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Questions tagged [proof-of-authority]

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Creating permissioned networks with geth only

This is a question about permissioning in private network, but actually articulated in 2 subquestions. Q1) Is it possibile to setup geth for a private ethereum PoA network with whitelist of nodes ...
Davide C's user avatar
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Is it possible to do two-factor verification (email, text, let's say) using ethereum?

One of the values of a trusted, centralized authority is that it can use two-factor authentication to establish a permission to do a given action. Is it known whether an ethereum smart contract can ...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
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I can send emails from a smart contract?

For security, i need to generate a smart contract from authentication and the way that was solicited is use email and send a token to this email, so i think i can generate a token in my smart contract ...
mateo flores's user avatar
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How does Opensea mobile app manage "Log in with metamask / trust / rainbow"?

So I was playing around with opensea today and noticed a login feature that uses crypto wallets. I am curious to understand how they achieved it in a native app. The flow is something like this User ...
Ilja's user avatar
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Does a Proof of Authority network consume much less energy than a PoW/PoS one?

One of the main problems of PoW networks like Bitcoin or Ethereum is its energy consumption. Question 1: does this get solved with PoA networks?(without taking in account that these are not really ...
Daniel Lauzurica's user avatar
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How to create you own ethereum sidechain?

How can I create a geth-clique POA network as an Ethereum sidechain to mainnet or testnets. what is the simplest ways to do that? are there any frameworks that can be implemented easily
MYANZIK shrestha's user avatar
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Parity proof of authority aura, how to detect misbehaviour?

I'm having trouble finding the answer looking at the Parity POA aura examples, the documentation on Parity Validator Sets, plus the Kovan validator set contract solidity source code. I see that you ...
jon's user avatar
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Connecting to Rinkeby using Infura and calling a state-changing function from smart contract

So i have trouble using a smart contract on Rinkeby through infura as it gives an "extra-data" error, which as far as i have read, is due to Rinkeby being a POA testnet. There are suggestions of using ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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Why after managing to deploy contract to POA Ethereum blockchain I can't interact with it? [duplicate]

We are using a private ETH proof of authority blockchain. In order to deploy a contract I'm using 0 gas price and it deployed immediately. Then, Tried to deploy many types of contracts with ...
user3652172's user avatar
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Geth Proof of Authority Implementation

I have implemented PoA on private blockchain with following genesis.json. { "config": { "chainId": 1515, "homesteadBlock": 1, "eip150Block": 2, "eip150Hash": "...
Saeedi's user avatar
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Connect different machines with PoA

i want to connect two different machines in a ethereum private network! I did it before with a normal PoW-Consesus but with PoA created by puppeth i cant see some Peers when i try: admin.peers ...
Jan Marvin Wickert's user avatar
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Delay on receiving block by peered node

Sometimes it takes an around of 25ms to import new block by the other peered node after mined by miner. But sometimes it increases directly around 400ms to import block by peered node after mined by ...
Gopal ojha's user avatar
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Understanding what happens between transaction creation and block creation in Proof of Authority

I am currently writing my thesis where I'm investigating the potential of blockchain technology to become the underlying technology in a system that is create and record qualifications. I'm at the ...
Gloire's user avatar
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Clique PoA Private Blockchain: Need Suggestion for Block Gas Target and Block Gas Limit

I'm following this article to create my own PoA private blockchain. Now I'm stucked at this section after number 13: I've checked the Puppeth source code and Geth CLI docs, but I'm still not quite ...
Zulhilmi Zainudin's user avatar
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Puppeth: No ethstats server configured

Update This is an issue with Docker Compose >= 1.23.0 and I've raised this in the go-ethereum GitHub issues tracker. I'm following this guide to create my own private blockchain using PoA consensus. ...
Zulhilmi Zainudin's user avatar
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Parity configuration for maximum throughput

