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Geth transaction pending on Ropsten testnet that will not send

On a Raspbian linux system I have been using geth --testnet --syncmode light to sync the Blockchain in one terminal and running geth --testnet attach in the other, but when the Blockchain is synced I ...
Peter's user avatar
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Ethereum stores its own data, how to synchronize the data to other nodes in the future

I use smart contracts in Ethereum to store some string data, how to synchronize these stored string data to other nodes. As far as I know, these string data are stored in the node's leveldb database, ...
wei wang's user avatar
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Error encountered during contract execution [Reverted] Problem with Contract

I've sent the transaction - to the contract address and it got reverted. Could someone explain me ...
James Vice's user avatar
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how to send one transaction from multiples seed wallets? [duplicate]

I would like to know if there is posible to group 3 wallet balances derived from a seed phrase and send one tx. Example : The user received 1 ETH to address A, 1 ETH on address B, ETH on address C. ...
andrew007's user avatar
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derivation path for ethereum?

how are you doing! I would like to know what happens if from a ethereum seed I derive a wallet using BIP49, BIP84 derivation path and then send ethereum from another wallet which is BIP32 or BIP44, ...
andrew007's user avatar
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Storing and retrieving data from a transaction

I have a private blockchain using PoA and would like to store data in the data field of a transaction. To my understanding, the data field has a 32-byte limit and needs to be hex encoded. Is this ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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What does "Time" in the Geth VM Trace Transaction refer to?

I'm new to Ethereum world, and I need some declaration, I used "Rinkeby network" and just found Geth VM Trace Transaction { "type": "CALL", "from": "0x6f1e5fc933898859686a4d39f4430316be589f5e", ...
Byo0ona's user avatar
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How to create ERC20 token with burns 0.5% of tokens on transfer?

I want to create an ERC20 token. It must burn 0.5% of the tokens at every transfer. For example, When someone send 100 tokens from wallet1 to wallet2, wallet 2 must take 99.5 tokens.
BROL's user avatar
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How to retrieve the logs of transactions on one contract and multiple addresses

I have an application which should work as an exchange. Customers have their own Ethereum addresses on my Geth server, and they might receive ERC20 Tokens on them. I need to fetch the incoming ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
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Write Secret Shared Data onto Ethereum

What would be an approach to do the following: 1) Secret Share data provided from a file 2) Publish the secret shared data onto an Ethereum instance (aleth/geth) 3) Be able to retrieve and ...
user60009's user avatar
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Insufficient fund for sending USDT token on an address with no Ether

I've an Ethereum account in Geth which has received 4 Tether (USDT). I want to send 1 of them for test to another account, but I receive this error: insufficient funds for gas * price + value I ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
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Should I use getTransactionCount() result in sendTransaction()? [duplicate]

As I read, getTransactionCount() returns the number of transactions sent from an address. Which of below items should I consider? Not to use returned nonce? Use the returned nonce number as a ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
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What is the websocket URL in Ethereum on Geth?

I've lunched an Ethereum server based on Geth. Now, I need to be notified about all incoming transactions on my generated accounts. In my previous Bitcoin Core server, I had an option in its config ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
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Compiling cpp-ethereum (aleth) sources as a part of my cpp project

I want to use cpp-ethereum aleth smart contracts sources in my altcoin project. My sources can compile with cmake or autotools system. I tried two ways to compile cpp-ethereum with my sources: Using ...
dim4egster's user avatar
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Empty to field in transactionReceipt

I fetched the transaction receipts of a block and had some questions regarding some of the fields. If a transaction receipt shows the "to" field empty and a address in the "contractAddress" field, ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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Difference between ERC 20 and ERC 721 transaction receipt

I want to fetch certain transaction logs from a local ethereum node. For that, I need to identify how to differentiate between ERC 20 and ERC 721 transaction receipts. From what I saw on Etherscan, i ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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Recover public key from sign generated by AWS Cloud HSM - Golang

I am signing a transaction by using a private key in AWS Cloud HSM. But not able to recover the correct public key from the signature. Every time I try to run ECRecover method, it generates different ...
lingraj mahanand's user avatar
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Are there any API to get real money value equivalent of a transaction?

