I think I misunderstand something. I'm using a Ganache for developing dApp. I built a default ERC-20 smart-contract. I've built it with truffle. And just for test I write some code in NodeJS:
const res = await contract.methods
.approve('0xbB5fed33E455bA3efB1a6622c388A9aDaD9D9EB5', this.web3.utils.toWei('10'))
from: '0xD73292923DA1Fc18b04fADC4a004bb7dffB5f7Ca'
const tr = await contract.methods
.send({ from: '0xbB5fed33E455bA3efB1a6622c388A9aDaD9D9EB5' });
And this code works perfectly. Is it means that anybody who knows my address and ABI of a contract can call the same code in Main Network (Ethereum). Because all this information (ABI and my address) is public. I think it's quite silly question, but I can't find an answer. What I'm missing?