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listen-ip is going for default

listen ip option in cpp-ethereum always takes default address not the one we specify. I give the following command $./eth --upnp off --listen-ip output is cpp-ethereum, a C++ ...
userven's user avatar
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cpp-ethereum cmake error with json and curl

I got the following error when I do cmake on cpp-ethereum. I have libjson-rpc-cpp, curl. Even then I am getting the following error: -- Found jsoncpp: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -- ...
userven's user avatar
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Need OpenCL library for cpp-ethereum on Alpine

I am trying to build cpp-ethereum on Alpine, and I quickly discovered that I don't have quite the same set of libraries available via apk that I have on Ubuntu via apt-get. I have built leveldb, ...
B.Thecode's user avatar
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finding an address in a sharded ethereum

In the future, Ethereum shall be a network of blockchains, all joined by a common root. This will allow for performance improvements in addition to the use of the proof of stake consensus. Having a ...
Micha Roon's user avatar
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What do the progress bars on the Alethzero "blockchain download" window mean?

I'm exploring Alethzero. What do the progress bars in the "blockchain download" window mean? I'm seeing this: I'm assuming this relates to the progress in dowloading the blockchain but I can't work ...
Lee's user avatar
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How to use / see refunded gas in ETH blockchain?

I buy a GAStoken contract which requires say 21000 GAS at 1 Gwei and later when we delete/destroy the contract when the Gwei is around 50. I understand that we will get around 50% refund of GAS at the ...
Ajay's user avatar
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how to batch send eth or erc20 from multiple address to one address?

How to batch send eth or erc20 from multiple address to one address? How to do it with code? For example, I have 30 eth address. I want to from 30 eth address Transferring to the one account in ...
ethcrazy's user avatar
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Get ETH back from smart contract that was deployed almost a year ago

almost a year ago i fell for a contract scam and Im still confused if I CAN or cannot get the ETH back from it, its still sitting in the contract for almost 300+ days now. code used in remix that was ...
rod0x23's user avatar
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Two of my transactions were not completed

Two of my transactions were not completed but I was charged for them. How do I get the fees back? It's around $25.
Matin Meghdadi's user avatar
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Problems in experience of blockchain splitwise

When I was running code of this splitwise code by using "npx hardhat run --network localhost web_app\script.js",but it answered back with the fault:"cannot find module abiDecoder",...
hh l's user avatar
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ERC-20 Token Lookup

I am looking for an ERC-20 token with only the Name (Ticker), but when I search that up on Etherscan I come up with many many options. Is there any way yo look these up by other criteria such as ...
cyptonewb's user avatar
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Why is my transaction showing as 'success' but the value is 0 ETH ($0.00)?

I am new to the bitcoin world and any help would be appreciated. Transaction hash: 0xfba22d3b6d047bbd81d25dd5d6ef3f070f57f79abeaeb4de49e7dc605ab4cb7c If I was scammed, is there any way to recuperate ...
serge larin's user avatar
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Private Node Network-GoEth

i am trying to install private network of three nodes on my single laptop. i did following: install go-eth. used a medium article and followed instructions when i try to connect nodes with each other,...
Mohsin Munir's user avatar
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ETH tokens sent to BNB address in Safe Wallet

Some ETH tokens have been sent to a BNB safe address in Safe Wallet. To recover them I have followed this procedure: The wallet owner of the Safe Wallet is: ...
Mxrypto's user avatar
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If two persons split the minting process payment 80-20% on opensea , what are the rights and risks of each one on NFT?

I am new to NFT minting. I created a collection and am about to create a NFT . Someone has a buying customer on opensea for my Artwork to be minted. He suggests to pay 20% of the minting fees while I ...
Frank's user avatar
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Failing while trying to deploy ETH SAFE on BASE. What am I missing?

I tried following the steps outlined here: This ...
wrong-addressor's user avatar
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How to enable multi-payment in the NFT marketplace like ETH, USDT, MATIC, DAI, etc?

