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Questions tagged [authentication]

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Address Mismatch in Ethereum Signature Verification with Safe via WalletConnect

I'm facing an issue with Ethereum signature verification. When I sign a message using Safe through WalletConnect, the verified address does not match the signed wallet address. This problem occurs ...
MJ.'s user avatar
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Need help with Session Management for Decentralized Nextjs app using wagmi Library

Please find github gist to the source code. where i have implemented Wallet connection using WagmiProvider. I dont want to repeat adding WagmiProvider to all the pages in my application, instead i ...
gtrharish's user avatar
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Geth HTTP - JWT authentication not working

Geth Node setup: geth --datadir 'execution client' --sepolia --http --http.api eth,net,engine,admin,web3 --http.corsdomain '','' --authrpc.jwtsecret '...
YashNarK's user avatar
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backend based signature verification

I'm new in web3 and I'm trying to develop a way to authenticate users in my dapp. I'm used to using the old and safe method with email + password to do that, but recently I realised that I could use ...
whoami's user avatar
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Moralis.Auth.verify 400 bad request error

I'm following the moralis tutorial to build an authentication and authorization system with moralis and reactJS
Shadq's user avatar
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Sign in with Ethereum through a CLI

I have a ts-node backend and I would like to use [Sign In With Ethereum] ( to connect user's wallet through a CLI. The user passes his private key as a parameter.
iliev951's user avatar
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What's the best authentication/authorization system for DApp using ReactJS and Metamask

I'm building a DApp with reactJS for the frontend and solidity for the backend. I want to build a solid authentication/authorization system possibly using some libraries but i can't find anything that ...
Shadq's user avatar
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Is it possible to do two-factor verification (email, text, let's say) using ethereum?

One of the values of a trusted, centralized authority is that it can use two-factor authentication to establish a permission to do a given action. Is it known whether an ethereum smart contract can ...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
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How can a (gnosis) safe app manage sensitive data and a session?

We built an app based on Rainbowkit and Next.js. It authenticates users using rainbowkit-siwe-next-auth. Next-auth uses several cookies to keep track of the session, and set them during sign-in. ...
malteish's user avatar
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Custom Gnosis Safe App, Github/ Magic Link OAuth Login Redirect

We use Github & Magic Link as the main way to authenticate our users. Based on the redirect url we have on our Github OAuth app or Magic link settings, we redirect our users to a static url. Right ...
Rick's user avatar
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I can send emails from a smart contract?

For security, i need to generate a smart contract from authentication and the way that was solicited is use email and send a token to this email, so i think i can generate a token in my smart contract ...
mateo flores's user avatar
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Is there a bare metal provider that permits blockchain login?

I would like to rent a bare metal server (such as Vultr or Scaleway), pay in crypto, and also not make an account with email but authentication somehow via the blockchain. I know MetaMask can be used ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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How secure and trusted Web3Auth is?

So my question is about the to which degree Web3Auth is trusted? I played around with their SDK a bit, and after user logs into the DApp, the application can even retrieve user's private key and ...
Ahmet Yazıcı's user avatar
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Using WalletConnect via Gnosis Safe iOS throws an error when signing a message

I'm working on an authentication feature for my app and using wagmi for the ethersjs interactions. I have two-step authentication flow: connect wallet and SIWE. This entire process works fine with ...
Firatov's user avatar
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Is there a way to make geth only allow connections/requests from certain wallets?

Let's say I run my own full node. I also use some browser extention-based wallet that'd normally use Infura as a gateway. Think of Metamask. Now I want to switch "Infura" to my own full node....
pablo camilo's user avatar
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How do I get authenticated in bittrex? What is wrong with this code?

I used to use bittrex version 1 api. It worked well. Then, they change API and they change a lot. So I am trying to get balances of my account in bittrex Protected Overrides Async Function ...
user4951's user avatar
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Authentication after user connects wallet to dapp

I'm using ethers to allow users to connect my dapp with their wallet on my website. Once they've connected their wallet I want the website to make an authenticated API request to a restricted API that ...
Growth Mindset's user avatar
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Authentifying a call to a smart contract function

I'm writing a play-to-earn game that rewards players with tokens. Each time, the player completes a "round" and collects a certain number of points, he is eligible to claim a corresponding ...
RobS's user avatar
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Rinkeby offline [duplicate]

I’m newbie in using Rinkeby authenticated faucet. When I opened the site I discover that there is and indication saying OFFLINE. Is there anything that I’m not doing right. Please I need help.
fedinand victor's user avatar
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Is there really any secure models for authenticating a user with metamask?

I will refer to this post How to verify MetaMask account holder is the real owner of the address? . So what devs are suggesting is to create a nonce on server side, get it via public API, sign wallet ...
John T's user avatar
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Register users only through DApp sign-up

I am making a DApp where users need to be registered in the Solidity smart contract to perform some actions, for example: function publish (string memory _itemURI) userOnly public { // Publish ...
Benjamin Azoulay's user avatar
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User Whitelisting on Smart Contract

Say I have this smart contract that can be invoked only by a set of known users (a finite list of addresses). The obvious method to implement this logic is simply by keeping track of these addresses ...
Yar's user avatar
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Handle frontend-backend authentication using ethers js

Context: My dapp has 3 components: frontend (React), backend (Solidity) and storage (Node+MongoDb). The storage is needed to store info that will be used in the future. Frontend-Storage communication ...
Alvin Sartor's user avatar
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How does Opensea mobile app manage "Log in with metamask / trust / rainbow"?

So I was playing around with opensea today and noticed a login feature that uses crypto wallets. I am curious to understand how they achieved it in a native app. The flow is something like this User ...
Ilja's user avatar
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how I can sign message using web3js?

