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Questions tagged [rainbowkit]

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How to get provider if I am using rainbowkit wallet extension?

I am using window.ethereum to get the function for smart contract transaction but it only triggered my Metamask wallet extension instead of Rainbowkit. Is there an option to grab currently connected ...
LOK's user avatar
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Getting `Connector not connected` error with wagmi

I'm integrating Wagmi into my Next.js application to handle contract simulation in the backend with tRPC. However, I'm encountering an error message stating Connector not connected. I've attempted to ...
Mohit's user avatar
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My web3 js transaction has a gas estimate of $0.02 displayed with rainbow wallet, but with metamask it displays as $2.00

The more accurate is $0.02, is there anything I can do to make metamask look better. This is on base chain.
NimChimpsky's user avatar
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WAGMI: useWriteContract is unresponsive

I have a simple form where I'm asking the user for a token address, token id and it's price. On submitting these values I want to call a function on my smart contract for which I'm using wagmi's ...
Sam Hawkz's user avatar
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How to send transactions on mobile in a Next.js app using Rainbowkit

I have a nextjs app installed with rainbowkit and connecting/sending tx's works fine on desktop. However, on mobile I'm able to connect through metamask but fail when sending a transaction. Any ideas ...
Ibra's user avatar
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Implementing Secure Seed Phrase Storage in Web3 Wallet Chrome Extension

I am in the process of developing a Web3 wallet application and I'm seeking assistance on implementing a secure seed phrase storage functionality within a Chrome browser extension. Objective: The ...
Vijay raj panchal's user avatar
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Wagmi write contract

I have this code here import React from 'react'; import { usePrepareContractWrite, useContractWrite } from 'wagmi'; import lottoABI from './lottoABI.json'; import { parseEther } from 'viem'; // ...
Joe Code's user avatar
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How can I setup RainbowKit for the local running hardhat blockchain Node?

Currently I am working with some DApp projects.I'm using Rainbowkit for the wallet connection and using Sepoila for the testing . But I want to use the locally running hardhat node for the testing. ...
Asir Shahriar Roudra's user avatar
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Not able to install rainbow kit

How to deal with these errors to install and integrate wallets
JIMIT THAKKAR's user avatar
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Wagmi "useAccount" connector is undefined after refreshing page using next.js

I am using WAGMI and the Rainbowkit connector for my Dapp. After deploying it on production, I have encountered a strange problem. Sometimes, after refreshing the page or opening it in a new tab, the &...
Nightcrawler's user avatar
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RainbowKit - Custom authentication not verifying

I am implementing a custom authentication by createAuthenticationAdapter() from RainbowKit following the docs The message to sign  (login) shows ...
ojoaoguilherme's user avatar
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wagmi usePrepareContractWrite pass an struct argument in args: []

I have an error when trying to write to a contract by using usePrepareContractWrite by passing a struct, heres my struct class Job { id: BigNumber = BigNumber.from("-1"); ...
Ethan's user avatar
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How can a (gnosis) safe app manage sensitive data and a session?

We built an app based on Rainbowkit and Next.js. It authenticates users using rainbowkit-siwe-next-auth. Next-auth uses several cookies to keep track of the session, and set them during sign-in. ...
malteish's user avatar
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How to auto redirect user to metamask for confirm the transaction in mobile with wallet connect(rainbowkit & wagmi)

in my dapp i'm using rainbowkit for connection, dapp working perfectly in desktop but in mobile when i connect my dapp with wallet-connect option, i have to go manually in metamask to confirm the ...
vikas's user avatar
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Wagmi usePrepareContractWrite is not a function

I was following a youtube tutorial for RainbowKit and Wagmi then i stumble upon this problem. " Unhandled Runtime Error TypeError: (0 , wagmi__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.usePrepareContractWrite) ...
dino's user avatar
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Wagmi useSigner hook doesn't work when url has a query parameter in a Next JS project

I am trying to use the useSigner hook from wagmi. My project is a Next JS project and I am using the rainbow kit button to connect. If I am at a page with a url like localhost:3000 the signer loads at ...
Suhel Kapadia's user avatar
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Problem with implementing RainbowKit for wallets

I am integrating RainbowKit into my dapp to make connecting and disconnecting wallets easier. I am using Nextjs to develop a NFT marketplace. I am given this strange error while running the project on ...
Sina Rahimi's user avatar
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example of HD Wallet injection into RainbowKit

I want to test my DApp which uses RainbowKit and WAGMI. I figured that the easiest way would be to use an HDWalletProvider and use it in the createClient function. I was unable to find an example. ...
Micha Roon's user avatar
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RainbowKit does not work with MetaMask on iOS [closed]

Current Behavior On iOS, when I tap "connect wallet", the "Connect a Wallet" overlay, I click "Metamask" and it directs me to the iOS App Store. Expected Behavior When I ...
George Pickett's user avatar
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wagmi - useContractWrite - eth_call - Transaction reverted: function selector was not recognized, but sendRawTransaction going through

Trying to do a contract interaction, rainbowkit/metamask is connected to my local host rpc from hardhat, I am having problems completing a transaction... Am I doing something wrong here? Metamask ...
Stackaccount1's user avatar
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4 answers

How to get provider using rainbowkit wallet if connected via walletconnect or coinbase

I'm using rainbowkit wallet which offers various wallet options such as walletconnect and coinbase. My question is, if I'm connected via metamask then my web3 instance can use window.ethereum as ...
bbusdriver's user avatar
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