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Questions tagged [mac-osx]

Questions pertaining to Ethereum clients or software specifically on Mac OSX. Typically the bug or question would, most likely, only occur on Macs or is Mac-specific.

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4 votes
1 answer

Cannot install eth-brownie with pipx

I have an MacBook Air M2 with python version 3.11.2 I am getting this error message when I follow the pipx instructions to install brownie I tried using pip to install each of these packages ...
Kate Johnson's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to properly configure web3 in a reactjs App?

I am currently building a React Dapp that connects to ethereum using the web3 library but when I attempt to make any API calls nothing is rendered to the screen or browser console. I have attached the ...
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2 answers

Error installing eth-brownie in MacOS

I call pipx install eth-brownie and get this error: pip failed to build packages: bitarray cytoolz lru-dict Some possibly relevant errors from pip install: fatal error: too many ...
0xYuji's user avatar
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5 answers

Cannot install truffle. Node.js and npm are installed

I currently have node 12.21.0 + npm 6.14.41 + macos big sur 11.2.1 + ganache 2.5.4 + command line for xtools 12.4 I read online that truffle does not support node v13, so i uninstalled the one i had (...
imgettingthere's user avatar
6 votes
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Why is my geth node stuck on "Looking for peers"?

I created a private test network using Puppeth and two nodes using Geth: geth account new --datadir node1 geth account new --datadir node2 geth init mynetwork.json --datadir node1 geth init mynetwork....
Peter Lawson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

pyethapp requirements.txt install fails on "Building wheel for gevent ( ... - error"

OSX 10.15.4 Running under virtual env with python3.7 Hi, I'm trying to work with Raiden. Trying to install pyethapp. While installing the requirements.txt, I fail on "Building wheel for gevent (...
user60380's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer
899 views cannot connect to geth --dev node via IPC

I've launched a geth client over IPC: geth --dev --allow-insecure-unlock --ipcpath ipc://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc And trying to connect using a Web3 IPC provider: my_provider = Web3....
Peteris's user avatar
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web3.eth.getAccounts() yields an empty array

I first started geth:  geth --syncmode "light" --rpc --rpcaddr --rpccorsdomain "*" --datadir ~/eth_blocks/ and then used: geth account new. I verified that there is a new entry in ~/...
Hairy's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to build parity from source on macOS

Just did a fresh clone from github and: cargo build --release --features final gives me a link error: = note: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_je_malloc_usable_size", ...
elmattic's user avatar
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How to add Truffle signing keys to MacOS keychain

Debated what Stack Exchange to go to for this, but I thought I'd start here since it's related to setting up a local Ethereum dev environment. I downloaded and have been using the Ganache command-line ...
TJB's user avatar
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Truffle Migrate Error: Could not find built Migrations contract: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0

Running truffle migrate with valid contract code started causing this error for me: Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts Using network 'development'. Error: Could not find built Migrations ...
dangerous.beans's user avatar
1 vote
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Install geth with tools on Mac using brew

geth can be installed on the Mac OS X using brew brew update brew upgrade brew tap ethereum/ethereum brew install ethereum Is there a way to use brew to install Geth and tools?
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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solc producing different contract binary depending on OS

I have a Linux, and another person has a Mac. We have the same solc compiler version, except for the OS extension (I have 0.4.24+commit.e67f0147.Linux.g++, they have 0.4.24+commit.e67f0147.Darwin....
Alex Altair's user avatar
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Puppeth running on Mac with localhost always return err="docker configured incorrectly: bash: docker: command not found\n"

Anybody tried running puppeth on Mac (Sierra or higher) with localhost as the servers with any success? Please share it here, because I always get err="docker configured incorrectly: bash: docker: ...
Project S's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to cap CPU usage in Parity?

