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What is the blockchain download size and can i reduce it in some way?

I am currently on a connection with a download cap, and was wondering what the current download size for the whole blockchain was, and if i could reduce this download size to under 2 GB? I'm ...
Frederik Baetens's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to use a multisig wallet without downloading the whole blockchain? [duplicate]

Related: What are the Ethereum disk space needs? Is there a way to set up an Ethereum wallet without downloading the whole blockchain? Is it possible to have it installed and use some clever ...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Implement Ethereum Wallet on website

I want to implement basic ethereum wallet(import wallet, check balance, make transactions, export wallet) for my react SPA. What would be the best option to use? Do I outsource wallet functionalities ...
user8513's user avatar
1 vote
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sending raw transaction unsuccessful

I am developing a light wallet for a private network. I use ethereumjs-accounts for storing accounts locally and ethereum-tx for signing transactions. I have deployed custom token-contract. Here is my ...
Baga's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to make mining efficient in terms of memory, for a light weight client?

Since mining is resource intensive process, how to make it more efficient for a lightweight client in terms of memory. I am ready for a trade off even it takes more time to mine than what it would ...
Bhoopesh kumar goyal's user avatar
0 votes
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New account creation and deploying to node

I am developing lightwallet and trying to create new address (account) on custom node. Already tried to use eth-lightwallet and ethereumjs-accounts. I don't understand how to deploy new account to ...
Baga's user avatar
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"retrieved hash chain is invalid"

I am currently having problems syncing with rinkeby - was working (very) fine before - anyone else experiencing this? 04-21 03:11:59.352 24740 24767 E GoLog : INFO [04-21|01:11:59] Block ...
ligi's user avatar
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Is BP2.1 still planned?

In February 2014 (over three years ago), Vitalik wrote in a blog post that: Note that there is one weakness in this protocol: you now need to know all transactions ahead of time before processing a ...
Randomblue's user avatar
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Concept of Geth Light Client for Mobile

Need to understand how the Geth's light client parameter works. I want to understand the algorithm. Whether some part of the blockchain will be downloaded or will not download anything. In both cases ...
Susmit's user avatar
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5 votes
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Mobile Light Client Networking

I've been able to create a private networking using the command line Geth tools, so I have been trying to recreate it using the Android light client Geth. On the command line Geth, I made sure the ...
MelodyP's user avatar
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Light client ipc blocks

I tried light client 1.6.0 (a master branch pull). Starting it, it commenced to download block headers. But even if the block header reached the latest block number, when I use geth attach and write ...
lash's user avatar
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Is the ENS light-client friendly?

I am building an application that needs to verify the validity of ENS names as given by a resolver. Can resolvers attach a short proof to cryptographically guarantee that a given ENS name does indeed ...
Randomblue's user avatar
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6 votes
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How large are the Ethereum block headers?

I am interested in knowing the block header size to estimate the overhead of running an Ethereum light client.
Randomblue's user avatar
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13 votes
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Javascript Client for Light Client Protocol

Is there a Javascript client, even in beta, that implements the Light Client Protocol ?
Bruno Grieder's user avatar
2 votes
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What's required to do header-based ("SPV") mining possible in Ethereum?

In Bitcoin, one can start mining by just including the header of the previous block into the new block without fully validating it. This is risky, but has speed improvements (being able to start ...
Simon de la Rouviere's user avatar
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Time to first block

I am experience long waiting times from start of the block-sync to the first block. Is there any way I can speed this up? 02-08 17:21:37.971 23640 23659 E GoLog : I0208 16:21:37.980483 eth/...
ligi's user avatar
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Is it possible to mine on testnet using --light option?

Iw ould like to get some testnet eth on my wallet, but don't want to download the testnet but start geth with --light. Would that be possible?
Jerry's user avatar
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How to estimate capex and opex

I'm doing some research about the use of open blockchain in different context. I'm trying to find the best way to evaluate capex and opex for: hardware requirements (full node vs light node with geth ...
gatb27's user avatar
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60 votes
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What is Geth's "light" sync, and why is it so fast?

This question is in a similar vein to the past questions about geth --fast and parity --warp. There was a recent question where the OP wanted to do as little syncing as possible, and one of the ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
4 votes
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How to test light client on private testnet?

I am building a private testnet using Geth 1.5.6. I set up two nodes (miner and user) with two different datadir and listening port. Miner is a full node and mining blocks. User is just an ordinary ...
ubunteroz's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to run a "server" for light clients?

When running geth --light the go-ethereum client somehow has to connect to full nodes to interact with. Could geth connect to any full node on the network or does this require a special endpoint? How ...
q9f's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How to experiment with Ethereum without downloading the entire blockchain?

I want to experiment with Ethereum without having to download the entire blockchain. My ISP limits my bandwidth to 50GB and downloading the ETH chain would consume a lot of that, not to mention the ...
Jus12's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to connect an Android App user to ethereum network?

I'm working on developing a decentralized application which requires every user of the Android app to have separate account containing his ether balance information and other user-specific information....
Satwik's user avatar
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How to derive the private key from UTC file? [duplicate]

I want to implement a client-side wallet where the transaction is generated and signed on the browser, and sent to the server which is running a geth node. Apparently ethereumjs-tx does what I want ...
jeff's user avatar
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How can I call contract's function from the Jaxx wallet?

As I know, at this date there is no Ethereum's light wallets, which supports contracts. But in Jaxx wallet, it's possible to send some Custom Data to the contract. So, the question is: if I have a ...
Sergey Potekhin's user avatar
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Ethereum Wallet is "looking for peers" with geth --light

It should be possible to combine Ethereum Wallet and/or Mist Browser together with geth --light Unfortunately Ethereum Wallet is "looking for peers" for eternity then, even if the log shows no ...
Roland Kofler's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to start Ethereum Wallet in --light mode by default on my Mac?

