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Questions tagged [android]

For questions regarding installation, configuration, running and debugging Ethereum software specifically on the Android operating system.

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I got scammed by Robot [duplicate]

There's APP called ETH MINER ROBOT. I withdraw 0.1ETH to my Binance Account and never received it.
Musanda's user avatar
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Is there any API to transfer Crypto from my wallet to Metamask?

I am creating and iOS and Android app. Is there any API which transfer crypto from my wallet to other users Metamask wallet ? Also, API should tell if other user wallet address is valid or not. Kindly,...
Ranpreet's user avatar
2 votes
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Deeplinking is causing wallet connect to return me to home screen instead of my app

i have setup deeplinking in my androidmanifest.xml like this <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> ...
Suhel Kapadia's user avatar
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How to get hash of transaction **before** it has been mined in web3j?

I have been working on my project where I use web3j. I work with ledger over contract wrappers where the actual call to the ledger is encapsulated over variety of layers. The issue is I need to get a ...
Gleichmut's user avatar
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java.lang.RuntimeException: Error processing transaction request: insufficient funds for gas * price + value

My contract is already deployed on BSC testnet. val web3j ="")) val keyPair = ECKeyPair.create(BigInteger("1234&...
Pavya's user avatar
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java.lang.RuntimeException: Error processing transaction request: transaction underpriced

My contact is already deployed. Then I am trying to call ERC20 Approve method like val greeting: Future<TransactionReceipt> = greeterErc20.approve(BuildConfig.CONTRACT_ADDRESS_10COLOR, amt)....
Pavya's user avatar
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Send project id from IPFS Infura Java Android

In this tutorial show how in the following code how to connect to the infura project using android devices, but today this code shows the error "project id is required" Is there a way to ...
gabrielfalieri's user avatar
0 votes
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WalletConnect Mobile Linking

i have a quite difficult task . I haven't found tutorial or something with "mobile Linking" with WalletConnect : "In order to add support ...
Vadim Chilinciuc's user avatar
2 votes
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How to interact with smart contract using android(Kotlin)?

How to interact with smart contract via Kotlin? I'm able to interact with Web apps using react.js. But struggling to interact with android!
amit's user avatar
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How to call my smart contract with geth mobile API?

I want to create a static library using cgo and geth mobile API and consume it from iOS and Android native code. I used the abigen command to generate Go source code for Go Contract Bindings. However, ...
Yukio Murakami's user avatar
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Cannot resolve symbol "ipfs' android

Hello i am trying to send some files from android to IPFS.I am following this article on medium but can't import packages that are required ` import io.ipfs.api.IPFS; import io.ipfs.api.MerkleNode; ...
gojic's user avatar
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Possible to connect to Wallet from android (java/kotlin)?

I would like to program a mobile DApp which connects to a wallet, like a webapp. I thought it may be possible with WalletConnect. Has anyone ever done this? Thanks!
Markusbug's user avatar
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Should same contract address be same for multiply users?

OK i know that this is silly question but cant wrap my head around smart contracts .I am using web3j to make a simple android dapp. It should have add deposit, withdraw deposit and get current amount ...
gojic's user avatar
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Start and HTTP JSON-RPC geth on android?

Is it possible to change the code in /mobile to allow for a json-rpc api to be spawned on an android? Or is there something I need to do in Java with the NodeConfig? I already managed to run a light-...
Markus Haas's user avatar
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Trouble implementing ERC20 payment service in android application

I have been following this tutorial ( but seem to keep running into errors when it comes ...
studentQuestionMTU's user avatar
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How can I add an option to pay with cryptocurrency in an android app using Java? [duplicate]

For my college assignment I have been tasked with creating an app that among other things allows a user to pay for services using an ICO Token (ERC20 contract), How do I go about doing this? The ...
studentQuestionMTU's user avatar
2 votes
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Ways to use/integrate an Ethereum - Polygon wallet in an Android app

Where I work, we have an ERC-20 token, running on Polygon Testnet at the moment, and the plan is to to run on the Polygon chain on the future. We have an Android app, where we want to explore ways on ...
tzegian's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there any solidity ide and compiler app for android or other mobie OS?