I have a non-useless Macbook Air running High Sierra. I've tried using both Mist & Parity, but alarmingly, I've found that both Ethereum clients have no respect for my CPU load when syncing. ...
hakusaro's user avatar
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Installing from source, Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1

Trying to install from source and getting this error when doing a pip install -e . inside the web3 directory. RuntimeError: Format missing, but need one (identified source as text as no ...
LampShade's user avatar
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Switched from the Ethereum Wallet's test network to main network and need to remove the previous data

I was on the Ethereum Wallet's test network and finally worked out all the code, but now that I have switched over to the main network I've had to download a lot of the preexisting blocks and has my ...
E. Jonathan's user avatar
3 votes
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Brew linkapps deprecated, unable to install on Mac

brew linkapps solidity Warning: brew linkapps has been deprecated and will eventually be removed! Unfortunately brew linkapps cannot behave nicely with e.g. Spotlight using either aliases or symlinks ...
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Specify Token Price

I'm pretty much new on this. But I really want to learn. I just created a contract for mintable token on Kovan test-net. But, I'm getting confused when I try to buy the token, it's always shown x000....
sichokie's user avatar
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parity CLI "bash: parity: command not found"

How do I run the parity CLI? I installed it from here but running parity on the command line results in "bash: parity: command not found" I'm trying to cancel pending transactions in parity during ...
LampShade's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I play with ETH mining on iMac 27 with AMD M395X (4GB)?

I have an idle iMax 27 with 2TB Fusion Drive and 4GB AMD 395X GPU. Last time the question was asked was July 2016, so I'll ask again for a current answer. I am NOT expecting to make any money, but I ...
Walter Kraslawsky's user avatar
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removing standalone geth client from Mac OS X

I have a stand alone geth client on Macbook pro which starts automatically, I want to delete the client so the ethereum wallet can always run without fighting with geth to shut down.
Jack Mullen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Stuck on Install Solidity with Brew on MacOSX

I tried to install Solidity this way, but as soon as I do brew install solidity it stops at the following line: ==> ./b2 --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.65.1 --libdir=/usr/local/Cellar/boos ...
sunwarr10r's user avatar
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3 answers

geth console returns command not found on Mac

I am just getting started on ethereum programming on a Mac (OS Siera 10.12.6) and am trying to set up my environment. I am following the installation instructions. I completed these ...
Jazzmine's user avatar
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Parity wallet freezes on first setup page on Mac osx

I'm trying to install parity for a mate on his name Mac. After the install, on the first setup page where it asks me to put in my wallet name etc, it freezes on that table only. I've left it for an ...
Genezza's user avatar
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Geth sync too slow on MacMini to catch up with latest blocks

My workaround used to be do a geth -removedb and start a fresh fast sync from scratch. Trying to sync with existing blockchain data instead was a lost race of catching up to the latest block. Today ...
user17193's user avatar
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How can I share a geth service and corresponding chaindata between multiple users but not a keystore / wallet?

I would like to avoid storing redundant chaindata on the same system (MacOS). As per Ismael, it looks like a solution would be to run geth as a service and have both user accounts' Mist clients ...
CLL's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is this notice to update to Geth 1.6.6 via legitimate?

A few days ago when opening Ethereum Wallet version 0.8.9 I received popup windows notifying me to update the Wallet to 0.8.10 and Geth to 1.6.6. Here is a screenshot of the latter: This notice ...
Internet User's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Building a native MacOS Ethereum app

What is the best way of designing a native Ethereum app on MacOS. My initial thought was have the native MacOS app be the frond end and have it talk to the geth daemon which will do the heavy lifting. ...
Ronald's user avatar
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1 answer

miner.Start() Returns "null" - Its frustrating

I set a private blockchain on Ethereum. Two nodes up and sync'ed as peers. Issue is it does not start mining. miner.Start() Returns "null" - What can I do? Have set eth.coinbase() return the a new ...
RK Paleru's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to give more resources to Ethereum Wallet?

I downloaded the Ethereum Wallet a few weeks ago. Since then it has been syncing with the network (I don't have it running all the time). As today the block download progress is 3.700.000/3.912.000. ...
Pablo L's user avatar
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1 answer

June 2017: Most widely used and accepted Ethereum development framework on MacOSx?

