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87 votes

Time-dependent tests with Hardhat?

Using Hardhat Network Helpers The easiest way to do this is to use the time helpers in Hardhat Network Helpers. Install them with: npm install @nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers And then you ...
Franco Victorio's user avatar
34 votes

Difference between Ganache and Truffle

Ganache allows you to create a private Ethereum blockchain for you to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates. It gives you the ability to perform all ...
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
27 votes

Member function "transfer" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract?

This is due to some breaking changes in Solidity version 0.5. Namely that an address has to be marked as payable - otherwise it won't have the transfer function. More info here: https://solidity....
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
19 votes

Setup Ganache with Metamask. What and where is a Chain ID?

From the ganache-cli docs: --chainId: Specify the Chain ID ganache-cli will use for eth_chainId RPC and the CHAINID opcode. For legacy reasons, the default is currently 1337 for eth_chainId RPC and 1 ...
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
18 votes

Truffle's Ganache VS Testrpc

Ganache is TestRPC, it is like a rebranding. The github repo for ethereumjs-testrpc now redirects to ganache-cli. As of today 2017-12-20 if you install through npm, both npm install ethereumjs-...
Ismael's user avatar
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13 votes

How to get private keys on Truffle from Ganache accounts

You can start ganache with a mnemonic as a parameter ( -m 'jar boss sister abuse equal ....'). Doing this, you'll: be guaranteed to have the same addresses generated with each run be able to derive ...
Tudor Constantin's user avatar
11 votes

Time-dependent tests with Hardhat?

A new update to Ganache has added a time parameter to the evm_mine command. Now the best way to move time is await ethers.provider.send("evm_mine", [newTimestampInSeconds]); It is better ...
Arjun Nemani's user avatar
9 votes

Solidity Exceeds block gas limit during Mocha Tests with Ganache-cli

The error message "n: Exceeds block gas limit" means your transaction has declared a gas value greater that the maximum allowed in the network. A client will reject such transaction. With ganache-...
Ismael's user avatar
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9 votes

Attach to ganache-cli using geth

If you are running ganache at 8545: geth attach
Fernando Garcia's user avatar
9 votes

Comparison of Metamask vs Ganache

Those two products are completely different. Metamask is a blockchain wallet (account management) that secures a private key and helps you to interact with an Ethereum Blockchain network (like ...
Greg Jeanmart's user avatar
9 votes

UniswapV2 addLiquidity revert ds-math-sub-underflow

This also happens if the Uniswap token related to the pool has not been approved for the wallet sending the transaction. Solution: Call the approve method of the new Pair contract with spender as ...
Turbut Alin's user avatar
8 votes

Understanding ganache timestamps

I wrote an entire article on this: Writing Accurate Time-Dependent Truffle Tests TL;DR The 1 second comes from run time costs, i.e. the time it takes for the javascript promises to resolve. For ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
8 votes

Time-dependent tests with Hardhat?

const { expect } = require("chai"); const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const sevenDays = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; const blockNumBefore = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); const ...
luckyyang's user avatar
8 votes

UniswapV2 addLiquidity revert ds-math-sub-underflow

The problem was because when using UniswapV2Factory, only the precompiled UniswapV2Factory contract in the build directories from @uniswap should be deployed as stated in docs
SergioGaitan's user avatar
8 votes

deploying smartcontract to ganache-desktop instead of ganache-cli with brownie

okay. I found the solution. I can add a local network in my network list with : brownie networks add Ethereum ganache-local host= chainid=5777 where ganache-local is a name i ...
Khan's user avatar
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7 votes

Advantages of Infura over Ganache?

Ganache and Infura are two very different things. Ganache is a tool for quickly creating a local network that can be used for development. It can be used to automatically run tests, etc. completely ...
Morten's user avatar
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7 votes

contract.deployTransaction.wait(1) not working in ethers version 6

Changing this from ethers v5 const deploymentReceipt = await contract.deployTransaction.wait(1); To this on ethers v6 const deploymentReceipt = await contract.deploymentTransaction().wait(1); ...
Neeraj Walia's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a maximum number of public functions in a contract?

There is exactly one place in geth code where "oversized data" is thrown. It's in func (pool *TxPool) validateTx(tx *types.Transaction, local bool) error. Heuristic limit, reject transactions over ...
ivicaa's user avatar
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6 votes

Want to run a local fork of Ropsten

Parity should be run in RPC mode as follows: parity --chain ropsten --light --no-serve-light --jsonrpc-port=8545 And then the following command works to issue a fork: ganache-cli --fork http://...
Peteris's user avatar
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6 votes

Difference between `0x01` and `0x1` status code?

There's no difference between 0x01 and 0x1. In hexadecimal notation 0x1, 0x01, 0x001, and so on, they all means 1. About transaction's status code, if it is set to 1 it always means a successful ...
Giuseppe Bertone's user avatar
6 votes

Web3 server-side trouble connect with ganache

This line is wrong: var web3 = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:7545'); You're instantiating a provider instead of instantiating Web3. It should be this: var web3 = new Web3(new ...
user19510's user avatar
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6 votes

Can we see events in ganache?

Update 2020 Events are now available in the 2.1.0 release. Original Answer It is not currently possible, but is on the roadmap.
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
6 votes

Difference between Ganache and Truffle

Truffle is a development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum, aiming to make life as an Ethereum developer easier. With Truffle, you get: Built-in smart contract compilation,...
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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6 votes

Truffle and Ganache - do I need to set the same gas-price and gas-limit in both of them?

TL;DR: Yes you can use the same value. Here is why: Ganache Ganache is a local test Blockchain. -l or --gasLimit is the block gas limit (total amount in gas unit that can fit in a block). Let's ...
Greg Jeanmart's user avatar
6 votes

Increase block number on Ganache

In addition to goodvibration's answer, OpenZeppelin recently released their openzeppelin-test-helpers package. This library contains all kinds of helpers for testing smart contracts, including methods ...
Rosco Kalis's user avatar
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6 votes

How to increase the number of test accounts?

Ganache and Ganache CLI With ganache-cli you can do this with the --accounts flag. For example: ganache-cli --accounts=100 Ganache (the desktop application) comes with 100 accounts by default. ...
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
6 votes

Time-dependent tests with Hardhat?

For any future wanderers: Hardhat added a network-helpers library with convenient JS interface:
Vsevolod's user avatar
6 votes

The endpoint returned a different chain ID: 0x539 (Ganache)

You either need to update your custom MetaMask Network to match the default chainId returned by Ganache (which is 1337) or, if you are using ganache-cli use a command like ganache-cli --port 7545 --...
David Murdoch's user avatar
6 votes

Explorer for Private Blockchain with Ganache

Ethernal ( is an open-source block explorer for private EVM-based chains. You'll have the same feature as Etherscan or Ganache UI but you can connect it to any chain. (I am ...
Antoine's user avatar
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6 votes

Error: chainId address mismatch

i found the answer i have been struggling with this for a week! i just changed the Network Id in the ganache to 1337! and it got through!!! Awesome! you can use this code instead to get the chainId ...
mostafa alipour's user avatar

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