Please, I am teaching some secondary school pupils solidity and they wish to know if there are any IDEs and compiler apps for android devices. They are young and most of them do not have PCs to ...
Andyke's user avatar
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How do i import my ethereum wallet just using private key?

Help me out how do i resolve the issue of ethereum smartcontract for getting my wallet when i enter my private key in the text area Use WalletUtils functionality The WalletUtils class can be used to ...
BIPIN YADAV's user avatar
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org.web3j.protocol.exceptions.ClientConnectionException: Invalid response received: okhttp3.internal.http.RealResponseBody

Environment Android Studio Infura – Rinkeby test network Web3J Metamask I am trying to build an Android app to read and write smart contract by following the medium article: ...
Anbunathan's user avatar
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org.web3j.protocol.exceptions.ClientConnectionException: Invalid response received on web3j on Android

I am trying to execute transactions by calling my RegisterNewUser function in the deployed smart contract through Android and I am using Infura. However, when I run, there is an error as seen below : ...
lyw_new's user avatar
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How to catch a solidity event from Java

I am trying to make a decentralized android application. It is an online two player Tic-Tac-Toe game. I have implemented the back-end with solidity and a part of the front-end in android studio. ...
Tamzid Morshed Rubab's user avatar
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What are the required platform to make mobile app that has dapp features?

I recently went over dapp with ethereum block chain but most of the coureses and documentation follows example in webApps. I want to know what are the possible frameworks/library, technology/ ...
Mandil Subba's user avatar
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How to reliably send transaction via web3j while connection is poor?

I use Transfer.sendFunds(Web3j, Credentials, BigDecimal, Convert.Unit) to transfer money. Usually I convert it to flowable. Flowable/RemoteCall completes when transaction is included in block (...
Roman Chumachenko's user avatar
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How to import an account in Metamask browser on Android? [closed]

Questions. How to import an account in Metamask browser on Android? or How to use Metamask in Android? Description: I followed the link I clicked Get Chrome Extension. The site ...
user61045's user avatar
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How to install Metamask on Chrome in Android?

Questions. How to install Metamask on Chrome in Android? or How to use Metamask in Android? Description: I followed the link I tried Get Chrome Extension. The site redirected me ...
user61045's user avatar
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Any email signIn based blockchain wallet APIs for integrating into web dapps & native dapps (Android, iOS)?

I'm looking for an email SignUp / SignIn based blockchain wallet which provides API for integration into web dapps and native mobile dapps (Android & iOS). During payment routine in dapps, this ...
Kombo's user avatar
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Which is the best mobile platform to develop a blockchain based mobile application

I am new to the blockchain technology. For my semester porject i have to debelop a blockchain based healthdata management system. That includes a blockchain developed using ethereum to store the data ...
prince ayesh's user avatar
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Are there any web3 libraries for react-native or for android light-client?

I want to create a chat application using the whisper protocol for android platform , But I'm trying to use the current web3 package with react-native but I'm unable to use it as web3 package has ...
Rohan Keskar18's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to invoke smart contract function from Web3j contract wrapper

I've been learning about interacting with smart contracts through Android and the Web3j framework but have run into an issue. I'm trying to mint an ERC721 token and send it to an address but it doesn'...
Bzhong7's user avatar
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Unable to load smart contract using web3j on android

What I'my trying to do is to load already deployed smart contract and interact with it. The problem is that after my credentials are being created properly, the error is being catched but the message ...
Anonymous9991's user avatar
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How to get events on android with infura?

I am developing an app on Android, but Web3j does not support events on infura ( Should I use Infura with Web3j for Event filter? ) . What are the options, I did not find any alternative library?
tomsoft's user avatar
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Android Studio And Ethereum?

how i can connect android studio application with Ganache? i'm trying to build an application on android (that is my Front end) with a Smart contract (Back end) on my private Blockchain (Ganache). it'...
Riccardo Perelli's user avatar
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getWeb3ClientVersion() returns null

I'm trying to create an android Dapp by using the web3j library. I'm using connection to a local private Ethereum blockchain. When I'm trying to display the Client version it returns null. This is the ...
Kebira AZBEG's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there an ethereum android wallet where I don't have to manually add in tokens I have and just auto detects it?