What’s the recommended approach for configuring a private ethereum network using Parity to achieve the highest possible transaction throughput? Which is theoretically around 1000 TPS. Let’s say my ...
abed's user avatar
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Transaction throughput: POA vs POW in private blockchain networks

I know that proof of work is resource intensive, while proof of authority is much faster as no consensus is required since the network is validated by the proper authorities. But in terms of the ...
abed's user avatar
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Defining a block reward contract in Parity Aura consensus

I've been looking at creating a block reward contract for Parity (as documented here). I'm wondering if I would be able to model a system using this that would send all the wei spent on a transaction ...
jmcnevin's user avatar
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Deploy contract as Authority in Parity PoA private chain

I deployed a Proof of Authority chain with 2 nodes, but when I try to deploy a contract with one authority account, it says that there is unsufficient fund in the account. I though PoA didn't rely on ...
2chainz's user avatar
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Read state from smart contract deployed to azure proof of authority ethereum network

I deployed a smart contract to an azure proof of authority network(ethereum). Following the instructions here
Oaks-view's user avatar
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Transaction ordering in proof of authority

In decentralized computation the order of transactions is a big deal. For many smart contracts, the sooner a transaction is called, the bigger benefits for that transaction. In proof of work, ...
nick carraway's user avatar
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how to setup hybrid PoW+PoS or PoA private network (geth)

I am aware about PoW and PoA setups of ethereum private networks but would like to know if anyone could help or point me the direction how to build a hybrid PoW + PoS or PoW + PoA ethereum based ...
m1k3y3's user avatar
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How well do Proof of Authority (PoA) implementations of Geth (Clique) and Parity (Aura) scale?

Has anybody tried to run PoA networks with 100 or more validators? Given a fixed block size, how did the number of validators effect transaction throughput and latency?
zofa's user avatar
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Unable to Add 3rd Proof-of-Authority Sealer Node

I have a geth POA private blockchain setup and running with 2 sealer nodes. Now I have setup a 3rd node as a sealer, and ran the following command on the both existing sealer nodes clique.propose(&...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Difference between Geth POA Clique and Parity POA Aura

I am creating my own private blockchain with a POA consensus. What is the difference between POA networks created by Geth (Clique) and by Parity (Aura), and are there scenarios that favor one over the ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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How Do Accounts Generate Ether After Genesis Creation?

How is new ether created in a private proof-of-authority network? I understand when creating a genesis file you can specifically allocate funds to an account, but what about after the network has been ...
Matt Hess's user avatar
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Trouble executing transactions on a private PoA network with blocktime set to 0

I'm trying to run a private PoA(Proof of Authority) network with the blockTime (clique.period in the gensis block) set to 0. I'm testing a truffle contract against this network, and when executing ...
LongJeongS's user avatar
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Where authorities in PoA are stored?

I am trying to deploy a private ethereum network in my machine using Proof-Of-Authority and geth client. I followed this tutorial but I can't realize where the information about authorities are ...
maroodb's user avatar
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Is it logical to use "Proof-of-Authority" for a "public" blockchain?

According website: Proof-of-Authority is a replacement for Proof-of-Work, which can be used for private chain setups. And also: The chain has to be signed off by the majority of ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Who Execute Transaction in PoA

In PoW, every full-nodes executes contracts of a block to confirm that the miner was doing honest work. What about in PoA (proof-of-Authority)? a. Only authorities will execute the contracts to ...
Victor Hartanto's user avatar
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Calculate Private Proof-of-Authority TPS [duplicate]

With a private Ethereum Proof-of-Authority network set up containing 3 sealer nodes, what can we do to estimate the TPS (Transactions per second) of the POA network?
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Proof of authority reward mechanism

Can anybody explain the reward mechanism in Proof of Authority (PoA) protocol? What kind of reward is received by the validators in PoA? So far I came up with the following points: There is no ...
Yahya's user avatar
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What happens if a block signer goes offline on Rinkeby?

