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run multiple parity clients in parallel

How can I run multiple parity instances on one machine? With geth it's easy. I just have to set different --port numbers. What's the equivalent for parity? I want to recreate Afris scenario.
Chris's user avatar
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I have read this example where it tries to interact with the Ethereum blockchain via a micro-controller (ESP8266 and NODEMCU board). However, I do not understand if an Ethereum client (Geth or Parity) ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Using the Parity or Geth light client, how can I monitor an address for transactions?

I'd like to use Parity or Geth, in light client mode, to monitor an address for transactions. Essentially, I should be able to check each block for transactions involving a certain address. In the ...
Jacob Gadikian's user avatar
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How to setup parity light client?(warp sync is slow)

I have a full node synced using --warp but since I have a hdd, the final bit of the sync never catches up(due to the high transaction IO). How do I switch to a light clent on parity if I already have ...
Vignesh Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Parity Config File

I'm looking for the best config file so that I can keep the smallest possible chain data on my machine, without running light mode. I saw this config file posted somewhere, but my chain data is up to ...
RBizzle's user avatar
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Parity: avoid experimental `--light` but store minimal blockchain

Using parity --light is experimental, and this issue is currently blocking an initial sync. How can I avoid using --light but store minimal blockchain on disk? Something like: [footprint] ...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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Run mist without downloading blockchain

How do I prevent mist from ever downloading the blockchain? I have a small HDD and can't afford the disk space.
Tom Hale's user avatar
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geth vs parity: light client comparison

My computer is a laptop with a small SSD HDD, so I don't want to download the blockchain. Hence, I want to use --light to connect to other computers which do have a copy of the blockchain. Parity's ...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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Is it possible to be part of the Ethereum network only as a client, without storing the whole blockchain inside your app?

I would like to create a desktop app which can send / receive transactions on the Ethereum network. But that would be only one feature of the app. It would have several other features. An example ...
Jack H. Hard's user avatar
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What is the blockchain download size and can i reduce it in some way?

I am currently on a connection with a download cap, and was wondering what the current download size for the whole blockchain was, and if i could reduce this download size to under 2 GB? I'm ...
Frederik Baetens's user avatar
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How to use parity 1.4.2 with light-client mode?

I've tried to use the latest geth with --light mode. It gets new blocks not very fast, but I could send transactions successfully. So I think it's useful! What command should run parity in this mode?
Pavel's user avatar
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What is the parity light pruning mode?

Parity offers four different pruning methods: archive, basic, fast and light: --pruning METHOD Configure pruning of the state/storage trie. METHOD may be one of ...
q9f's user avatar
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