I know that etherscan shows the total cost of a transaction both in eth and in US dollars. Is there any api of any kind to be able to get instant value of eth when I send a transaction?
realtebo's user avatar
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How can I send tokens to large number of addresses?

I have to send 221,000 tokens (ERC20) to 6477 different addresses. Airdrop guy used some automatic sending app and that tells 1.94 ETH is needed as approx cost of operation to send all this. Is there ...
user3183426's user avatar
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How to know weather ETH or some token like USDT is transfered in smart contract transaction

From last two weeks I am stuck on, I want to know in smart contract transaction either ETH is transfered or some token like USDT below is the JSON of transaction hash. I am working with DotNet core ...
Talha Talha's user avatar
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How can execute function that send ether in geth console?

I want to execute the send function that sends ether from the sender to the receiver, the code is as shown below. contract Sender { function send(address _receiver , uint amount) public ...
atti's user avatar
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what is the difference between non-executable transactions and executable transactions?

In geth doc I found this : --txpool.globalslots value Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts (default: 4096) --txpool.accountqueue value Maximum number ...
maroodb's user avatar
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How to get the pending transactions in the whole network from ethereum?

I would like to get the pending transactions in the whole network of ethereum. For example, the transaction '0xabcdefg' is right now pending in the pool, waiting to be mined by miners, after 12 ...
fangchen ouyang's user avatar
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Generating an address from a public key in C++

Example: Input key = 0x025f37d20e5b18909361e0ead7ed17c69b417bee70746c9e9c2bcb1394d921d4ae Output address = 0xd09D3103CcABfb769eDc3e9B01500Ca7241D470A I have been using an algorithm from keccak-tiny....
Saku's user avatar
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Is there a way to create double-spending transactions and submit them to different nodes?

I'm trying to create two transactions with the same nonce and send those transactions to two different nodes. Such as: const Web3 = require('web3'); const web3_1 = new Web3(rpcURL1); // node 1 const ...
flopoe's user avatar
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Does transaction hash in Ropsten ( testnet) deprecate ever?

I want to know whether transaction hash created in testnet stay forever or after sometime it gets deleted? Like in IPFS garbage collector deletes unpinned files after two weeks. IPFS is also ...
Chidananda Nayak's user avatar
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In ethereum private blockchain, how to get list of transactions of particular address?

I build own ethereum private blockchain.Generating address and assign to users.Now how I will get the transaction info If user make payment from any third party api to our generated address then how I ...
Nandni's user avatar
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(error_10) Please enter a valid data value (Must be hex.)MyEther Wallet

I'm trying to deploy a smart contract on Myteherwallet but getting an error while deploying the byte code of the smart contract which is written in solidity remix IDE. I have even tried to change the ...
Aniket's user avatar
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How do I check transaction status using go-ethereum simulated back-end?

Using the go-ethereum simulated backend, I would like to: 1) Instantly commit a transaction so that it either succeeds or reverts in a given simulated blockchain. So far I'm using sim.Commit() to ...
Peteris's user avatar
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Get the result of token transfer transaction in geth

There is a way to get the result of a token transfer operation in Parity Is there a way to do it in geth by RPC?
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How to get the actual time of occurrence for ethereum transaction in block

I used the API of Ethereum to download some transactions info. The timestamp is included, however I found the timestamp not mean the transaction time but the block which this transaction is located ...
Jackwang's user avatar
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Good source for TPS and transaction latency / finality for private Ethereum blockchains

I am looking for a good source / sources to compare TPS and transaction latency (How long it takes to send a transaction until it is mined) for different private blockchain solutions. Especially I am ...
Senju's user avatar
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Can anybody Point out the Difference between Web3.eth.sendTransaction and web3.eth.signTransaction?