For those getting started with Ethereum development, is there any insight to be offered for which framework to use for mac? There is also this post: Which one is suitable frameworks for Dapp ...
bitsurfer's user avatar
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Issues with Parity's send transactions and deploying contracts

I am using the latest Parity client on Mac connected via WiFi (ping 25ms) on the Ropsten testnet. The chain is completely synced but my problem is that I can't post any transaction and also can't ...
larsl's user avatar
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2 answers

Start mining in Ethereum Wallet

In Ethereum Wallet (TEST-NET) on macOS, under the Develop menu there is an item "Start mining (Testnet only)". After clicking on it, how do I know anything is happening? There is no visual feedback? ...
Nathan H's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

web3.js getBlock() call pauses after 500th iteration on MacOs

I am trying to traverse over blocks and get their transaction information like this: for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var block = web3.eth.getBlock(i); console.log( block.number); } ...
alper's user avatar
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1 answer

General - Guide to getting setup on testnet and solidity on a Mac

I just purchased a new Macbook with the hopes of getting started developing dapps via solidity. Does anyone have a good resource/guide to getting started with testrpc on a mac? Thank you!
cdirubio's user avatar
5 votes
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Ethereum wallet on two devices?

I have a few problems, and I am not sure how to solve them. I transferred ethereum from Coinbase to a wallet that I originally created on a Mac. The initial sync was not yet complete, and it is ...
Erik's user avatar
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Where can the parity blockchain files be found?

On my Mac I am looking for the Parity blockchain file for the ropsten chain. I checked the following locations: ~/.parity and ~/.local but both directories don't exist. ~/.ethash contains 1gb sized ...
larsl's user avatar
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Mac OSX: I have created a launchagent plist for Geth so it runs in the background on startup. Can I reattach it to terminal?

I wanted to be able to run Geth in the background without having to think about it in order to assist the network. So I created a .plist and added it to /library/launchagents. Now when I start my ...
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3 votes
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Parity 1.6.3 issue building with multirust

cat /Users/xxxxxxxxxxx/Library/Logs/Homebrew/parity/01.multirust 2017-03-21 16:08:46 -0500 multirust update stable Failed to execute: multirust update stable HOMEBREW_VERSION: 1.1.11 ORIGIN: https:/...
b glen's user avatar
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Homebrew parity install fails with 'no available formula'

The following installation of Parity via Homebrew on MacOS: brew install parity --beta --verbose fails with Error: No available formula with the name "parity" What can I do?
q9f's user avatar
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How do I recover the disk space space after uninstalling Ethereum Wallet on OS/X?

Just to preface, I am somewhat new to Ethereum, and I'm trying to learn my way around. So I recently downloaded the Ethereum Wallet from the Ethereum website, and I subsequently uninstalled it once I ...
w23's user avatar
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Ethereum Wallet 0.8.9 - How to Run "--fast" Option?

I use Ethereum Wallet 0.8.9 on OS X. Synching is very slow. I found, there is a "--fast" option to run geth on the command-line. But I can not find "geth" anywhere, although the Wallet states it is ...
Peter's user avatar
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Mining-pool for MacOS?

I would like to use a mining-pool like nanopool, but I have a Mac - what alternatives do I have? Is my understanding right, that whenever I want to be part of a mining-pool I need a miner provided ...
Michael Brenndoerfer's user avatar
5 votes
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Disabling and removing parity?

I have parity install on my Mac, even though I removed it via application folder. It's still running in the background. How can I remove it completely from my computer? My localhost 8080 keeps ...
Gwen's user avatar
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Solidity IDEs with background compilation for OSX

Are there yet any Solidity IDEs or editors that Run OSX Allow editing a folder of local Solidity source code files with includes or library support Highlight compiler error as you type them Please ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to start parity: database migration fails repeatedly

I am unable to start Parity, the database migration fails repeatedly. How in Parity on MacOS (1.4.5 already installed) do I eliminate this error so that my Parity will run? Geth is fine but not ...
b glen's user avatar
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Parity 1.4.4 not running on MAC OS?

I have 2 macs and on one the new parity is working and running smoothly but on the other I continue to get "can’t establish a connection to the server at" The site could be ...
b glen's user avatar
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11 votes
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How do I install solc on Mac Osx? Error encountered "Error: No formulae found in taps."

I'm trying to install a solidity compiler on my Mac. I've followed the guide here: The error that I've gotten when installing ccp-...
Ng Zhong Qin's user avatar
2 votes
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What's this problem with installing parity?

==> Checking out branch stable error: no such remote ref 403ff2e4759577d9e2b75b1389787a9c29670736 Fetched in submodule path 'ethcore/res/ethereum/tests', but it did not contain ...
Jerry's user avatar
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