I mean without using Terminal geth each time?
Jerry's user avatar
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How to use parity 1.4.2 with light-client mode?

I've tried to use the latest geth with --light mode. It gets new blocks not very fast, but I could send transactions successfully. So I think it's useful! What command should run parity in this mode?
Pavel's user avatar
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How does spam prevention work in light clients?

When you have a full client it means that everything that is stored on the Blockchain is on your computer. When you call a static function on some contract through web3, for example, there are no ...
manidos's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

E/Go: fatal error: thread exhaustion

I am experimenting with the geth-android library with light-client and in-process node from @karalabe. I could successfully sync with the testnet node from @phonikg, unfortunately this one is down now....
ligi's user avatar
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How to installl eth-lightWallet?

I am trying to install the ethereum-lightwallet on my system. I am experiencing a problem with npm. When I run npm install eth-lightwallet I get a message: └─┬ [email protected] ├── ...
Amazing's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Light clients for android

I am trying to develop an android wallet using Ethereum go and I ran the DroidGeth from this link. I tried to ran ethereum on the testnet, but its taking for ever to download the blockchain. How can ...
jgm's user avatar
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size of blockchain on hard disk for ethereum light clients

whats the size of block headers ( minified blockchain) that ethereum light clients are using? how much is the size of the blockchain data required for the light clients to do a transaction and veryfy ...
siddesh sangodkar's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Can Ethereum or Mist run on Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3, or Zero?

Would an ethereum client or mist be able to run on a raspberry pi? It's a simple yes or no question with an explanation. I don't want links to "light" versions of ethereum, as that's not what I'm ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to import a Jaxx walet into Mist?

I have installed Jaxx on my smartphone and have some ETH in it, I've sen a small amount to the DAO address. If I at a later stage want to intereact with the DAO and Jaxx doesn't allow for this, is it ...
dhuyvetter's user avatar
15 votes
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Are light nodes possible in Casper?

My understanding of light nodes is they need PoW in the block headers. That PoW proves that $x amount of energy has gone into securing that chain. With PoS, the proof that $y is securing the chain ...
Akhil F's user avatar
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17 votes
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Can Ethereum be pruned to the extent that it could be run from a Raspberry Pi?

What are the limits to how much the ETH blockchain can be pruned. Will ETH ever be practical on devices with limited resources such as a Raspberry Pi, Android or iOS wallet?
guesswhoiam's user avatar
6 votes
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Walk-Through Creation of a Personal Two-Factor Authentication Wallet / Contract

I would like to create a multi-signature wallet to store large amounts of Ether with at least one signature from my Android phone (the other from my PC and/or another phone). What would be the ...
HodlDwon's user avatar
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What is the parity light pruning mode?

Parity offers four different pruning methods: archive, basic, fast and light: --pruning METHOD Configure pruning of the state/storage trie. METHOD may be one of ...
q9f's user avatar
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Importing presale wallet into Geth without downloading all the blockchain

Importing presale wallet into Geth without downloading all the blockchain I was wondering if it is possible to import a presale wallet into Geth without downloading the whole blockchain. I mean, is ...
Vesa's user avatar
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Is there any Ethereum online light-client/wallet that can accept smart contracts?

There are plenty of online wallets (e.g. Ethereumwallet, MyEtherWallet, Jaxx Bitcoin and Ethereum Wallet - Chrome extensions, etc.) but I did not find any wallet that has the ability to add a contract ...
Virgil Fotachi's user avatar
8 votes
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What can I use to interact with the Ethereum network from an Android device?

From my research, until I can build an Ethereum node on an Android device I’ll need to use a public API to interact with the network, such as BlockApps (
willjgriff's user avatar
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Is it possible to run the Ethereum Wallet with a remote Blockchain?

To run the Ethereum Wallet on a small computer like a Phone or a Netbook it would useful to have a light client, possibly that connects to a hosted full Ethereum node. Is this currently possible?
Roland Kofler's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I connect to ethereum with only a web browser to monitor a contract

AFAICT it requires a node such as geth to connect to ethereum to get or change contract state. I only need to get state, not change state, but I want to do it only from a web browser. I don't want ...
Paul S's user avatar
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How can I avoid trusting any one node?

I read with interest the status of the light client protocol. However, I do not see addressed anywhere I can find how to implement a system where I don't have to trust any one single node such as a ...
Paul S's user avatar
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What is the purpose of multiple addresses in a wallet?

In eth-lightwallet from consensys there is a function generateNewAddress. What is the purpose of having multiple addresses for the same account? I can think of a few usages: accounting solution: 1 ...
Micha Roon's user avatar
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What are the design targets which the light client is being developed against?

For example: persistent storage? volatile storage? connectivity? The closest I could get to a definition for the above is the following: "1KB of data per 2 minutes". However the following remains ...
zanzu's user avatar
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Does a light client require a chain of trust towards full nodes?

A full client does not need to trust any individual node on the Ethereum network, as the full client can see the activity from all nodes and discard any inconsistencies caused by ill intentioned nodes ...
zanzu's user avatar
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How to enable Ethereum support in the JAXX mobile wallet?

Jaxx by Kryptokit offers Bitcoin and Ethereum for mobile and browsers. I installed the wallet on my Android device. But it only offers Bitcoin functionality. I see screenshots online which displays ...
q9f's user avatar
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How to offer free DApps for users without any barriers? [duplicate]

How to offer decentralized applications or services for users without introducing any barriers like running a full ethereum node? enabling rpc api on the node? explaining the user which rpc cors ...
q9f's user avatar
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