New answers tagged gas-price
Why does an emitted event with "good ordering" consume more gas in Solidity, and how does argument order affect gas costs?
I think this gas diff is from contract dispatcher.
function selector for your "function test1" is "821DB9E5" and function selector for your "function test1" is "...
Is my gas parameter being ignored?
It would work fine if you just pass the gasPrice field and its value as await web3.eth.getGasPrice(), like:
web3.eth.sendTransaction({ gasPrice: await web3.eth.getGasPrice() });
The way you're ...
Why does an emitted event with "good ordering" consume more gas in Solidity, and how does argument order affect gas costs?
Based on my testing of the ordering behavior of static and dynamic fields in events, it’s not behaving as expected.
To ensure a guaranteed reduction in the gas cost of event emissions, you can avoid ...
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