Hope you are doing great. I'm trying to build a NFT marketplace with multi-payments. When users buy a NFT, they must be allowed to pay with any of the payments such as ETH, USDT, MATIC, DAI... How to ...
Vara Prasad's user avatar
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Possible to use CallContract during validation (on block not yet included in blockchain)?

I'm building a consensus engine. Already built a prototype of it, and now interested in improving it (mostly simplifying the implementation so it fits better with existing Ethereum codebase with least ...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
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Creating a token for my personal dapp use only

I want to store the money in a smart contract from my user as long the user wants and pay back the user once he asks i will not charge for this service if I store ether in it and the value of Ethereum ...
Nishant Dhamija's user avatar
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how can i decode this transactions and see what it contain?

I'm interested in decoding the information within this transaction, which can be found at the following link: ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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approve spender to swap

i'm trying to swap using 1inch aggregator api and when i try to swap, it says "Not enough allowance. Amount: 4600000000000000. Allowance: 0. Spender: 0x1111111254eeb25477b68fb85ed929f73a960582&...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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BSC Testnet and ETH Testnet, I want to copy/fork a contract in eth which is evermoon, but I always get an error with the gas and it always fails

This is the error it gives me, can you help me fix this problem, I adjust the gas limit, it started from 3000000, to 30000000, but still the transaction failed. I tried in bsc testnet using ...
Penny Coin Hunter's user avatar
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How to verify and publish a contract address source code to withdraw erc2o tokens

Created a contract sometimes back while playing with eth contracts tutorials, by mistake I sent some some erc20 tokens only to later loose control of the creator address. Stuck between letting it go ...
Murathe's user avatar
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ERROR: Stack too deep when compiling inline assembly: Variable headStart is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack

I am trying to build a Uniswap Liquidity pool contract, I have written the Below code for it. CODE: // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later pragma solidity =0.7.6; pragma abicoder v2; import '@...
Pratik Jussal's user avatar
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How it works? 4 transactions in 1 block

This address withdraws tokens from different accounts as shown above. His steps: He sends BNB to the address where there are tokens to pay the token withdrawal fee. Gas price 60 gwei Withdraws ...
Катя Иванова's user avatar
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How Should I Fully Remove The LP

My project is fail few months ago, and i removed the LP today, and i found there is some earned LP is not withdrawable. Can somebody guide me how to fully withdraw it?
Asking For Help's user avatar
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can't find geth poA ressources

I'm new to blockchain technology and currently working on an Ethereum project that requires the use of the PoA (Proof of Authority) consensus algorithm. I've heard that Geth allows for the use of PoA, ...
Amxdz's user avatar
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ETH wallet issues

I use Coinomi wallet and everything was ok untill I tried to add my wallet to another system like MEW and Metamask I use same recovery phrase but I end up with different account with no money there. ...
Kirik's user avatar
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Ethereum wallet recovery

I was trying to sign into my old wallet inherited using Keystore JSON and password and I am getting the error "private key do not satisfy curve" Please help me out
drey 's user avatar
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Can anything other than Native Token be sent with internal transactions?

Can anything other than Native Currency(ETH, Matic and so) be sent with internal transactions?
ttt's user avatar
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My wallet is blocked

Someone had access to my wallet. I don't know what happened that my property is frozen! Do you know a solution to release it?
security no-reply's user avatar
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im working on getting a connect wallet button functioning but i keep getting an error

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import Head from "next/head"; import {providers} from "ethers"; import styles from "../styles/Home.module.css&...
Christopher Onuorah's user avatar
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buildTransaction for swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens

I'm a beginner with Web3 programming. Trying to understand how all it all works. Managed to get some nodejs code working for buying tokens but when trying to create a script that sells tokens I get an ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Transaction HexBytes('0x5b167dc993642d75287b01d906cdaf287efd3ee726fyg65fyihihiihy687guiyguygtf5uuttytfytfytd') is not in the chain, after 120 seconds

import json from web3 import Web3 In the video, we forget to install_solc from solcx import compile_standard from solcx import compile_standard, install_solc import os from dotenv import load_dotenv ...
Abed ja'fari's user avatar
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Why I can't push items into this array?

