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5 votes

Understanding `rewardRate` and `rewardPerToken` in Synthetix Staking contract

rewardRate is reward per second, this rate will be multiplied by token user staked / total staked rewardPerToken - math trick R = reward rate l(t) = amount user has staked at time t L(t) = total ...
tsknakamura's user avatar
4 votes

Why do miners mine testnet transactions

It doesn't provide any value but for developpement we need this testnet. So devs are mining on testnet at least to validate their own transactions, but also others. It's a sort of gift to the ...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
4 votes

Is gas price paid by the transaction sender to the miner, or the miner reward is newly generated?

Both. The miner always gets the block reward, in the form of newly-printed money if they mine a block. Then for each transaction that block includes, they also get to debit fees (user-defined gas ...
Edmund Edgar's user avatar
  • 16.9k
4 votes

If there is a fork, will the difficulty go down?

Yes, the hashrate will be split and the difficulty on both ends will go down. A prominent example in the wild the the fork-off of the Ethereum Classic chain at block number 1920000, see table below (...
q9f's user avatar
  • 33k
3 votes

Mining pool rewards erc-20 smarts contract

Hate to be the one to say it, but you got scammed. As a general rule, if someone contacts you to give you free money, it's a scam.
Foxxxey's user avatar
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Coinbase transaction on ethereum

It used to work in the same way on Ethereum, however, a recent update called the Merge changed the paradigm. There are no more coinbase transactions. Now, the block proposer receives a part of the ...
upavloff's user avatar
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How many Uncles (Ommer) can be included and how is the reward distributed

One block can include up to two uncles. If a block references two uncles, each uncle will earn 7/8th of 5 ETH to whoever mined that uncle. Each uncle being referenced will also earn a small reward ...
Tesa's user avatar
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3 votes

Solo Vs Pool Mining With A GPU

It's very easy to calculate reward probability with a little information. What is the Network's Global hashrate, Blocks/day, and your percentage of the global hashrate. Because of the law of averages ...
Crumbly's user avatar
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2 votes

How does interest work in casper?

Answering a question that links to my own answer on another question, ha! So there are really two flavors of Casper, one of which is hybrid PoS/PoW and the other is full Pos. Casper FFG (Friendly ...
natewelch_'s user avatar
  • 12.2k
2 votes

How do I calculate the (maximum) circulating supply for a given block height?

One thing you've missed is that the block reward was 5 ETH between blocks 0 and 4,370,000. At that point the block reward was reduced to 3 as part of the Byzantium hard fork, under EIP-649. That ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
2 votes

Why is BASE_REWARD_FACTOR equal to 64?

From Ben Edgington on his Ethereum 2.0 Annotated Specification: This is the big knob to turn to change the issuance rate of Eth2. Almost all validator rewards are calculated in terms of a "base ...
Rémy Roy's user avatar
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2 votes

How can we calculate rewards in a dApp which has fluctuating APY, like the one in Olympus DAO?

The formula for APY is (1+APR/n)^n)-1, where n is the number of compounding periods per year. If the DAO compounds rewards 3 times per day, there would be 3*365=1095 compounding periods. If the reward ...
Tacocat 4642's user avatar
1 vote

How to further improve Safemoon's reflection token transfer? (ERC20/BEP20)

I can't see how the below could happen if there is no burn or minting mechanism. if (rOwned > rSupply || tOwned > tSupply) { return (_rTotal, _tTotal); }
vittominacori's user avatar
1 vote

How to further improve Safemoon's reflection token transfer? (ERC20/BEP20)

The calculations for T_TotalExcludedSupply and R_TotalExcludedSupply might be done like this: // optimized uint T_TotalExcludedSupply; uint R_TotalExcludedSupply; function _getRateOptimized() public ...
SYED ASAD KAZMI's user avatar
1 vote

SNX's Staking rewards contract

SOLUTION: The answer to this question can be found in this video in the minute 7:40 -->
dNyrM's user avatar
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Is this true they requested for deposit

Nope, that is absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, a scam. If you already deposited money, i'm really sorry. In any case, do not interact with this website any further.
Foxxxey's user avatar
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I was invited to a smart contract reward approval, and i lost my all tokens at my trust wallet. Is The web site http:/ a trap?

Did you sign any transactions on this website that you didn't fully understand? If so, then you may have given users permission to spend your balance. For future reference, never use a wallet with ...
Rohan Nero's user avatar
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ETH 2.0: Is the ether received by validators as a reward for their efforts considered new ether issuance?

The new Ethers given to validators as a compensation for their work in securing the network is created by the protocol. Is it considered new Ether as it's new Ethers that are being issued. There are ...
Rémy Roy's user avatar
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How do gas fees work in UniSwap / other decentralized exchanges?

However, in DEXs like uniswap, it only says that it charges a 0.30% fee that goes to the liquidity providers. You are mixing too separate concepts Gas fee goes to Ethereum transaction miners for ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
1 vote

Beside the block reward winner who will get most rewards from transaction fees?

Only the miner who mined the block gets the rewards: block reward and transaction gas fees. Others get nothing. There is only one exception: if someone else manages to mine a block around the same ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
1 vote

Why miners choose to verify the transactions of the incoming block?

Miners don't get any rewards for verifying candidate blocks. However they allow to add a new block to the chain, and therefore gain the opportunity to mine the next block and get its reward.
clement's user avatar
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Erc20 token with rewards

The question is too broad. An ERC20 token gives you the accounting and transferability as well as compatibility with wallets and exchanges. Great. In theory, you can sell the tokens for money if ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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How exactly is the voting for the winning block regulated?

As you guessed, there is no direct "voting". I'm not exactly sure but I believe the mining reward is given out immediately. At least I think it could be given out immediately. One of the main ideas ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
1 vote

Changing "proxywallet" in "local.config" in ethOS, but I receive mining reward in previous address

EthOS is what i use on my rigs as well. Depending on which files you edit, for example if it's miner app related then you need to do "minestop" then "minestart" for ethOS to reload the miner ...
Micky Socaci's user avatar
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How to reward distributed cloud computing on ethereum?

Take a look at the "Blind Auction" example from Solidity Docs. The problem can be solved by dividing the submission of results ...
ivicaa's user avatar
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Custom mining rewards

Would it not be simpler to let the doctors mine "as usual" and have them exchange the crypto-currency for that data?
Xavier Leprêtre B9lab's user avatar
1 vote

How to get the full miner reward

The issue is that there's not a fixed price per unit of gas. 50,244 gas was used, but how much each user paid for each gas can't be known from just the header. By examining each transaction in a ...
Matthew Schmidt's user avatar
1 vote

Where does ethminer mining reward go ? No option to provide wallet address

ethminer has the --farm option which allows you to set where your miner fetches work from. If you're solo mining (the default option works for that), then you configure the address from your Ethereum ...
lungj's user avatar
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1 vote

Does a mining reward transaction have a hash?

Here you can find the code increasing miner's balance with reward amount without any TX being created:
Lukas Lukac's user avatar

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