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Is it possible to sign a transaction using eth_sign?

I am trying to sign a transaction, but not submit it. That would be possible using eth_signTransaction, but Metamask doesn't support it yet. I heard that it would be possible to sign a transaction ...
Markusbug's user avatar
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Is it safe to sign messages with Personal Sign or can you hide a transaction in the message?

I am wondering if it is safe to sign any message with Personal Sign? Can't a malicious dapp try to hide a transaction inside the message I am signing and then use my signature to make that transaction?...
FracaShaw's user avatar
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How are transactions signed when using web3js with Infura?

So far so good, all the examples I have seen online using infura are only code examples where the blockchain is queried. I have not seen one where transactions is actually sent to the blockchain. ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
7 votes
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How to sign transaction using web3.js via metamask

I'm trying to make a signed transaction in browser with web3 injected from metamask and send the transaction to my backend-server and then submit it to blockchain. However, it's hard to find how I can ...
fd asdf's user avatar
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Providing "v" "r" and "s" values as parameters for a method

So I am trying to use a method directly on (using "Write Contract" on the contract whose method I am trying to use) and it asks me for some parameters. Some of the parameters ...
PostTraumaticDesk's user avatar
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Offline creation of signed contract transactions with web3js v1.2.11

I'm attempting to sign a contract transaction offline using web3js v1.2.11. signingAddr = //my eth address signingPk = //my private key // docs: The options object for the contract instance. from, ...
Lee's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of "buildTransaction" of web3Py in web3JS?

I'm using Node to interact with my smart contract. I understand that I need to first sign my transaction before sending it. In one of the StackExchange answers I see that it can be done using ...
Vishnu Prakash's user avatar
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How to retrieve transaction hash value from the Promise object using web3js?

I'm trying to retrieve the transaction hash value after I call my smart contract method. My Promise object looks like below. returnPromise: Promise { "pending" } ​ <state>: "...
TThom's user avatar
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Why doesn't my contract call create a new transaction in my ganache transaction section?

goes easy on me because I'm quite new to all of this stuff. So I've created a function which signs my transaction using web3js library and looks like this: signTx = async () => { const { ...
Lovro Bilješković's user avatar