it's very tricky, when in the truffle , I call f(),it can't push an item into addressArray.(console.log(addressArray[0]) always unidifined)) but when I use Remix, it worked. pragma solidity ^0.6.6; ...
JESSE Bin's user avatar
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Function not working on Truffle, but works on Remix

I have a contract that does the following: It maintains a list of items, which stores the name, id, sold status etc. I have a function, createItem, which creates these items and requires the name of ...
cruise_lab's user avatar
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Website that sends eth to a specified adress

I'm trying to make a button on my website which allows people to send Ethereum to a specified address. Once clicked, it should for example pop up a MetaMask window where the user can enter the amount ...
Hellkater's user avatar
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How to use web3 to send ETH from wallet A to wallet B through an intermediary Smart Contract?

I want to send eth from 1 wallet address A to wallet B address but through an intermediary Smart contract, what should I do? I don't know how to solve that problem yet. EX:
Review ICO ANHZAIBRO's user avatar
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How to mine ether from a private network?

I launched a private network by using geth --datadir data/node1 --http --dev --http.corsdomain "*" --http.api web3,eth,debug,personal,net,miner --allow-insecure-unlock --mine command. I am ...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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cant go make a local host account

i had a local host 8545 account and accidentally deleted it but i have no idea how to get it back. and it just keeps saying Could not fetch chain ID. Is your RPC URL correct? and im just on a pc
big dumb guy's user avatar
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How to send BNB (or other networks) with web3 on a dapp?

So, I tried the many examples found around but I never manage to get it working. I have this snippet: async function pay(cost) { code = 0 message = "Please approve the tx" ...
Wyatt Gillette's user avatar
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Old eth network accounts do not appear after reinstalling metamask

I have a serious problem. I switched from Note and in the new Note I restored Metamask using my phrases. The installation worked. Inside the Metamask of the old note I had the ETH network with two ...
DHP's user avatar
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Two buy orders at the same exact time, no miner tips included, but lower GWEI order wins. How is this possible?

question for the group: if two buyers submit a Buy at the exact same time, one chooses 300 gwei and the other chooses 400gwei, no Miner tips on either one, is there some scenario where the 300gwei one ...
eth_guest's user avatar
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Query regarding encryption mechanism in solidity

can someone guide me regrading solidiry smart contracts does remix Ide or solidity use some encryption mechamism for its contract data?
Nazia's user avatar
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Conditional Transactions in Ethereum

Is it possible to send conditional transactions in ethereum? For, e.g., Alice wants to send five ethers to bob. Alice has initiated a transaction for this transfer, but these five ethers will be ...
Bhavesh Toshniwal's user avatar
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Geth send full account balance and automatically calculate gas price and costs

I'm struggling with transferring 1 ETH to an address using Geth console. I used all sorts of codes and examples I found online, but it all returns "insufficient funds for transfer" or some ...
Mark G's user avatar
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If I don't use metamask who manages the private key and the incoming or outgoing ether?

I want to build a dapp without using metamask but web3.js and a node (geth / parity). So if I use this second method what happens when ethere needs to be sent to an account?
EMANUEL's user avatar
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Is their any change to move a wallet from an bnb blockchain to an ethereum blockchain?

I transferred some ethereum to my bnb wallet. Later I found out that this bnb wallet is not on the ethereum platform. So I send an amount of ETH to an address similar to the address of the bnb wallet (...
dennis's user avatar
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A silly question about web3.eth.sign

I'm a beginner and I need to sign the data with metamask,Find the document then In the browser's debug desk ,i try run web3.eth.sign('...
Finyu's user avatar
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any 3rd party service that can get all transaction?

3rd party service recommended have any 3rd party service that can get all transaction of address? because from my research the web3 cant get the full transaction by account.
jqii's user avatar
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