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5 votes

What is the default query limit on The Graph?

The default query limit is not mentioned in The Graph's docs. I found out the answer empirically, while debugging a bug reported by one of our Sablier users. The limit is 100 records. So the query you ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
4 votes

How to use Open Zeppelin subgraphs to query ERC721 balance?

As an alternative to the graph, you can also use API providers to query the ERC721 balance from EVM blockchains. For example, you can use Moralis getWalletNFTs API to do the same thing in a few lines ...
Yoseph Kurnia Soenggoro's user avatar
3 votes

What is the current size of a copy of the entire Polygon Mainnet chain?

As of March 22, 2023, the total size of Polygon Mainnet is about 1269.05 GB. You can find this information on the Polygon snapshots website:
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
2 votes

How do I get GraphQL query to get data for a specific Pancake LP pair from pancake swap hosted graph

Your query is correct, just note that addresses in The Graph are all lowercase. For example, for the pair 0x0002D9a4Af937b6c85497a77906b44f6ADfC8702 you cannot use the checksummed address; instead, ...
onbjerg's user avatar
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2 votes

How to Use Subgraph Enums in the Mapping?

You cannot import enums into mappings from the generated schema. Instead, you are expected to use the string representation of the enum value to set an enum field of an entity, just as mentioned in ...
Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq's user avatar
2 votes

how to search for the destination of a transaction

for me it looks like types error, you can try directly cast the type to Address. Code will be import { Address } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts"; export function handleOwnershipTransferred(...
Володимир Севастьянов's user avatar
2 votes

How to develop a network or chain agnostic subgraph?

The network name can be accessed via dataSource as follows: import { dataSource } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts"; const chainName =; // returns network name const ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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2 votes

the Graph error : only rinkeby or mainnet!

Hi Developer advocate from Chainstack here. the Graph is undergoing a change to transform the graph studio to the graph network. Here they stated that: Remember that you will not be able to publish a ...
Wuzhong - DevEx's user avatar
2 votes

Problem compiling subgraph with graph-ts new version

there are 2 ways to solve this: in your schema.graphql set kind as optional with a ! at the end kind: Value! you check for yor variable ValueKind.STRING to be not null if(null!===ValueKind....
Carlo's user avatar
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1 vote

I want a GRT tokens faucet site or any link where I can buy these testnet

I still cannot add a comment to ask you to elaborate on your question, so I hope I understood you correctly. You want Graph-Token on testnet to test The Graph features etc'. I checked and they have in ...
Alon Ben Yaakov's user avatar
1 vote

The simplest way to return a list of items + gas limits on long lists when using pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2?

Most RPC Provider will enforce a gasLimit for eth_call as DOS Protection. For instance, Alchemy has a limit of 550 mio. and Infura has a limit of 300 mio. You can create a view function that ...
Markus Schick's user avatar
1 vote

What is the current size of a copy of the entire Polygon Mainnet chain?

Hi developer advocate from Chainstack here. That depends on the client and the mode of the node(light node/full node/archive node). To run a full node using Polygon's own bor client takes minimum: RAM:...
Wuzhong - DevEx's user avatar
1 vote

What is the size of Polygon Mumbai chain in GB?

As of March 21, 2023, the total size of the Mumbai testnet is about 229.07 GB. You can find this information on the Polygon snapshots website: Hope this helps
Adam Boudj's user avatar
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1 vote

How to fix a subgraph deployment?

You can do subgraph grafting as explained in the graph's docs, which allows you to copy(graft) data from another subgraph(in this case a buggy subgraph) onto a new subgraph(in this case the subgraph ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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1 vote

Error during initialization of subgraph using Graph Indexing Protocol

I managed to solve this issue. The reason was that I have both package.json and yarn.lock in my upper directory (Users/User). The problem was solved after deleting both files.
May's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I tell to a local graph node (the graph) to not scan blocks on initialization?

I didn't find anything on how to force to The Graph to not start scanning as soon as it starts BUT there is the possibility to configure the genesis block. In the docs I found the variable ...
Jacob's user avatar
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1 vote

Graph Deploy failed due to subgraph validation error

As of 0.0.4, you need to declare all the features you're using, in your manifest (as a top level, like specVersion or schema). For instance, try adding: features: - fullTextSearch - ...
DrGorilla.eth's user avatar
1 vote

Receive an error when trying to run yarn codegen using the graph to generate types for contract ABIs

I was unable to get the issue resolved using yarn add @graphprotocol/[email protected] however downgrading to the following resolves the issue yarn add @graphprotocol/[email protected] I hope this can ...
Kay Albertus's user avatar
1 vote

Can the graph only index indexed parameters?

It can index non-indexed parameters, so long as it has the ABI. You have to add the variable to your query field! { itemListeds(first: 5) { id seller nftAddress tokenId price } ...
Patrick Collins's user avatar
1 vote

How to index internal transactions in subgraph?

Try adding the 'calling contract' to your yaml file. I know that only the events emitted by the two contracts I added to my subgraph have their entities tracked. Less actually as I removed one event ...
7FigureSwagger's user avatar
1 vote

How to call functions or access public mappings from inside of a subgraph?

You can use .bind contract Uniswap V3 subgraph has an example here: let ...
0xh8h's user avatar
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