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9 votes

Ethereum client-go RPC response 403 “invalid host specified”

Adding --rpcvhosts=* this flag to the starting command solved the issue
gshock's user avatar
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5 votes

Ethereum private network on docker

We have written a Docker container to run a private Ethereum network that works with Remix and MetaMask. You can see the details on our Dockerized Ethereum Private Testing Environment Compatible with ...
sw.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Node discovery: unreachable bootnode in private distributed network

Well, apparently the reason why the connection is being refused is that "'Connection refused' is ok for the Go bootnode. [as i]t does not accept TCP connections", as suggested by fjl in the go-...
Betty Sanchez's user avatar
4 votes

How can I create a local USDT testnet?

I will try to answer as best as I can, although the question is not 100% clear to me. Eth transfer Transfer of Ether between accounts is handled natively by the blockchain. You do not need to deploy ...
Undead8's user avatar
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3 votes

Docker mythril can't connect to Ganache or local .sol contracts

After reading up on Docker, I found the following solutions. To connect to a local RPC, use host.docker.internal instead of localhost. For example, Ganache listens on port 7545 by default: docker ...
Svante's user avatar
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3 votes

Cannot connect to Infura inside a docker container: Cannot find module 'websocket'

It seems inside a docker container, nodejs has problem getting the websocket from github. So I just add the websocket library directly in my app: npm install --save websocket
jfjobidon's user avatar
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3 votes

Chainlink node not initializing, failed to initialize ORM: initializeORM#NewORM: unable to init DB: unable to open postgresql

The error was arriving because I was running postgres on my local machine for which I have to add --network host in the end. Updated Command docker run --name chainlink-kovan --network host -p 6688:...
Anupam's user avatar
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2 votes

Adding nodes in private network of docker containers hosted in different VMs

Prepare your nodekey for each node in advance. It is just a 512-bit random number. Then store them somewhere, along with the public ECDSA keys derived from there. The public keys are the components ...
hhh's user avatar
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2 votes

How to save Parity data with docker

The solution is to mount it on docker with -v to a local folder Example First on your host create the folder where parity is going to save the data mkdir /srv/parity Then make sure you have the ...
Christian's user avatar
  • 201
2 votes

Running ropsten testnet with docker error

You need to tell the executable the path inside the container. i.e. /root/.ethereum/testnet_genesis.json
hhh's user avatar
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2 votes

Eris : error compiling contracts

The --compiler flag should be the IP of the compilers service rather than the docker-machine hosts ip. By default you can omit the flag to use the remote hosted compilers. Since it looks like you'...
Zach Ramsay's user avatar
2 votes

How does one setup a private network with ethereum docker images?

If you want to create a private network, you need to create your own genesis file (see the "Operating a private network" section of the documentation of the client-go Docker image. If you create that ...
MidnightLightning's user avatar
2 votes

Two chains on Eris

You can actually do this my running different chains on different ports. This is possible by either using --publish or by using --ports flag. If you use --publish flag then it will randomise the ports....
11t's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make a Docker container talk to geth.ipc on local host

If you mount the folder containing the IPC file rather than the file directly it will work.
Daniel's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

Unable to deploy contract on Besu network(docker) using dynamic IP

I think you have an error in your truffle-config.js The port should be 8545 instead of 8555.
Abdel's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes

TheGraph is not connecting to IPFS locally

The issue was that I had RemixIDE running on port 5001 and subgraph didn't give me a "port unavailable" error or anything. Turning off RemixIDE solved the problem.
blockbyblock's user avatar
1 vote

How to open multiple terminals using docker?

Shell command cannot return true, as command exit status is integer rather than boolean. By convention, zero exit status means success, while non-zero status means error. Command returns exit status ...
Mikhail Vladimirov's user avatar
1 vote

Downloading a specific version of solc within a Docker image

If you want to get 0.4.25 version of solc installed in your Docker-image, you could do something like this: FROM ubuntu ... RUN curl -o /usr/bin/solc -fL
ivicaa's user avatar
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1 vote

Running Openzepplin from docker

I had a packagelock.json file there messing it up. Once I took it out it worked like a treat
0xsegfault's user avatar
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"truffle test" says "assert.rejects" is not a function even it is Node 10

Fixed by importing assert explicitly at the top of the test file: const assert = require('assert');
Abdennour TOUMI's user avatar
1 vote

How to make a Docker container talk to geth.ipc on local host

Use host.docker.internal This works on Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows. If you're on Linux, things get more complex. Please take a look at
Kivutar's user avatar
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1 vote

Parity dev node cannot send transactions via web3 py

The parity node is hanging in this instance, because the underlying account has not been unlocked.
Peteris's user avatar
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field 'EthashCachesOnDisk' is not defined in eth.Config

Solved my problem by generating new eth_config.toml file using geth dumpconfig, so the structure is like this now: [Eth] NetworkId = 1 SyncMode = "fast" LightPeers = 100 DatabaseCache = 768 GasPrice =...
Igoris Skinderis's user avatar
1 vote

Deploying DAPP on cloud using docker

You need to deploy your DAPP's smart contracts on a test etherium blockchain first and then afterwards you can deploy your DAPP on aws. Docker Link : More ...
Mr_Hmp's user avatar
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1 vote

Puppeth running on Mac with localhost always return err="docker configured incorrectly: bash: docker: command not found\n"

I think I found the root cause to this problem. Puppeth internally uses a ssh connection to the machine where you want to run things; localhost in my case. The SSH daemon is compiled with a default ...
Stefan's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

geth console cannot attach to geth docker container

It is because you use loopback interface when trying to connect. Just try to use: docker run --rm -it ethereum/client-go \ attach http://$(ip route \ |grep "default via" \ |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-...
Oleksii Koshlatyi's user avatar
1 vote

geth console cannot attach to geth docker container

When running outside docker container, it attaches like a remote system. And geth attach cannot connect to remote geth node using geth attach. This answer explains it better detail. The solution to ...
Ayushya's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I run seperatly docker and geth?

I ran into the same problem. I had a web server running in a Docker Container and an Ethereum node (for testnet) running on my machine. It seemed the app in Docker wont be able to connect to the node ...
Pong Cheecharern's user avatar
1 vote

Can I run seperatly docker and geth?

Something you could try is a docker-compose with your app and a build-in geth docker image. For example docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: geth: image: kunstmaan/ethereum-geth-testnet ...
Greg Jeanmart's user avatar
1 vote

Creating a Linux Docker for parity on a Windows 10 machine

I'm also running docker on windows 10 and had very similar problem when using parity in docker with the help of this project: This creates docker compose ...
peterr's user avatar
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