Do we need to sign the transaction by web3.eth.signTransaction after initiating transaction via web3.eth.sendTransaction. for example: when I do: web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: accs[0], ...
MYANZIK shrestha's user avatar
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No longer have tokens after updating Nano S [closed]

I recently updated my Nano S and was required to reset everything. After udpdating I went to MEW to swap my KIN & I had a ETH Ballance of 0.000 & a KIN ballance of 0.000. I have the address ...
Rendb1's user avatar
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Any QuickBlocks tutorial?

From my understanding QuickBlocks is an api in C++ that provides similar services as etherscan API for the ethereum blockchain. Is there a link or tutorial to use quickkblocks because the example in ...
nicholas___'s user avatar
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Adding the delta to a token transfer

Let's say I have 5 contributors to a pool of a smart contract. They all contributed 1 ether. The smart contract lost 2 ether, and now I want to transfer back the remaining 3 ether to the 5 ...
NowsyMe's user avatar
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What is the best combination of transactions to send to an Address for a given target amount?

Let's suppose I have 100 unlocked accounts with different balances and I want to have in a target account an amount X. Knowing that I have to make an individual transaction for every account, what ...
Carlos Fuentes's user avatar
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What's wrong with my code, I am signing a transaction? Invalid v,r,s error?

func main() { privateKey, err := crypto.GenerateKey() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(privateKey) balance := new(big.Int) balance....
unseen wizard's user avatar
3 votes
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Get ETH and Token Balances of Wallet address

How do I get a simple and fast balance of ETH and all Token owned/stored within a wallet address? I have seen similar question and the closer answer was in this demo:
FiNaR's user avatar
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Need to help in adding bigendian support for Keccak256.cpp

Need help in making the keccakf function based on endiness in I have gone through similar functionality at https://github....
R_SS's user avatar
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How to get notification right after account has received eth by geth?

My server stores many accounts. How do i know when and what account has received eth or i have to check them manually one by one by looping many address to check the balance? account := common....
TomSawyer's user avatar
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How can I parse internal transactions with light node?

is that possible to receive all transactions from new block with light node and parse all and even internal transactions with the help of its api?
shota silagadze's user avatar
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Is there any way to hide or encryt input data that sent to smartcontract? [duplicate]

After a While working with ethereum, I felt ethereum is not only public and also naked because whatever input data that we sent to contract function, it is visible to everyone when looked into the ...
ajay's user avatar
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getTransactionCount return different response

geth version 1.8.27 The pending nonce is 8 at first, then I send a transaction and use eth.getTransactionCount to get the next pending nonce. > eth.getTransactionCount("...
yjjjnls's user avatar
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Cant send ether from one contract to another

I have 2 contract contract A{ uint bidValue; address bidder; function bid() public payable{ bidValue = msg.value; bidder = tx.origin; } } And contract B : import A.sol; ...
dlq's user avatar
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plug our own consensus in any one of ethereum client? [duplicate]

Actually i try to add new consensus and will through modifying some consensus to see its effect on transaction throughput. so what platform should i use that provide me this facility or should i use ...
hafsa sarfraz's user avatar
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Send transactions from any address (account) to a private ethreum network (PoA)

I am trying to send a transaction to a private Ethereum network (PoA) using an arbitrary address. However, the network is not accepting transactions from that address. Are there any method to unlock ...
Noureddine's user avatar
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Ethereum receipts blockid and hashes

Preface: The question relates to the relationship between the content of the Ethereum's receipts and the hash of the block header. Problem description: I wonder, in Ethereum, blockid is based on the ...
Vega4's user avatar
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How to choose contract address and wallet address

When you start an ICO, to receive a fund from people for your ICO, how do you choose the contract address and your wallet address to receive ETH collected for your ICO? Thank you. And excuse me for my ...
mebbou's user avatar
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problem displaying ico

I created an ICO using ropsten (because I did not have an ETH) and when I search for my ICO on, I cannot find it. I can only find it here: Is it ...
mebbou's user avatar
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