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On Ethereum private chain, why my light node cannot connect to the bootnode?

I'm new to ethereum and geth client, and I met some trouble nowadays. I do need someone's help. I try to setup an ethereum private chain, which includes full nodes, light nodes, and bootnodes. The aim ...
Harry's user avatar
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light-weight clients and private blockchain?

I am well aware of the utility of light-weight clients on a ethereum. Yet, for a private blockchain, which contains a limited number of users, I find it wrong. Let's say we have a private ...
M. Dhaouadi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Geth Private Network Unable to Add Light Node

I have a private network setup with geth and a few machines (2 full nodes for mining and a light node). The three devices have the following IPs: MINER1 - MINER2 - LIGHT-NODE - ...
Malapeno's user avatar
5 votes
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Mobile Light Client Networking

I've been able to create a private networking using the command line Geth tools, so I have been trying to recreate it using the Android light client Geth. On the command line Geth, I made sure the ...
MelodyP's user avatar
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How to test light client on private testnet?

I am building a private testnet using Geth 1.5.6. I set up two nodes (miner and user) with two different datadir and listening port. Miner is a full node and mining blocks. User is just an ordinary ...
ubunteroz's user avatar