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help to claim erc20 every once in a while

i want to create erc20 ex .. a Total supply: 100,000 tokenName 50,000 Premined. 10,000 release schedule 10% every day started from " ex : tomorrow" for this address 0x Note: web GUI with a ...
iyas seyam's user avatar
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why the below error is thrown when doing transaction with metamask to the truffle

the error is thrown is shown in the below picture.While doing the transaction an error stating ethjs-rpc with payload["id:761..,Jsonrpc:"2.0","params":"0xf8..]
user61878's user avatar
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What should I call the object returned from a Truffle contract function-call

When I perform a contract function-call via Truffle, and then resolve the returned promise, I get something like this: { "tx": "0x...", "receipt": { "transactionHash": "0x...", ...
goodvibration's user avatar
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How to persist contract data from Truffle transactions

After running Truffle tests, the blockchain reverts to a clean room environment and all the data is lost. How can you do transactions from Truffle and persist the data in your contract? In my case I ...
Harsha Laxman's user avatar
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Identify when a smart contract is deployed again in the network

I would like to automate the response of a Smart Contract from a script. Is there any way to identify when the contract was deployed again in the network to send a response? UPDATED: If the solution ...
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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How to call my contract's function using sendRawTransaction?

I am trying to call my contract's method using sendRawTransaction. I have a function in my contract updateReading(address consumerAddress, uint32 consumerMeterId, uint64 ...
Crissi Mariam Robert's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Invalid JSON RPC response error for sendTransaction on Infura + Ropsten node + Truffle console

Calls work but transactions throw the error - Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: "" I am using web3 v0.19.0 & Truffle v3.4.9. Deploying contract using truffle, truffle migrate --network ...
Shivam D's user avatar
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Transaction not being recorded

I'm writing a snippet of code that should call an API and record the response to the chain: function(APIResponse) { // Write to chain console.log(`API responded with:\n${APIResponse}`); ...
user3223162's user avatar
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Truffle/Web3: myContract.method.estimateGas causes BigNumber error

I get the following error when running truffle test: { BigNumber Error: new BigNumber() not a number: [object Object] at raise (/Users/danielyakobian/.nvm/versions/node/v7.5.0/lib/node_modules/...
Daniel Kobe's user avatar
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