Rinkeby relies on a sequence of trusted signers to add blocks to its test chain. What happens if one of these block signers goes offline? How long is the next node in the list supposed to wait before ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to solve clique is not defined error?

I have going a PoA network, and everything looks like it works. But I cannot get clique to show up in geth. > clique ReferenceError: 'clique' is not defined at <anonymous>:1:1 Has ...
Trevor Oakley's user avatar
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QuorumChain Consensus vs Raft Consensus vs Istanbul consensus quorum

I am reading about Quorum which is an Ethereum-based distributed ledger protocol with transaction/contract privacy and new consensus mechanisms. I have read about QuorumChain consensus and Raft ...
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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Is Quorum production ready

Quorum is private permissioned blockchain network.Is it production ready or still in beta/Proof of Concept stage?
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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Is there any anonymity in Proof-of-Authority?

According to the following article, Proof_of_Authority (PoA) is a modified form of Proof_of_stake (PoS) where instead of stake with the monetary value, a validator’s identity performs the role ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Proof Of Authority vs Proof Of Work geth

In case of proof of work consensus mechanism miners compete with each other to solve the cryptographic puzzle and once a miner found the answer of puzzle , he will broadcast it to all the nodes ...
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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Add new sealers in aura network without hard-fork?

I've set up a private PoA (aura) network using parity-deploy and was wondering how it's possible to add/remove authorised nodes without doing a hard-fork of the network. I've heard about people ...
Adam B's user avatar
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Can a PoA Network be corrupted by one node only? The text from that link states that a single node can corrupt the blocks and is limited to just a signing limit. What is the solution to prevent a node ...
Trevor Oakley's user avatar
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Does a PoA network use gas?

I understand PoW uses gas to counter a DDoS attack. What about PoA? Is gas also used in PoA networks?
Trevor Oakley's user avatar
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Can clique.propose be automated in a smart contract?

I know that clique.propose can be manually entered into geth and then all other nodes to finally add a new node. Is there a way to automate this for example using a smart contract? Then the proposal ...
Trevor Oakley's user avatar
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Securing --rpcaddr endpoint on Go Ethereum node

I have been connecting nodes to a PoA blockchain based server and the only way I could get it to work was to specify the server address in the geth connection string as follows - --rpcaddr
Trevor Lee Oakley's user avatar
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Are all nodes 'mining' nodes in a PoA network?

I now have my PoA network running and I can add nodes which are approved by the others. But I have a question about can we add read only nodes? I do not really understand the different types of nodes ...
Trevor Oakley's user avatar
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When is a clique.proposal known to other nodes?

I do not really understand how a proposal is communicated to the other nodes. I have 5 nodes in a PoA private ethereum network. I am trying to add 2 nodes on another server. I get this - instance: ...
Trevor Oakley's user avatar
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How many bootnodes should be used in a PoA Network?

I implemented a PoA network as per this example, and it states: If N sealers are defined in the genesis file, clique will only work if int(N/2+1) (source code) nodes are online. This means that ...
Trevor Lee Oakley's user avatar
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What are sealer and signer nodes in PoA networks?

I have googled this and although the terms are widely used I cannot find a definition for them. Does anyone have a definition for these terms?
Trevor Lee Oakley's user avatar
6 votes
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How can we add new nodes under PoA?

I implemented a PoA system successfully. But after the initial setup (eg two nodes), how are new nodes added? I understand that the acceptance of a new node is a voting process but I am not certain ...
Trevor Oakley's user avatar
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Rinkeby Transactions not getting mined

I am trying to send transaction to a contract, but my transactions is not getting mined. For troubleshooting, I tried various gas prices, with same nonce: 25 wei (0.000000025 Gwei) 22 wei (0....
Ayushya's user avatar
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Rinkeby failure with -- Could not format value '0x...' as field 'extraData'

I am trying to connect to Rinkeby using But when I call a method, like w3.version.node, it throws an exception ending in: ... File "/home/hacker/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/web3/utils/...
carver's user avatar
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