Using coinomi or even metamask on chrome is quite annoying as I need to manually add in tokens I have in my account and it doesn't auto show up. Is there an android or desktop ethereum wallet that ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Using web3j with infura returns null

I've used web3.js to handle my contracts, and it worked very well. But web3j is pretty hard for me since the beginning. I'm using android studio, infura, web3j. Since I don't know very much about ...
김선달's user avatar
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Trouble with personalUnlockAccount,web3j

I am creating android dapp for votings I am trying to check if user's credentials are right,so i use object of PersonalUnlockAccount class and function accountUnlocked().So the problem is that when i ...
Stepan Manin's user avatar
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Can the Android Metamask Extension be used with DApps?

I've successfully downloaded the Metamask Firefox Add-on, and imported my wallet into it. However I'm failing to see how I can use this add-on from within my DApp like I do on Chrome, using the ...
user4251864's user avatar
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Can't connect Android app to Ganache using retrofit

I'm have deployed contracts on ethereum blockchain. I have ganache running on server I'm tring to connect to it from android with this code: private BlockChainService() { Retrofit retrofit =...
GiorgiSh's user avatar
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Is it worthwhile to store my supply chain product data on the blockchain using a smart contract? [closed]

I'm currently developing an android app that uses the Web3j framework (Java) to interact with my private Ethereum blockchain (running on Ganache). The app is a supply chain tool that will let users ...
Stewart Savage's user avatar
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Mobile android app that can import a Metamask private key?

I'm having some issues sending out from metamask and getting failed transactions. I think maybe I should use another app on android if possible. What android wallet apps can import a Metamask private ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Build web3j to connect to blockchain [duplicate]

Can't connect to the Ethereum blockchain with web3j 4 for Android Kotlin. Worked in the previous version of web3j. fun web3(): Web3j ="")) ...
alf Johansen's user avatar
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How can I make an offline transaction and send it to Ethereum client network in java?

private class Myclass extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { //sldknfbhvsjhxcnzmcxcmj Web3j web3 = Web3jFactory....
Emon46's user avatar
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Is there an Ethereum Testnet Android Wallet?

I am looking for a testnet-specific Android wallet app to load with a few Ropsten test Ether, for a web app I'm building. But for the life of me, I cannot find such an app for Ethereum. For Bitcoin I'...
theruss's user avatar
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web3j event listening on android project

I trying to listen events from smart contract but my code isn't working. what's the problem? Event event = droneChain.UPDATEMISSIONSTATE_EVENT; String encodedEventSignature = EventEncoder.encode(...
Hong's user avatar
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How to recover an address from the signed message?

I use Trust SDK for signing messages and transactions. I recover a transaction (Trust.signTransaction()) like this: val tx = Geth.newTransactionFromRLP(Numeric.hexStringToByteArray(response.result)) ...
DmitryKanunnikoff's user avatar
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Tutorials for creating ethereum wallet in android?

I saw a similarly named question over here but I sort of felt like it was closed by linking an irrelevant question which just lists existing ethereum wallets. As I understand, I should have the ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Generate same address

I used Geth.aar library for ethereum and it's running completely on same device. But when I changed device and restore wallet from seed at that time new address is generated instead of previous ...
Bandish's user avatar
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Serialization in Geth Android

KeyStore keyStore = new KeyStore(seedFile.toString(), Geth.LightScryptN, Geth.LightScryptP); byte[] jsonAccount = keyStore.exportKey(keyStore.getAccounts().get(0), seed, seed); Account importAccount = ...
Bandish's user avatar
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How to sign the transaction using Geth in android

I'm using Geth.aar library for handling ethereum. I generated the address, gas price, gas estimation, and transaction count. now I want to sign the transaction. Please help who knows the answer.
Bandish's user avatar
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