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Moralis.Auth.verify 400 bad request error

I'm following the moralis tutorial to build an authentication and authorization system with moralis and reactJS
Shadq's user avatar
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What's the best authentication/authorization system for DApp using ReactJS and Metamask

I'm building a DApp with reactJS for the frontend and solidity for the backend. I want to build a solid authentication/authorization system possibly using some libraries but i can't find anything that ...
Shadq's user avatar
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Is it possible to do two-factor verification (email, text, let's say) using ethereum?

One of the values of a trusted, centralized authority is that it can use two-factor authentication to establish a permission to do a given action. Is it known whether an ethereum smart contract can ...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
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I can send emails from a smart contract?

For security, i need to generate a smart contract from authentication and the way that was solicited is use email and send a token to this email, so i think i can generate a token in my smart contract ...
mateo flores's user avatar
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Register users only through DApp sign-up

I am making a DApp where users need to be registered in the Solidity smart contract to perform some actions, for example: function publish (string memory _itemURI) userOnly public { // Publish ...
Benjamin Azoulay's user avatar
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how I can sign message using web3js?

I know that I can sign a message using web3js, but I don't know how I can do that, then how to verify that signature using ecrecover()?
Asma's user avatar
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Infura with JWT authentication

I am using wallet connect an Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps with web3 modal sdk . the wallet connect requires an infura key. Since the wallet connect is executed on the borwser it ...
leycun's user avatar
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How do I retrieve user data once I have incremented count?

I am building a web application that can store and retrieve user data. Once I add A User i increment count by 1. Once incremented the users data is added and I can fetch the data by the fetchUser(...
tsamuelfs's user avatar
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Authentication between smart contracts based their addresses - Is it safe?

thanks in advance for your time and intellectual contribution. I am working on a project in which we have contracts interacting which each other. More specifically, there is a "father contract&...
DarkWinter's user avatar
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Getting empty object in web3js

I have a user registeration logic defined in solidity which used to work fine when I set an registeration fees of 0.5 ETH for testing purpose.But now, when I remove the register fees, I'm not able to ...
Yash's user avatar
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HMAC-x implementation for solidity

Is there any implementation of HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 or any other hashing algorithms for solidity? I found this but it's not working.
saman.shahmohamadi's user avatar
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Is there a way to know the REAL msg.sender?

I want to know the real msg.sender of the transaction. Which this means is, if I use truffle console I can change the msg.sender by using {from: another address}. So let's say my address is A, and ...
Jung Chun's user avatar
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Uport for private blockchain network

Can I use uport for authenticating users in a private blockchain network ? If yes, Are there any tutorials or implementations available for the same ?
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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What are the best practices to allow user signup and login for a dapp?

From what I have researched, it seems that all of the methods for allowing a user to signup and login for an Ethereum dapp are very cumbersome for the user to use. What are the best practices to allow ...
Jason Cochran's user avatar