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Transaction on Uniswap -- how to find out what pair is being swapped (via web3.js)?

Given a transaction on Uniswap, how to find out what pair is being swapped, and the amount of it? Namely, via web3.js/ethers.js Is there relevant and sufficient information in the fields of a ...
Johny's user avatar
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decode ethereum input data

Howsit guys, I am busy going through the mempool and trying to track various transactions and parts of transactions. As a first step I thought I would list transactions and the bits I might need later ...
street rat's user avatar
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Incorrect return value after calling getTransactionCount

I have only few lines in the code: async function test() { await web3.eth.getTransactionCount('{ WALLET }').then(console.log); } test(); The return values are random: 0, 22 (this is the real value)...
user3630024's user avatar
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Why do we have to put 'hex' at the end of this function? Buffer.from('key' , 'hex')

I know that this line of code: Buffer.from('key', 'hex') Converts a string into its binary representation. My question is: what does adding the 'hex' at the end do? I am confused, since the key is ...
Crypto's user avatar
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Web3 - Assign nonce to smart contract transact

I have a smart contract. I want to execute one of its state modifying functions. This is the code: const result = await smartContractObject.methods .addSomething(_valueToAdd) .send( { gas: '...
cqx's user avatar
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3 votes
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Send signed transaction from nodejs to private SmartContract using webjs in Quorum network not working

Context I have a quorum network mounted following the example of 7nodes. In node 1 I have deployed a smart contract privately, putting the public key of this ("BULeR8JyUWhiuuCMU/HLA0Q5pzkYT+...
victor_reiner's user avatar
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2 answers

How to sign a transaction automatically? [duplicate]

An api will call the smart contract function. It should sign the transaction on its own instead of human intervention. I think raw transaction can work here. Are there any other options? Any help is ...
Shubham Chadokar's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to send transaction/call function from server-side?

After an event emits from my smart contract and I hear it server-side, I want to call a certain function in the smart contract and pass it some information to use. I'm wondering how you place a ...
savard's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

RangeError: private key length is invalid (In New ETH Transaction pragmatically)

Followed this Ans Ans1 and Ans2 but no solution got. const web3 = new Web3(''); const account1 = '...
Vishal Dalve's user avatar
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Offline transaction like lightening network on Ethereum [closed]

I want to implement transaction process like lightening network. When 2 people do number of transactions between each other, for instance they did 10 transaction with each other. I want to keep all ...
Shubham Chadokar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

JSONRPC error on sendSignedTransaction

I run ganache, truffle and metmask. If I run the code below I get an error on the this.web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction() function: EDIT: changed my code to the following.. Error remained the same ...
jasper's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create transactions and delay its broadcast to other nodes

I am creating a project where i need to use my smart contract to add data to the storage but in a programatically delayed way: I am using web3 in my nodejs server, and i want to create the ...
Kaki Master Of Time's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to call my contract's function using sendRawTransaction?

I am trying to call my contract's method using sendRawTransaction. I have a function in my contract updateReading(address consumerAddress, uint32 consumerMeterId, uint64 ...
Crissi Mariam Robert's user avatar
5 votes
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Web3.js 1.0 sendSignedTransaction returns error: Invalid RLP

Running parity private PoA chain, using latest parity client + nodejs + web3.js 1.0 When I try to sign a transaction and then send it following web3.js 1.0 documentation (sendTransaction and ...
simoh92's user avatar
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60 votes
6 answers

error: replacement transaction underpriced

Im trying to send a raw transaction using web3 to ropsten testnet and Im getting this error: replacement transaction underpriced where sometimes my tx works and sometimes I get this error. my tx ...
Ernane Luis's user avatar
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sendRawTransaction not appearing / being submitted to the network

I'm new to Javascript, so bear with me. I've successfully gotten web3.js working in a HTML file, with getBalances working as it should. (I don't want to use Node.js for now) However now I'm stuck at ...
David T's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Difference between transactions and raw transactions in web3.js

Reading the documentation of web3.js I have come across sending transactions and raw transactions.In the documentation it's specified that send raw transaction sends an already signed transaction. ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Using web3 to sign a transaction without connecting to geth

Is it possible to use the web3.js library in a client's browser to let them generate an address and sign a transaction without them connecting to an ethereum node?
Max's user avatar
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