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Questions tagged [alethzero]

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How can I import a wallet from aleth zero into geth?

I have a wallet file from the old alert zero implementation. How can I import it into my geth client?
Mark S.'s user avatar
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How to download/install alethzero ethereum client download windows 10?

I am new to Ethereum and when i see some videos i found they are using alethzero ethereum client installed and running contracts. I am unable to find from where can i download alethzero ethereum ...
swa's user avatar
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What do the progress bars on the Alethzero "blockchain download" window mean?

I'm exploring Alethzero. What do the progress bars in the "blockchain download" window mean? I'm seeing this: I'm assuming this relates to the progress in dowloading the blockchain but I can't work ...
Lee's user avatar
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AlethZero crashes after informing that it "couldn't find requested block"

I have installed Release 1.2.9 ("The Village Idiot") of cpp-ethereum on a windows 7 machine. It downloaded the chainblock overnight and I experimented with mining this morning. My PC became non ...
AlexanderF's user avatar
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Please provide a full guide to mining with AlethZero? [closed]

I am new to mining and would like a start to finish, simple guide to use ALethZero to mine Ether. I would appreciate any help on this. Thank you!
Leo Maj's user avatar
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I installed ethereum miner and I wonder how to transfer from ballance

I seem to have 40 ether in my wallet in Alethzero frontier. how do I transfer this to my ethereum wallet? when I click transaction I can only submit contracts... However , Are my Ether legitimate ...
user1494494's user avatar
4 votes
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Strange popup window trying to send ether when I run aleth zero. What should I do?

I ran aleth zero and mined with aleth one a while back. I had mined some ether from a mining pool. Now when I run aleth zero (updated client for windows), I get an annoying and unstoppable pop up ...
zenchess's user avatar
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AlethZero and Mix problems

I am trying to get started and learn Ethereum development, mainly using the tutorial at However, several features referred to in the tutorial are simply not appearing ...
Michael Braha's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

AlethZero browser won't connect to the internet

When I launch AlethZero, the program starts seemingly fine. The browser included, from my understanding, should be able to browse the internet like any other browser. However, when I type
Michael Braha's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Alethzero QOpenGLWidget issue

I have downloaded and built the latest alethzero client. I have Qt5.5 installed. Running on Ubuntu 14.04 QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method QSslSocket: ...
joeb000's user avatar
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How to bootstrap AlethZero on Morden testnet?

I am trying to use the testnet using AlethZero. I use this command alethzero --morden as suggested in the wiki. It does not seem to connect to any peer and hence does not sync the blocks. I also tried ...
q9f's user avatar
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Is it possible to launch the C++ eth client without unlocking the accounts?

Each time I run eth it requests my master password. I don't feel comforatble with permanently running a node with unlocked accounts. Is it possible to launch the C++ eth (or alethzero) client without ...
q9f's user avatar
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