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Questions tagged [transactions]

The term "transaction" is used in Ethereum to refer to the signed data package that stores a message to be sent from an externally owned account.

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abi-decoder's decodeMethod returns undefined

I am trying to decode the input field of this transaction as below, const decodedInput = abiDecoder.decodeMethod(transaction.input); but decodedInput returns undefined despite the my ABI having the ...
Nishanth Gobi's user avatar
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Swap and Pop method solidty

Should I use swap and pop method in solidity, is there a chance of intercepting between these two events.(somebody adds an element after the swap is made, but before deletion) uint lastIndex = array[...
NFT_king's user avatar
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How to find owner of contract deployer on etherscan website On the Etherscan website, where or how do i navigate to the deployer wallet of this contract? Apparently if i look closely at ...
Jim41Mavs's user avatar
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Help. I accident sent ETH to the Contract

Total noob here. Yesterday I attempted to transfer some ETH from Binance to my Trust Wallet. It says the transaction has been completed but I’ve not received the coins. I believe I may have sent the ...
iScottybotty's user avatar
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How to get internal transactions using JSON-RPC methods

In etherscan I noticed that there are transactions that have "internal transactions" inside of them, see this link: etherscan transaction. Screenshot of the transaction: My question is: how ...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to detect if a transaction failed before Byzantium fork [duplicate]

In short: I'd love to understand how to detect if a transaction failed before the Byzantium fork. Explanation: After the Byzantium fork it's easy to understand if a transaction failed or not, I just ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Wrapping ETH into WETH via ethers -- WETH coins on my balance won't appear

I'm attempting to wrap ETH on Goerli into WETH by calling deposit function using ethers. Even though several TX already have been confirmed and successfully mined, nothing will appear on my WETH ...
Camila326's user avatar
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IP host management in truffle_config.js (Private Ethereum Network)

I have 3 Amazon Ec2 instances (each with a Geth node running on them) and I'm running over them my Private Geth Ethereum (PoA) blokchain and I wanted to ask if it was necessary to specify the IPs of ...
AlexCav's user avatar
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How to deal with 'transaction replaced" error? Is there a way to force a non-replaceable tx sending?

I'm having a bit of a headache trying to understand how to fix the 'transaction replaced' error when using ethers-js. I use await tx.wait(). I even use sleep for at least 10 seconds between ...
Eugene1111's user avatar
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I sent pepe from MetaMask to

I sent pepe coin from my MetaMask address to my eth address it’s showing as completed but the it’s not showing this on my balance or can’t see it. Yet on ethascan it’s showing as a token? ...
Jonny's user avatar
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Sent ETH to wrong address

I sent my ETH to this account: 0x11348A2b2bfCbc698d81b7eCA4914f05B21A6Fd3 From my account at: 0x5aD5b7B9AE09EeCd247ae5Bc4ca4A5950D33f716 It's still in this account as I can see it when I go to ...
Cheryl C's user avatar
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Are inner transactions faster to execute than normal or (outer) transactions?

I googled this online, however, I can seem to find an answer for it. I would appreciate it if anybody can answer this. Thanks
damola olawale's user avatar
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I swapped Pepe coin for eth on my trust wallet and can't find the eth in my wallet. Please help 🙏

Hey guys can you please help me? I swapped my Pepe coins for Eth on my trust wallet and can't find the eth yet. Transaction hx: 0x613716e77ff08fc9e17084a7aa1a55e156ea65ff08c907e097e2680bfcbaeeb2
Lalaaassr's user avatar
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Wagmi useContractWrite, add Arguments to pass to function

Hey im trying to use wagmi to write this function to a smart contract inside my application, it’s for purchasing tickets and is a payable Function: buyEntry(uint256 _raffleId,uint256 _id,address ...
Newb's user avatar
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Can I determine balance change of a swap via receipt data?

tl;dr: If I execute a swap transaction between two tokens (native or ERC-20 on either side) that is subject to fees/slippage, is there a deterministic way to tell how much the user received from that ...
Brent Traut's user avatar
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How can I see the history of an ERC1155 token on-chain?

Let's say I have 10 tokens of a specific token id within an ERC1155 smart contract. If I send 1 of those tokens to another address and then this address send it elsewhere, is there a way I can see the ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Is there a library to sign transactions using a cold wallet?

