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Questions tagged [mac-osx]

Questions pertaining to Ethereum clients or software specifically on Mac OSX. Typically the bug or question would, most likely, only occur on Macs or is Mac-specific.

14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why is my geth node stuck on "Looking for peers"?

I created a private test network using Puppeth and two nodes using Geth: geth account new --datadir node1 geth account new --datadir node2 geth init mynetwork.json --datadir node1 geth init mynetwork....
Peter Lawson's user avatar
6 votes
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Writing GBytes of data to disk, despite no network activity - what, precisely, is geth doing?

I'm watching geth 1.4.17 on Activity Monitor. Judging by the Network page, it's not doing anything. Rcvd Bytes is 5.9MBytes, and Sent Bytes is 2.6MBytes, and it's been that way for a while now. But ...
Tom Seddon's user avatar
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Brew linkapps deprecated, unable to install on Mac

brew linkapps solidity Warning: brew linkapps has been deprecated and will eventually be removed! Unfortunately brew linkapps cannot behave nicely with e.g. Spotlight using either aliases or symlinks ...
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removing standalone geth client from Mac OS X

I have a stand alone geth client on Macbook pro which starts automatically, I want to delete the client so the ethereum wallet can always run without fighting with geth to shut down.
Jack Mullen's user avatar
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Ethereum Wallet 0.8.9 - How to Run "--fast" Option?

I use Ethereum Wallet 0.8.9 on OS X. Synching is very slow. I found, there is a "--fast" option to run geth on the command-line. But I can not find "geth" anywhere, although the Wallet states it is ...
Peter's user avatar
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web3.eth.getAccounts() yields an empty array

I first started geth:  geth --syncmode "light" --rpc --rpcaddr --rpccorsdomain "*" --datadir ~/eth_blocks/ and then used: geth account new. I verified that there is a new entry in ~/...
Hairy's user avatar
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Install geth with tools on Mac using brew

geth can be installed on the Mac OS X using brew brew update brew upgrade brew tap ethereum/ethereum brew install ethereum Is there a way to use brew to install Geth and tools?
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Parity wallet freezes on first setup page on Mac osx

I'm trying to install parity for a mate on his name Mac. After the install, on the first setup page where it asks me to put in my wallet name etc, it freezes on that table only. I've left it for an ...
Genezza's user avatar
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How can I share a geth service and corresponding chaindata between multiple users but not a keystore / wallet?

I would like to avoid storing redundant chaindata on the same system (MacOS). As per Ismael, it looks like a solution would be to run geth as a service and have both user accounts' Mist clients ...
CLL's user avatar
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Parity 1.4.4 not running on MAC OS?

I have 2 macs and on one the new parity is working and running smoothly but on the other I continue to get "can’t establish a connection to the server at" The site could be ...
b glen's user avatar
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General - Guide to getting setup on testnet and solidity on a Mac

I just purchased a new Macbook with the hopes of getting started developing dapps via solidity. Does anyone have a good resource/guide to getting started with testrpc on a mac? Thank you!
cdirubio's user avatar
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How to properly configure web3 in a reactjs App?

I am currently building a React Dapp that connects to ethereum using the web3 library but when I attempt to make any API calls nothing is rendered to the screen or browser console. I have attached the ...
user avatar
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Truffle Migrate Error: Could not find built Migrations contract: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0

Running truffle migrate with valid contract code started causing this error for me: Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts Using network 'development'. Error: Could not find built Migrations ...
dangerous.beans's user avatar
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Geth sync too slow on MacMini to catch up with latest blocks

My workaround used to be do a geth -removedb and start a fresh fast sync from scratch. Trying to sync with existing blockchain data instead was a lost race of catching up to the latest block. Today ...
user17193's user avatar