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7 votes

What prevents miners from cooperating and causing intentional chain reorgs?

Nothing prevents collusion From former Bitcoin Core developer Greg Maxwell The attack would work just ...
eth's user avatar
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4 votes

How to create and send Flashbot transactions?

The official flashbots searcher onboarding guide is a good source to get started. block.coinbase in Solidity refers to the miner of the current block. You can use the ethers.js flashbots bundle ...
pwagner's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Tranfer Remaining NFTs And/Or Tokens Out of A Hacked Ethereum Wallet

You are in the correct path. MEV can do this for you. You can use MEV to submit two transactions with the following properties: Either both or none of them go through They should be executed in the ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
3 votes

How to Tranfer Remaining NFTs And/Or Tokens Out of A Hacked Ethereum Wallet

I was in the same situation - my credentials were stolen when i connected metamask to scam website that looked like legit one. ETH scavenger was eating all my ETH in wallet and my NFTs were stuck in ...
EddGarcia's user avatar
3 votes

Flashbots error unable to decode txn

I encountered the same problem just now. The solution was to add the chainId in each TransactionRequest object of your bundleTransactions. The github example doesn't include the chain id in each ...
Feyitech's user avatar
3 votes

How to conduct a flash loan on PancakeSwap?

PancakeSwap is a fork of Uniswap V2, which allows flashswaps. An example of flashswap using Uniswap V2 can be found here:
Alexander Barry's user avatar
3 votes

What decides the order of transactions in a block?

It depends, really. Some miners on the Ethereum chain, like Ethermine, use non-conventional ordering for their benefit, aka they generally don't do the by-gas sort. Other miners can choose to sort by ...
bru53001's user avatar
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3 votes

What prevents miners from cooperating and causing intentional chain reorgs?

As Mikko mentioned, it would be super difficult for them to start cooperating in such a way. If their miners find out, they can just easily switch to an "honest" pool. But assuming that ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
2 votes

Can a flash loan used to flash attack a smart contract?

Yes, it is possible. Moreover that technique was already used against MakerDao, read It can be fixed by requiring ...
Ismael's user avatar
  • 30.3k
2 votes

What decides about the position in the block?

If you search this site there are multiple questions which ask the same thing but from a bit different angle, so I couldn't find an exact duplicate for your questions, although my answer has all the ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
2 votes

How are 0 gas price transactions getting mined?

The simplest answer is that the miner was paid (0.011111111111111 Ether) in the next transaction. Brief details This worked because a specific miner was sent 2 transactions off-chain. The transaction ...
eth's user avatar
  • 86.5k
2 votes

What decides the order of transactions in a block?

The order of transactions (we are talking about transactions with the best gas price) is decided by the miners to make the most profit out for them. To find out more about the subject google keywords ...
Nulik's user avatar
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2 votes

How do frontrunners / sandwich bots work? How do they affect the price in the pool?

TL;DR Sandwich bots work by having a buy transaction before the victim's buy transaction, then a sell transaction just after. They profit from the increase of price caused by the victim's buy ...
Undead8's user avatar
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2 votes

Flashbot Private Transaction

You are correct, private transactions are sent directly to the miner, bypassing the public mempool. There are a few very good reasons to go directly to the miner: Protect yourself from frontrunning, ...
Another0xDev's user avatar
2 votes

How fast are liquidation bots?

I am usually able to get the liquidation in the block after the oracle update is written on chain from Chainlink. By checking once per second you could query multiple times for the same block, and ...
0xc0ffe3's user avatar
2 votes

High Gas Flashbots Transaction

The reason for this is generally the last transaction in the bundle is the one that pays the miner tip. Basically, anything in excess of the required gas goes to the miner. It's weird now that Type 2 ...
0xc0ffe3's user avatar
2 votes

Flashbots Inclusion of a Mempool Signed Transaction

I found the solution. So i ever someone else is having the same issue, you need to get the raw tx before trying to serialize. That was all :)
GolGotS's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Help me make sense of this seeminlgly simple Uniswap V2 transaction, please

Ok so I think I figured it out, studying the token's source code, this is a common scheme to "cash out" taxes/fees charged on every token trade or transfer. What are taxes/fees? Taxes/fees ...
blitter's user avatar
  • 193
2 votes

WETH tokens burned after Single Swap

My guess is that there is a bot that scans contracts that have no access controls and tries to exploit them. I was able to get around this by making my contract Ownable and changing the withdrawAll ...
ㅤasdf's user avatar
  • 31
1 vote

How to fastest send Flashbot transaction?

Is there a way to confirm Flashbot transaction in now_block_numer + 1 block? No
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
1 vote

How to send bundles directly to top MEV builders?

Checkout for a list of top builders on mainnet. All of these builders support eth_sendBundle call to receive MEV transactions.
6xth's user avatar
  • 36
1 vote

Is mev-geth analougue to geth?

Geth and mev-geth are both Ethereum node implementations, but mev-geth is a fork of Geth created by Flashbots with additional functionality for detecting and mitigating frontrunning, a type of attack ...
VX3's user avatar
  • 686
1 vote

Understanding eth_sendBundle, eth_sendPrivateTransaction and eth_sendRawTransaction

eth_sendPrivateTransaction basically a simplified way of using eth_sendBundle. You don't have to add more transactions than 1 and you don't have to resend the transaction every block. They will send ...
jon's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Flash Loan Transaction

You need to deploy a proxy contract to make the transaction atomically for you. And you need to revert the transaction if there isn't any profit. See my example: function arbitrage(address routerA, ...
Rodrigo Burgos's user avatar
1 vote

Getting empty result from eth_sendBundle on builder0x69

It seems that eth_sendBundle works just fine despite returning an empty result field in the RPC response. It also does not support eth_callBundle to simulate bundle execution at the time.
Ehsan Khodarahmi's user avatar
1 vote

How to see if a tx was private using web3.eth.getTransaction?

You can't. Etherscan achieves this by ordering all the transactions within that block by the gas price, if the order of the transaction (by index) does not match the order by the gas price (descending)...
Blanker's user avatar
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1 vote

Transaction failing but I'm unsure why

When I trace the transaction it has 0 gas left on UniswapV2Pair.sol:185 "gas":{ "gas_left":0 "gas_used":0 "total_gas_used":1000000 } You need to pay way more ...
8nite's user avatar
  • 26
1 vote

High Gas Flashbots Transaction

As you already mentioned I found the solution in the following paper, if you are interested you really should read it! Basically, there are a ...
Stevie's user avatar
  • 56
1 vote

My ETH gets sweeped in milliseconds by a bot, what are the mechanics behind this?

Look up "Ethereum is a dark forest". Before a transaction is mined, it is exchanged between nodes, who keep it into what is called the mempool. Anyone with a connected node can look at the ...
Xavier Leprêtre B9lab's user avatar
1 vote

Way to tackle arbitrage bots

Ok, here's what's happening: I'm almost sure there exists another exchange with a lower price for the pair, otherwise the arbitrage opportunity wouldn't exist. The pair creation tx was enough to ...
Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq's user avatar

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