I have a Ledger Nano S I want to use for signing transactions on a server. Is it possible to use a library to do this every time without the need of someone manipulating the hardware wallet but ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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how blockchain verify private keys, I am sure nodes does not store private key, so how private key is validated?

it's the doubts lie in the very core concept, but I wanna know how the nodes know that the private+public key is right.
aakash4dev's user avatar
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Is it possible to integrate GSN OpenGSN v2 meta-transactions into Gnosis Safe smart contracts?

Is it possible to integrate OpenGSN v2 into Gnosis Safe smart contracts? I want to create functionality to create safes and pay fees for user transactions with GSN relayer. The internal approach of ...
Nazar Havryliuk's user avatar
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Why Remix keeps giving "The requested account and/or method has not been authorized by the user" error?

I keep getting this error but, after a while, the transaction works. Is there any problem with Remix?
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Can I use a BLS12-381 private key to sign Ethereum transactions?

I'm new to cryptography and I've recently been studying BLS signatures. Please forgive me if I make any mistakes while writing. I've tried generating a BLS key pair and using the private key to derive ...
pgermani's user avatar
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How to determine on-chain from which type of wallet (e.g. Metamask or Ledger etc.) a transaction was sent?

I saw the twitter post below, where it is claimed that it is "easily discernible" if a transaction was sent by Metamask. And it does not refer to transactions from years ago, but from a fews ...
Bernhard93's user avatar
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Safely and simply withdraw all the balance of ETH from a wallet

I'll have a large of wallets, potentially, from which I'll be needing to withdraw ETH, and tokens, from time to time to the central, admin wallet. By a script, once a week. Instead of having to ...
Kyell's user avatar
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Safely and simply withdraw all the balance of ETH from a wallet [duplicate]

I'll have a large of wallets, potentially, from which I'll be needing to withdraw ETH, and tokens, from time to time to the central, admin wallet. By a script, once a week. Instead of having to ...
Kyell's user avatar
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Unable to Mint NFT: Transaction Reverted by EVM

I am trying to mint an NFT using a contract deployed on the Ethereum network. I have written a JavaScript code mint-nft.js, that uses the @alch/alchemy-web3 library to interact with the contract. ...
Tarun's user avatar
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How to transfer the whole balance of ERC20 token?

At the moment I have this code: //............ const contract = new ethers.Contract(smartContractAddress, ERC20_ABI, provider); const signer = new ethers.Wallet(prKey, provider); const txSigner = ...
Kyell's user avatar
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Web3Py 'TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED' error when executing a swap even if tokens spending have been approved

I tried to execute a swap using Web3py with the following function: def swap(node, account_address, pvt_key, contract_address, contract_abi, action_type, amount_in, amount_out_min): #load USDC and ...
giacomomaraglino's user avatar
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Authenticity and integrity verification of a transaction

This is my understanding so far of the digital signing process that occurs in a blockchain: To digitally sign a transaction, a user needs to have a private key and a corresponding public key generated ...
Luciano Bercini's user avatar
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Transfer ERC20 Tokens (USDT) from a Hacked Wallet, send gas fees and transfer tokens in 1 transaction

My wallet got compromised and I have an ERC20 USDT, so the attack on my wallet is that any ETH that enters my wallet automatically gets transferred out the next second without my notice. So I can't ...
James Luiz's user avatar
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zkSync-Era Paymaster, trying to access the contract method that is being called

Here is a basic example, where I'm calling a method on myContract and using a Paymaster: await myContract.myMethod( myArgs, { customData: { paymasterParams: paymasterParams, ...
blindChicken's user avatar
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What's the difference between gasPrice and effectiveGasPrice?

I have found that there are two columns in rpc calls. For getting transaction eth_getTransactionByHash gasPrice: QUANTITY - gas price provided by the sender in Wei. For getting transaction receipt ...
kirqz23's user avatar
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Fatal: Error starting protocol stack: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port)

I have this error when i try tu run my second node on Geth...I used authrpc.port but still the problem persists: I ran my node1 with these commands: geth --datadir node1 --networkid 2244 --allow-...
AlexCav's user avatar
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How to find out when pending transactions go through? Ideally I'd be alerted

How do I know when transactions are either successfully mined or still sitting in the mempool? I don't want to just overbid on gas to get my transaction to get mined faster / more instantly from the ...
0xshells's user avatar
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send a signed transaction of wallet A using wallet B (to pay for the gas)

