMAR AND SPELLING I HAVENT SLEPT FOR ALLMOST 2 days BECAUSE OF THIS.. Here is a bit of a back story on why I have become a little desperate lately to find ways to make crypto faster ...
GTR ARGH's user avatar
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Coinbase / Web3 - how are they connected? Where is my balance on Web3

I am brand new. I created a Coinbase Account and started investing. I heard someone say something about web3. I don't know what this is, but I think i have money in there. As I'm still waiting to be ...
TheBlackSheep's user avatar
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'err: insufficient funds for gas * price + value:

I am using sepolia testnet, to make a signed transaction between two accounts locally, below is the code :--- let { Transaction: Tx }= require('ethereumjs-tx'); let {Web3} = require('web3'); const ...
Shubham's user avatar
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How to get and decode logs of all transactions of a block in web3?

How to get and decode logs of all transactions of a block in web3? My question is very similar to: Is there a way to get the logs for all transactions in a block? But the suggestions were given using ...
Alison Silva's user avatar
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abi-decoder's decodeMethod returns undefined

I am trying to decode the input field of this transaction as below, const decodedInput = abiDecoder.decodeMethod(transaction.input); but decodedInput returns undefined despite the my ABI having the ...
Nishanth Gobi's user avatar
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Web3Py 'TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED' error when executing a swap even if tokens spending have been approved

I tried to execute a swap using Web3py with the following function: def swap(node, account_address, pvt_key, contract_address, contract_abi, action_type, amount_in, amount_out_min): #load USDC and ...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Read Transaction History with ethers v6.1.0

I am trying to create a new wallet similar to Metamask. I have implemented few simple features and now I am looking to display transaction history for a particular wallet address. I have tried ...
Vaibhav Patel's user avatar
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Impossible to deals with big number in web3.js transacation :

I can't deals with big number (BN.js) with web3.js I have overflow error or i have execution reverted with BN.js library when I try add liquidity to pancakeswap pool. By using BN.js Without using BN....
max's user avatar
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ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'intrinsic gas too low'} how to resolve , see the code in body, looking for help

from web3 import Web3 infura_url = "<key>" web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(infura_url)) account_1 = '0x0BD2c4B74c3DEcF804567eb91DF84F3fAcC6DE32' private_key1 ...
BBAK Technologies's user avatar
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Get Method ID from all transactions in a block

I ask for your help! How do I get the Method ID for each transaction in a block. I can get the following information block = w3.eth.get_block('latest', True) print(list(block)) ['difficulty', '...
Pypy's user avatar
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I can't made web3 subscribe filter work

I'm trying to get a subscription to logs from a "target" address, but I wasn't able to make filters works. Subscribe method works without filter but I wasn't able to print a result without ...
Mentasuave01's user avatar
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Await ethereum transaction in javascript by only knowing the transaction hash

Is there a way to check if a transaction was mined/it's being mined by only knowing the transaction hash? I'm using ethers.js
Agilulfo's user avatar
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What is 'gas' when sending a transaction in web3.js? Is it in gwei? How can I set the gas price of a transaction in gwei?

There are so many gas paramaters in web3.js. How can I send a transaction with a custom gas fee in gwei?
Henry G's user avatar
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How to retrieve DAI transfers

I'm trying to fetch most recent DAI transfers for this address 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f, and retrieve information about them such as address, etc. I feel like I'm missing ...
user110925's user avatar
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Replacement transaction underpriced

I am building a Django service with Celery that sends multiple transactions to a contract and I am finding that the error {'code': -32000, 'message': 'replacement transaction underpriced'} from geth ...
tinom9's user avatar
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How the transaction can happen without signing the transaction here?

Why we can complete the transaction without signing it? //sending transaction. // Q: Why we don't need to sign transactions here? const trxHash = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: accounts[0], ...
Sayem Abedin's user avatar
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How Web3 send a token transaction? [Newbie question]

I'm a bit new to Web3, and have a serious job to build a multi-chain wallet Already know the basics, create wallet or account with Web3 (BTW don't know the difference) anyway, I'd like to know how to ...
Ahmed Mohsen's user avatar
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MetaMask showing 'transfer' method - How do I switch it to 'Smart Contract Interaction'?

I have a simple transaction set up to send 100 of my ERC20 token to a certain address. Please see the code below: if (window.ethereum) { await window.ethereum.request({ method: "...
ozftm's user avatar
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Wait for incoming ethereum transactions and credit them after n confirmations

I'm trying to create a website where users can deposit ethereum. For my server I'm using node.js and express.js. I looked into web3.js but the docs are unclear to me and I don't know which functions ...
gggggggggg's user avatar
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Transaction on Uniswap -- how to find out what pair is being swapped (via web3.js)?

Given a transaction on Uniswap, how to find out what pair is being swapped, and the amount of it? Namely, via web3.js/ethers.js Is there relevant and sufficient information in the fields of a ...
Johny's user avatar
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how to fail a ether transaction on blockchain (with insufficient balance)

Need to generate error cases for ether transfer to see how blockchain deals with these cases. But ethereum clients like metamask didn't allow sending ether higher than the balance. Tried the same with ...
Bobby Sebastian's user avatar
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Emit an Event when no transaction

Can I emit an event in case a transaction doesn't take place? For example, I have a function checking whether the wallet is allowed to buy the token. If yes, the transaction takes place and an event ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Is it possible to extract data such as `gasPrice`, `gasLimit`, `nonce`, etc. from the transaction that has been signed and serialized?

Is it possible to extract data such as gasPrice, gasLimit, nonce, etc. from the transaction that has been signed and serialized? For example I use this code for sign tx: //Signing transaction const ...
Nabi K.A.Z.'s user avatar
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Optimizing ETH transaction code

I am using the below code for executing ETH transactions with web3.js Is it an optimized code? is there any room for improvements, what else can I add, or how can I handle exceptions/errors const ...
ershad7's user avatar
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A Transaction from a wallet to a smart contract gives an error "txn receipt status fail". If you transfer to another wallet, it works. How to fix it?

I need to transfer money from the Metamask wallet to the smart contract address. I wrote a js-file for this(using web3.js). (I'm testing on Rinkeby's network.) When my site opens, this js-file is ...
Alexei's user avatar
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How to get transaction failed reason with ethers.js

Using ethers' waitForTransaction(), getTransactionReceipt() or getTransaction() I can ask for transaction status, but I need to know the cause of error (as this question: How to get transaction failed ...
Fabio Suarez's user avatar
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What is the cheapest valid transaction?

What is the cheapest valid transaction, in terms of gas used? Is there a "no op" kind of transaction that I can construct? If so, how would I construct this with web3?
Thomas Johnson's user avatar
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Is it possible to sign a transaction using eth_sign?

I am trying to sign a transaction, but not submit it. That would be possible using eth_signTransaction, but Metamask doesn't support it yet. I heard that it would be possible to sign a transaction ...
Markusbug's user avatar
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Is transaction data the same as transaction input?

The Ethereum RPC API documentation accepts a data field when requesting to sendTransaction. I notice that when I retrieve a historical transaction from the blockchain, I get back an input field and ...
David Callanan's user avatar

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