I am building a web application that can store and retrieve user data. Once I add A User i increment count by 1. Once incremented the users data is added and I can fetch the data by the fetchUser(count - 1) function. Is there a way to connect this id to the users Address so that the id can be fetched when a user signs in.
mapping (uint => Users) public users;
mapping(address => bool) _isRegistered;
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
userCount = 0;
function addUser(string memory _name, bool _isReg) contractIsActive() public returns (bool){
require(!_isRegistered[msg.sender], "sender is already registered");
emit LogUser(userCount);
emit LogAddressUser(msg.sender);
users[userCount] = Users({name: _name, userId: userCount, signedUp: _isReg});
_isRegistered[msg.sender] = true;
userCount += 1;
return true;
function fetchUser(uint _id) public view returns(string memory name, uint id, bool signed){
name = users[_id].name;
id = users[_id].userId;
signed = users[_id].signedUp;
return(name, id, signed);