I have multiple wallet created in my nodejs app. i can successfully send transactions from one and consolidate all funds. my problem is when a wallet only have an ERC20 token in it and doesnt have ETH ...
Mostafa's user avatar
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How To Do Bulk Transaction with USDC(AVAX)

I am trying to make a bulk transaction using USDC (AVAX). I saw that it was recommended to use transaction builder. But the directions to use it was unclear to me. i was hoping that someone could help ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Read Transaction History with ethers v6.1.0

I am trying to create a new wallet similar to Metamask. I have implemented few simple features and now I am looking to display transaction history for a particular wallet address. I have tried ...
Vaibhav Patel's user avatar
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Metamask Unity Plugin shows different Ethereum amount for user confirmation on Metamask mobile wallet than that requested by Unity

I am integrating the MetaMask Unity Plugin given here: and followed the docs provided here: https://c0f4f41c-2f55-...
Naruto Ujumaki's user avatar
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how to get public key by the transaction hash?

For example, this is the transaction hash in goerli: 0x60605c7e3fddd2be1fa63f4fa8ef12bfc5e5c69062c6a4788d1277e007e7de02. We know that the public key can be derived by ECDSA. And we can get v,r,s from ...
LEVI_104's user avatar
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Can I initiate transaction and allow user to set `value` in wallet?

I want a button that initiates a transaction to a given address and then lets the user decide the value in their wallet before sending the transaction. If I include no value, then the transaction is ...
user77510's user avatar
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Is it possible to distinguish users, who send tokens/eth on single address?

I know that the easiest way is to generate new address for every user and then withdraw token/eth from it, but this requires additional tx fee payment. Is there any way how I can determine users by ...
unicorns4re4live's user avatar
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If no event is triggered with normal transaction, how do one listen to "transfer activities"?

This question is a follow up question based on the answer I got to the question How many transfer events are there in Ethereum? The answer mentioned that: There is no event emitted when an account ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
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What is the difference between making a transaction using ether js and solidity contract?

I am a beginner learning blockchain development, and I am watching a tutorial on creating a simple dapp that transfers ether to another address, in the tutorial he creates a smart contract called ...
Mohamed Ashraf's user avatar
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What fields of a transaction are used when creating a transaction hash?

What fields does Ethereum use when creating a hash for a transaction? Suppose the following: The blockchain has three blocks block0 <- block1 <- block2 There's a transaction transaction2 which ...
Paymahn Moghadasian's user avatar
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Etherscan API: understanding the results of the `txlist` action of the `account` module

I want to make sure I understand the return values for the txlist action in the account module, which is documented here. There is a txreceipt_status field in the return value, which I assume means ...
Manu's user avatar
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Is it possible to get the "to" of a transaction in solidity?

I would like to get the "to" address of a tx at any call depth within a transaction, is this possible in solidity? As far as I can tell the tx object does not expose any attribute to do so. ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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Does a TX hash get produced *before* it's been confirmed in 1 block?

I has code which sends ETH and ERC-20 and of which I want to make sense: let tx1 = await transferETH(amount, privateKey); console.log(`${tx1.hash}`); const receipt1 = await tx1.wait(); console.log(`...
Camila326's user avatar
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How Can I get both Incoming and Outgoing transactions from "getAssetTransfers" inside one request?

I'm working with alchemy's SDK. And as per the Alchemy SDK documentation, it says we can get all the transactions like this: const config = { apiKey: "<-- ALCHEMY APP API KEY -->", ...
MDIPANJAN's user avatar
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Impossible to deals with big number in web3.js transacation :

I can't deals with big number (BN.js) with web3.js I have overflow error or i have execution reverted with BN.js library when I try add liquidity to pancakeswap pool. By using BN.js Without using BN....
max's user avatar
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Error - reverted with reason string 'LOK'

i got "reverted with reason string 'LOK'" error when executing this code (on the 'router.exactInputSingle(params)' exactly ) , why and how to fix this error ?; contract UniswapV3FlashSwap { ...
adam mr's user avatar
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Why do events with arguments of custom types appear fully-encoded in Tx Logs?

You can observe the behavior via the following contract which I've deployed to Polygon Mumbai at 0x33c059160280a45725d9509c120c6b30a44a61a4: pragma solidity ^0.8.19; contract EventWithCustomTypeArg { ...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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