I know that I can sign a message using web3js, but I don't know how I can do that, then how to verify that signature using ecrecover()?
Asma's user avatar
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How to authenticate with an Ethereum account through personalSign?

I want to authenticate a user using her Ethereum account. There are several demos and tutorials available, for example Amaury's which uses, however, the deprecated web3 API: web3.personal.sign(web3....
q9f's user avatar
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Infura with JWT authentication

I am using wallet connect an Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps with web3 modal sdk . the wallet connect requires an infura key. Since the wallet connect is executed on the borwser it ...
leycun's user avatar
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How do I retrieve user data once I have incremented count?

I am building a web application that can store and retrieve user data. Once I add A User i increment count by 1. Once incremented the users data is added and I can fetch the data by the fetchUser(...
tsamuelfs's user avatar
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Unable to install web3.js into my system(WINDOWS 10)

**CMD show this error message ** Geth and python is installed.
Ammara Developer's user avatar
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Wallet as authenticator with WalletConnect

I want to use the wallet in my web app as authenticator for an API access, e.g. by signing an arbitrary string and then check the signature at the API side. I know there are sign() methods to do so. ...
user66732's user avatar
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Basic Authentication with Metamask

We are evaluating the option to include an Nginx script with authentication in front of a blockchain node. One option is to use Basic Authentication in the path of the network URL in Metamask. Is ...
Suzana Maranhão Moreno's user avatar
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OAuth/BearerTokens in ChainLink

How to add an authentication header for ChainLink API requests? For example, this guide on connecting ChainLink to Twitter API to post a tweet doesn't implement anything of the sort, so how would it ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Authentication between smart contracts based their addresses - Is it safe?

thanks in advance for your time and intellectual contribution. I am working on a project in which we have contracts interacting which each other. More specifically, there is a "father contract&...
DarkWinter's user avatar
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How to retrieve all the values form the mapping?

Yield farming. Unaudited food token. Anon founder. Crazy APR%. Of course, if it is "too good to be true" it probably is... I would like to "don't trust, verify" and verify who is ...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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How chainlink guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of the data it returns to the smart contract

Given that the oracle and the "request/response" mechanism may be operated by multiple entities, the possibility of data being tampered with during transmission obviously exists. I want to ...
wei wang's user avatar
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Getting empty object in web3js

I have a user registeration logic defined in solidity which used to work fine when I set an registeration fees of 0.5 ETH for testing purpose.But now, when I remove the register fees, I'm not able to ...
Yash's user avatar
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Metamask Wallet Change in Dapp

I wonder something about the usage of the metamask wallet for Dapp. I have implemented an Authentication mechanism to my Dapp with Keycloak, and I ask for blockchain wallet addresses of the users in ...
Onur Gumus's user avatar
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EcRecover signed message does not match PublicAddress

I am trying to create a C# webservice back end API that handles the code logic found in Step #5 here: Their code looks like ...
Gero's user avatar
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ERC20 Anyone can call approve if knows ABI on contract and my address?

I think I misunderstand something. I'm using a Ganache for developing dApp. I built a default ERC-20 smart-contract. I've built it with truffle. And just for test I write some code in NodeJS: ...
Kirill Varikov's user avatar
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Sign Message using passphrase only

I'm creating an authentication system using python and I'm trying to authenticate a user using from import w3 msg = 'sdb41554xcb4xc548cxd84dxcb' message = encode_defunct(text=...
Prachi Sharma's user avatar
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Private Ethereum Platform development with Authentication System

I have to develop a system for Univeristy which provides digital certificates. I know some approaches but stuck about which approach I should choose. The system will have (suppose 5 nodes + 1 super ...
Prachi Sharma's user avatar
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Login to an ethereum dapp on sending a transaction?

I'm trying to build a sample dapp. The login process in ethereum dapps usually involves signing a message from metamask to prove ownership of an account. Is there a way we could design login in such a ...
Kombo's user avatar
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HMAC-x implementation for solidity

Is there any implementation of HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 or any other hashing algorithms for solidity? I found this but it's not working.
saman.shahmohamadi's user avatar
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Is there a way to know the REAL msg.sender?

I want to know the real msg.sender of the transaction. Which this means is, if I use truffle console I can change the msg.sender by using {from: another address}. So let's say my address is A, and ...
Jung Chun's user avatar
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Dapp User Account Storage and IPFS/infura

I'd like to build a dapp utilizing the power of the Ethereum blockchain and IPFS. Right now, my plan is to have users sign up to use the app and store their account data + files on IPFS through a ...
YoungKidWarrior's user avatar
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How to authenticate a smart contract

my Question is, how the identity of a smart contract can be verified, or basically how to authenticate a contract. As far as I know a contract does not have a private key and also cannot keep one, ...
Johannes K's user avatar
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Is there anything that is equivalent of Hyperledger Fabric's Membership Service Provider in Ethereum?

Is there anything that is equivalent of Hyperledger Fabric's Membership Service Provider in Ethereum? The power of an MSP goes beyond simply listing who is a network participant or member of a ...
morpheus's user avatar
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Authenticating accounts in Ethereum using web3js

Is a there a way to authenticate accounts in Ethereum using Web3js? Or if there are any other ways to authenticate accounts? We are building an application where users can register in our system. ...
Abhishek Pohankar's user avatar
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How to use recovery mnemonic in metamask to import account instead of private key?

We can import account by importing private key of the account. While creating a new account we give passphrase to encrypt the private key. How to import an account in metamask using the mnemonic?
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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How to authenticate user using passphrase?

While creating ethereum account(geth) account we need to enter the passphrase for respective account. Is there any way to authenticate the user using that passphrase from a front end?
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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