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11 votes

What is the difference between a private key, password, brain wallet, recovery passphrase, and wallet?

(I've left this as an answer, rather than a wiki, to encourage multiple answers since there may be other explanations that resonate better with people) For brevity, this answer assumes that the ...
lungj's user avatar
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10 votes

Blockchain password manager

The problem of storing private data on the blockchain is that everyone can see it. If you encrypt the info into the blockchain, by the pseudo-random property of the blockchain you can't ensure that ...
CPereez19's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it safe to create a password in a smart contract?

It's absolutely not safe! You could create and save a hash of the password off-chain and save it in the smart contract. But this is no good anyways because of the Frontrunning attack. When a user ...
Jeremy Then's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it possible to regenerate the private key file?

You cannot recreate the private key file. The password is used to decrypt the key file, and then an address is generated from the private key in a non-reversible way. The private key is really the ...
Tjaden Hess's user avatar
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5 votes

Recovering private key from keystore file

Private key recovery instructions: Download and install NodeJS Create a new folder, and: Copy your key-store file into this folder Create a new file called run.js in this folder Open a command-line ...
goodvibration's user avatar
4 votes

Blockchain password manager

You don't need a blockchain in order for it to be open source (and you shouldn't use blockchains to store private data, as explained by CPereez19). Instead, why not consider a local password manager ...
Teo Klestrup Röijezon's user avatar
3 votes

How do I unlock the `geth --dev` developer account?

The account has a blank password. $ geth --dev console ... > personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0], ""); true You can unlock from the command line using a --password password.txt where the file ...
BokkyPooBah's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the bkp component in a presale JSON file?

No. Your bkp is not the SHA3 of your password. It's really quite simple. In the beginning, god said genwallet and... genwallet says: genwallet(opts['seed'],pw,email) You say "here's my email ...
tayvano's user avatar
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3 votes

Can you safely change your Ethereum password without creating a new Account?

The password is used to encrypt your private key. When you change the password, the client decrypts the private key using the old password and then re-encrypts it using the new password, overwriting ...
Tjaden Hess's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it safe to create a password in a smart contract?

I won't duplicate what others have said (this is unsafe). But I will suggest a possible alternative. Rather than using a password, use a digital signature. An ECDSA signature is not susceptible to ...
James_pic's user avatar
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2 votes

How to recover account and keystore file?

Unless you reformatted the drive, you almost certainly have it somewhere. It depends on how strong the password is. If you think the password isn't very strong, there are some fairly elaborate/...
Dakota Quint's user avatar
2 votes

How to recover account and keystore file?

1) Is there any way to recover account if keystore file is lost? No. The private key effectively is the account, for all practical purposes. 2) Is there any way to recover account in case of ...
Richard Horrocks's user avatar
2 votes

is it possible I imported my wallet "Keystore" file and somehow the password files not included?

Your keystore file should contain your private key in encrypted format and your password is used to unlock the private key for making actions on the account. There is no separate password file so it ...
danielmcclure's user avatar
2 votes

How can I recover ethereum account

You cannot use the account now. The private key is your account and your password is used to decrypt it. No private key = no account An address & password without a private key to use ...
Lismore's user avatar
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2 votes

Mist wallet password test

Make sure Mist is running. Run this command to attach to the geth daemon: geth attach In the JavaScript console you can try this: personal.unlockAccount('ADDRESS', null, 1) You will be asked for ...
Luksor's user avatar
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2 votes

When do I need the wallet password?

in short : You need your password, because your private key is encrypted with. if you want to send a transaction or to unlock your account you will be asked to provide it, so remember it.
Badr Bellaj's user avatar
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2 votes

Metamask Chrome Extension, lost password & seedpharse

No. Sorry, there's no way. Having a backup of seed phrase is required to recover the wallet. If you used a password that you generated by yourself (Not a random one), you can try to remember it. There'...
Nicolas Massart's user avatar
1 vote

Parity encryption password help

This means that the account info including password is stored in the owner's computer, right? No, password is not stored. does that mean that there is a way of retrieving the password from the ...
tworec's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I find out ethereum address?

Open the wallet with notepad and you will find on the end "ethaddr":your address.
josip's user avatar
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1 vote

Does the Metamask password need to be kept very secure?

MetaMask pasword protects your private key, and that's why you should keep safe. Yes it is used locally in your browser. Change password (simple Google search so someone could down-vote you for that)...
Chim's user avatar
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1 vote

keystore password

This file doesn't contain your password. Rather, you need your password to make use of this. The password is used to decrypt the account's private key.
user19510's user avatar
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Is it better to store my MyEtherWallet password in a password manager or memorize a less secure one?

Contrary to popular belief, long randomly generated passwords are no more secure against brute-forcing than long, easy to memorize passwords. However, it is essential that you don't utilize any ...
awrg's user avatar
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1 vote

authentication needed: password or unlock

i recommend this solution personal.unlockAccount(Address, Password, 0) 0 is unlock no time limit
Sanghyun Sim's user avatar
1 vote

authentication needed: password or unlock

When sending a transaction, you don't "unlock personal", you unlock the account that sends the transaction. In this case, you could do: return web3.personal.unlockAccount(ADDRESS, PASSWORD, TIME (if ...
Itération 122442's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible, I don't have password for my wallet?

Yes you definetly had to provide a password when you created your account with mist. Your keystore file contain your private key, but it is encrypted, and you need your password to unencrypt it. You ...
Julien Klepatch's user avatar
1 vote

Set up a passwordless Ethereum address

You can have unencrypted private keys, of course. Mnemonics is what can be used to derive this private key. So this can be used to generate a mnemonic (select ETH), and further down the site you can ...
n1cK's user avatar
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Changing Account Password (using Parity)

I found the doc on github,you just use rpc api (parity_changepassword), you can refer to
basivan's user avatar
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1 vote

Problem with Ethereum Wallet password

As @lungj said in his comment, your password is fully local to the private key file. If you successfully moved it to the new computer, it should work. Unless it's a super long password, and you used a ...
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
1 vote

Parity password to confirm request?

That would be the password for the particular ethereum account that you are trying to send the tokens from. If you've lost it, the easiest way to reset it is to simply use the restore function inside ...
Spencer's user avatar
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1 vote

Metamask account related to Geth account?

It needn't be the same. It'll be a password for unlocking accessing the private key locally.
Pedro Nobre de Figueiredo's user avatar

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