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6 votes

Is there a way to access Parity UI running on AWS?

Remote Access to the Parity Wallet (Parity UI) is explained in detail in the Wallet Remote Access section of the Parity docs. Before trying any method it is important to first make sure that the time ...
matthew's user avatar
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6 votes

Why are blocks imported so slowly? - Geth node

Is this normal? Unsure what the normal sync rate currently is with that hardware setup, but it wouldn't surprise me, particularly with a block of that size. (Someone who's run a sync recently can add ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
3 votes

How can I "require('web3')" on Amazon AWS Lambda?

Just npm install web3 locally. On my Mac machine the only issue then was the building of the scrypt package. You can add an install script to your package.json to build it locally: "install": "[ -e ...
Markus -'s user avatar
3 votes

Can MetaMask be used as remote node for back end, and not require users to have plug in?

MetaMask doesn't actually host any nodes! So if you want to write applications without the overhead of hosting your own node in the cloud, you can point your app to Infura. Checkout the site here: ...
erkt's user avatar
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3 votes

Host Geth Mainnet on cloud or use existing mainnet?

I've had experience with both and found that sometimes my web3 code would work perfectly with a geth node but then it would fail against Infura. This was about the only issue I found and in the long ...
Burrito Friday's user avatar
2 votes

ethereum on Amazon AWS - how to connect two mining peers?

Answering my own question, here's what finally worked in my case. See this GitHub Repo for more details. It provides ansible playbooks to provision and control a private ethereum network on Amazon EC2 ...
Karl Guggisberg's user avatar
2 votes

How do I connect to a remote Parity node from web3.js?

Have a look at the JSONRPC docs: --jsonrpc-port PORT Specify the port portion of the JSONRPC API server (default: 8545). --jsonrpc-interface IP Specify the ...
q9f's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't connect to EC2 Ethereum node from AWS Lambda

I upgraded to the latest Web3 (1.0.0 beta) and somehow the issue was resolved.
rhlsthrm's user avatar
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2 votes

How to Setup Ethereum Based Website

Basically, you just have to write the JS code to interact with Web3js. It can be server-side (Node.js), as well as client-side. Check out the web3 doc for configuration instructions and some basic ...
someart's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I connect to a remote Parity node from web3.js?

+1 @Vlal. Along with --jsonrpc-hosts all --jsonrpc-interface all I had to add --jsonrpc-cors null instead of --rpccorsdomain "*"
Chim's user avatar
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2 votes

rpc requests to geth on AWS instance

To connect to AWS instance via RPC you have to assign the public IP of that instance as the rpc address. geth --rpc --rpcaddr "Public IP of AWS" --rpcport "8545" --rpccorsdomain "*" console If it ...
Karthikeyan Thangavel's user avatar
2 votes

Connecting to remote Geth client from AWS hosted server via web3 needs fix

Is TCP with the Express server's public IP and port 8545 sufficient to connect? Yes, it does not require any other port open Are UDP and TCP on port 30303 from all IPs a necessary requirement? (...
Gabriel G.'s user avatar
2 votes

Is there any concern for the significant number of nodes being hosted on AWS/ cloud providers?

The same concerns as with any centralization: single point of failure and (indirect) control over the network. If AWS was to go down one day all the nodes would go with it. Even if Amazon wouldn't ...
Lauri Peltonen's user avatar
2 votes

Minimum system requirements for mining ropsten ethers

I haven't done it for a while, so hopefully, a kind spirit will chime in if I seem to be misleading you. Mining on Ropsten is not very competitive. You can mine coins with CPU mining and I think you'...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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2 votes

How to integrate rinkeby test network with centralised server?

If your ethereum node is running on a different VM from your web3 service (Django in this case), then you cannot use IPC. IPC is only available over the local file system. Check out the ...
carver's user avatar
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2 votes

Convert pem public key into ethereum address by Go

If this key is generated by some of the supported curves by the default lib, you can use ParsePKIXPublicKey directly to parse it. However, Secp256k1 curve is not supported by the default lib. So my ...
minhhn2910's user avatar
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1 vote

Unlocking account web3.js 1.0 on AWS Lambda

You need to install a web3 layer for your lambda. See for how to do so.
irhetoric's user avatar
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1 vote

Private Chain Peering and Port Problem

The peer communication happens on tcp and UDP ports 30303 by default. TCP is used to exchange information data related to blockchain, like new blocks. And UDP is used for communication related to ...
Ayushya's user avatar
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Running Swarm on AWS

So apparently you have to put in two settings. You have to set --bzzapi to the AWS public IP And --listenaddr to instead of the default Now it works !
Nico Vergauwen's user avatar
1 vote

'curl: no URL specified!' Installing Parity on AWS (Ubuntu)

The problem is not with the one line command, but rather with the installer itself. You can see it by running: curl -Lk > to download the file and then by ...
Briomkez's user avatar
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adding new peer to quorum dynamically

after the blockchain has been initialized and has advanced past block 1, you need to follow raft.addPeer and admin.addPeer instructions as explained here:
fixanoid's user avatar
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Deploying Ethereum template on AWS?

AWS cloud services you will use EC2: miners and customer nodes ECS: container deployment between EC2 devices. VPC: network access to all resources in the cloud Application load balancing: access to ...
Bogo's user avatar
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How can I "require('web3')" on Amazon AWS Lambda?

If you are still looking to build web3 on aws lambda, use a combination of serverless framework, serverless-plugin-scripts and docker to prebuild the node modules before deploying, more details here: ...
Rohit's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I "require('web3')" on Amazon AWS Lambda?

If anyone is still having issues with running web3 > 1.0.0 and you're using SAM local to test it, consider running sam build --use-container prior to executing the lambda with sam invoke local . This ...
scmilee's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Must I run node and compile/migrate contracts on AWS Instance for WebDapp?

You don't really need it in case you're just deploying contracts and interacting with it. You can migrate your contracts in the mainnet and use web3.js to call them from the webapp. All you need is ...
qbsp's user avatar
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1 vote

Must I run node and compile/migrate contracts on AWS Instance for WebDapp?

Yes, to interact with the blockchain, you need to run a node.
Grunzwanzling's user avatar
1 vote

What would be potential problems with building "private" Ethereum network on AWS?

As you say if your nodes are listening on the internet then other nodes would be able to communicate with yours. If they knew the genesis settings they could actually mine in your network, and if you ...
Edmund Edgar's user avatar
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1 vote

geth setup on aws for custom wallet application

I have setup several nodes in AWS. Launch an Ubuntu instance When you have ssh'ed in and at the terminal type the following one by one - sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-...
Lismore's user avatar
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How do I connect to a remote Parity node from web3.js?

the short version (if you're on a trusted network and assuming you don't have any local firewalls running): --jsonrpc-hosts all --jsonrpc-interface all then you connect via (and change the IP ...
Vlad's user avatar
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1 vote

"Public DNS" v.s. "Public IP" of AWS for running geth RPC

Untested on my end. However, I think there is a reasonable chance the answer may be CORS. When your RPC client attempts to send a request, your geth may be replying that the response is coming from a ...
lungj's user avatar
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