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41 votes

How long is the first sync supposed to last?

Do following steps to check the sync state: 1.) open a new geth instance and type in geth attach 2.) now type in eth.syncing This shows you the "currentBlock" and the "highestBlock".
Kevin R.'s user avatar
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27 votes

What are the types of nodes in Ethereum?

A node is a device/program that communicates with the Ethereum network. Nodes are also known as clients. Software that can act as an Ethereum node include Parity and Go-ethereum (geth). This software ...
lungj's user avatar
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22 votes

Get a peer list for my geth node

Paste this line of code into the geth console to get a more concise version: admin.peers.forEach(function(value){console.log("\t"}) This will display ...
Jordan Mack's user avatar
22 votes

What's the difference between node and peer?

It's a language thing about the relationship. It's like "people" and "friends". It's not that friends aren't also people. We might say that people are friends because they have a certain relationship ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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20 votes

are there "public" ethereum nodes? or any recommendations on hosting solutions?

Infura is the most prominent public Ethereum nodes. They run mainnet and many of the testnets. They also run IPFS servers.
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
18 votes

CryptoCurrency NODE.js Web3 Ethereum - Can't connect to TESTRPC

If you are using the new web3.js 1.0.0-beta, then try this (all the syntax has changed, sigh). Tested with testrpc -d. > var Web3 = require('web3'); > var web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545'...
benjaminion's user avatar
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15 votes

Difference between full node and bootstrap nodes in Ethereum?

Q: I know that when a new geth instance runs it connects to the bootstrap nodes. What I want to know that do other nodes download blockchain from the bootstrap nodes or nor? A: No. Regular nodes do ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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13 votes

At any given time, how many nodes is my node connected to? As the number of nodes in the network increases, will communication between them be faster?

You can see the connected peers by typing admin.peers in the Geth console. The maximum number of peers is set using the -maxpeers n flag in Geth. There is a discovery process based on Kademlia for ...
JackWinters's user avatar
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13 votes

How to Compile and Deploy a Smart Contract without running a full node?

Install and Navigate to Click on settings -> choose your compiler (e.g. 0.4.19+commit.c4cbbb05). Note that optimization is unchecked. Login to metmask ...
Victory's user avatar
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12 votes

Can chaindata be split across two (or more) locations?

Geth has a freezer as of v1.9 Freezer Wouldn’t it be amazing if we didn’t have to waste so much precious space on our expensive and sensitive SSDs to ...
eth's user avatar
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11 votes

How many concurrent requests can an Ethereum node handle?

So we actually very, very rarely completely exploded. During big ICOs for instance we were seeing 200k transactions being sent via the MEW node in a single hour, which is about 55 TX/sec. Each ...
tayvano's user avatar
  • 16k
10 votes

Are there any public/free nodes to connect a Dapp front end?

You may use Infura as a "read only / signed transactions only" node. The use of the API is free: Your may recommend your users to use Metamask Browser extension to be able to ...
digitaldonkey's user avatar
10 votes

How long is the first sync supposed to last?

I think you should edit the question to ask, "How do I know when geth is done syncing?" The question you asked was vague, but I believe this is the answer you were after: Geth will continue running ...
Evan de la Cruz's user avatar
10 votes

How long is the first sync supposed to last?

Assuming you are using a Linux flavoured OS, you can check the sync status as well (run this as the user under which geth is running): $ geth --exec eth.syncing.currentBlock attach 3991639 If it's ...
tlex's user avatar
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9 votes

What's the difference between node and peer?

In my opinion : a network node is a connection point(endpoint) that can receive, create, store or send data along distributed network routes. In Ethereum it could be full or Lightweight. in case of ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
  • 18.8k
9 votes

Parity Trace Issue: TraceDB resync required

This is a minor annoyance, parity db kill does not reset your user defaults. Have a look at this: $ cat ~/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/chains/ethereum/user_defaults {"fat_db":false,"...
q9f's user avatar
  • 33k
9 votes

How big will the Ethereum state grow?

With the current block gas limit the chaindata grows 70 GB per year. The growth rate is limited by the block gas limit, which itself can grow and its growth is limited by the protocol (formula 45 in ...
medvedev1088's user avatar
8 votes

How can I find out what the highest block is?

there are 2 usefull scripts in 1) show simple progress % with geth running, copy and paste this code in a terminal window to have a simple ...
user3498's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I create a list of peers from my syncing geth node to manually paste into my non-syncing geth node using the admin.addPeer() command?

Run the following command in your syncing node to create a list of admin.addPeer(...) commands that you can paste into your non-syncing node: function getPeers() { admin.peers.forEach( function(e) { ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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8 votes

unable to connect Ethereum node even RPC port: 8545 is open

EDIT: For other users reading this: The solution is to find in the comments of this answer - launching parameters were wrong. http requests to the node are not supposed to return anything of use, it'...
n1cK's user avatar
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8 votes

How to connect etherwallet to my private blockchain?

I think your main issue is, you are binding only to the localhost address, are you running geth on a remote server? or are you running it on your local machine and also running the mew_relay on the ...
kvhnuke's user avatar
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8 votes

Non Deterministic External Service Call

Miners never make external calls on behalf of your contracts. Oracles are done by a user (or machine, of course) sending a tx into the Oracle contract putting the data there. Your contract then reads ...
natewelch_'s user avatar
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8 votes

Optimal sync mode for running an ethereum node that can process transactions

As per geth help document there are 3 ways you can do sync to network: --syncmode full: Geth client will download Block header + Block data + full Validation [Is called eth full node] --syncmode ...
Jitendra Kumar. Balla's user avatar
8 votes

Consensus Client vs Execution Client

The Execution Client listens and executes transactions and maintains the latest state and database of all Ethereum data, while the Consensus Client provides consensus (using PoS algorithm) from ...
Yongjian P.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Node's IP exposed

yes your node will be exposed to the public you could check it in you will find your public IP. hackers indeed could target your machine (Dos) and scan its ...
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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7 votes

Best possible way to launch the ethereum mainnet node on AWS

Here's what I am using: AWS Instance Setup New EC2 instance Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-10547475 t2.large: 2 vCPUs, 8GB RAM 250 GB (currently about 60gb is being used) nginx ...
carlolm's user avatar
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7 votes

How to fix checksum mismatch in downloaded node for Ethereum Wallet?

Yeah for some reason the Ethereum Wallet doesn't remove the mismatched geth.exe file it has. Download the latest geth archive file (.zip file) from here (as of writing it's 1.8.2) and then go to "%...
Nathan's user avatar
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6 votes

How many nodes are there on the Ethereum network?

Update. As of this morning (July 31, 2017), there were 21,349 nodes, according to Ethernodes. The Etherchain Node scanner which 5chdn listed as the other nodes tracker in his Feb. 2016 answer (https://...
Tesa's user avatar
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6 votes

Do nodes by default relay transactions that fail and spend all gas (e.g. Solidity throw)?

Yes, nodes relay the transactions by default. Transactions are relayed before they are executed and their gas consumption and behavior is determined. Nodes just do a basic check such as: is the ...
eth's user avatar
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6 votes

How to run your own bootstrap node in Ethereum?

The executable to run a bootnode is bootnode. In Ubuntu, this installed alongside /usr/bin/geth in /usr/bin/bootnode. You will have to generate a key to run your bootnode: user@Kumquat:/tmp$ ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
  • 40.4k

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