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web3 api in eth

Since, I am not able to use the go client in the multi node mode due to a bug (Multi node private local ethereum and send transaction), I tried to use the c++ client eth. Tried using the go client ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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Is there a way to "clean up" the ethminer installation (ethminer after crashes)?

I'm NOT running Geth or any other wallet on the miners. I have dedicated systems for mining running Ubuntu 15.04, 64 bit desktop with ethminer compiled from cpp-ethereum. Motherboards/Processors range ...
whiterockmining's user avatar
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Retrieved hash chain is invalid

I get this error 4 times. about currentBlock: 4350000, highestBlock: 5656749 This real network, not test. The memory on my machine is not full, restart does not solve the problem logs May 22 09:...
User34's user avatar
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Invalid address error

I keep getting Error: Invalid address when trying to run the application. My current setup of web3 using infura node is if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') { web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider); } ...
madsmosu's user avatar
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How to generate ethereum address derived from xpub in PHP?

How to generate ethereum address derived from xpub in PHP? I am trying to generate ethereum address similar like below link does for bitcoin. I ...
Laxman's user avatar
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SSL Support for Communication Between Geth Nodes

We are using private Ethereum network for a multi entity use-case. The problem is that all these entities geth nodes sits behind a firewall which only allows TLS traffic. The node that's broadcasting ...
Narayan Prusty's user avatar
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Issue won't allow this transaction (Smart contract)

•Windows 8 •Mist 0.8.9 •Tesnet When I publish my crowdsale smart contract and try to send ethers,i have this warning
user6776's user avatar
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How can i confirm transaction in geth from other peer of blockchain?

I have a query , I have create a private blockchain in which one geth node1 is use for transaction taking and other one(node2) is for mining .They are peered with each other and perfectly ...
Himanshu sharma's user avatar
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c++ ethereum could not open wallet

Created 3 accounts as follows: $ eth account new Couldn't open wallet. Does it exist? Enter a passphrase with which to secure this account: Please confirm the passphrase by entering it again: ...
S.Bhaskar's user avatar
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Mix Missing on OS X Mavericks

I'm trying to install Mix-IDE on OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks), but failing. I tried using the binaries for Yosemite from the webthree-umbrella release page, but they crash on startup (pretty predictable). ...
pimple's user avatar
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How can I install Ethereum on the Windows 10 Ubuntu Bash

Windows 10 new preview release includes the Ubuntu Bash. I would like to know if anybody has had some luck installing ethereum using the bash, and can provide details instructions. apt-get install ...
Juan Blanco's user avatar
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C code to sign a message compatible (such that can be verified) with Metamask, mycrypto, etc

I am on macOS and trying to put together the code to sign (and once I succeed to verify) a message with an Ethereum private key. So, the private key (just used to test, no funds there lol) is: ...
capodieci's user avatar
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Impossible to get my bundle include even with 20 eth as priority fees

Bundle was not included in target block. Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently attempting to execute a SwapExactETHForTokens transaction on Uniswap V2 using EIP-1559. When I try ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute

geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute However I use snap mode to sync very quickly. Unfortunately what I need receipts for all transactions. this is my server: ...
Mashaji's user avatar
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Measure gas left in block in solidity

There is a gasleft() to check how much gas left for my smart contract execution in solidity. But how is it possible to check how much gas left in block? I am having quite a big solidity function, and ...
Andy D's user avatar
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Why does Ethereum use RLPx over TLS?

Ethereum encrypts data sent between peers. What are the reasons for implementing RLPx over TLS?
user77206's user avatar
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What is Ethereum's protocol stack regarding cryptography?

Resource 1 says that “There is no encryption as part of the Ethereum protocol—all messages that are sent as part of the operation of the Ethereum network can (necessarily) be read by everyone. As such,...
user15651's user avatar
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Is there a way to filter pending txs?

I wrote a script to track unconfirmed transactions in the mempool, but my script is always triggered by txs, that are too long pending for like many hours or days because of not enough gas that was ...
marco koppenhoefer's user avatar
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Running a SPV wallet on Arduino/ESP32?

I want my ESP32 to make transactions and check for the details of blockchain using a secure method. Actually, I want to use make calls to the blockchain instead of relying on a single node. In my ...
Haseeb Saeed's user avatar
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Ethereum - Exporting Accounts/Balances from full node

I have a Ethereum full node that I will be using to take a snapshot for an airdrop for a project I am working on. The node is running and syncing. The issue currently is that there doesn't seem to ...
blockchaindev13's user avatar
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4 answers

Transfer ETH using third party

I want to transfer ETH from an individual address to another address. So is there any API provider who can send ETH from single Address to another address. Also If I setup Web3 in windows machine ...
Hardik Dhankecha's user avatar
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Error while refreshing pending block on main: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

i have this problem : Error while refreshing block template on main: no mining work available yet this dident help
kazem's user avatar
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Decoding ethereum leveldb keys and values

I've created a simple script to read ethereum data from the leveldb using C++. Basically this testing program would print all keys in leveldb to the console. #include <cassert> #include <...
Devortz's user avatar
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Ethos 1.3.0 drops hashrate on RX 560 4GB card

After upgrading my Ethos to 1.3.0 from 1.2.9, the hashrate of RX 560 becomes very low. Initially there was gpu clock problem error. After playing with the flags in local.conf, I was able to get rid of ...
user938363's user avatar
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Does it make sense to have a Node.js backend serving json to frontend for dapp?

Currently, the architecture I am looking at is that the smart contract (SC) sits on the ethereum network, but it is a complex and multilevel contract system. Just navigating through the tiers of the ...
aquamanSam's user avatar
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Read function returning blank array in geth

I have deployed a smart contract on geth which has 2 simple read, write functions in it. Then I called the write function; e.g. payment.place_order("Laptop", 10,{from:eth.accounts[0]}). After the ...
UbuntuCoder's user avatar
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Can I use geth light sync for mining purpose

Iam new to this, I wanna start mining ethereum, I have tried over 5 times to fast sync geth, with ethereum wallet and failed to do so, as it would get stuck, sometimes my pc froze, would take days ...
Hrithik J's user avatar
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Can't see GPU when starting with rc.local (Linux)

I'm mining ethereum on my Linux Mint mining rig with the claymore miner. I can manually launch my miner with the command line but if I try to start the miner with /etc/init.d/rc.local then I get the ...
Lew Ashby 85's user avatar
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Multiple arguments and return params

Sorry for a newbie question. I'm designing a smart contract wherein I need to send in many( around 50) arguments to a setter method and return a list of same number of arguments in a getter. So ...
adhiman's user avatar
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Mist 0.8.5 & Geth 1.5.0

Current Mist is 0.8.5 and it runs geth 1.4.17. How can I initial geth 1.5.0 by Mist 0.8.5 without manually start Geth 1.5.0 first ? It's all to do with instruct geth that chaindata is on an external ...
KrakenYu's user avatar
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Building ethminer on Win7 using CMake & VS2015

I'm trying to build ethminer on a windows box and am Visual Studio 2015 fails. The steps that I take are the following: Download ethminer/cpp-ethereum and install dependencies using the command line ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Deploying Network; Using Different PC for different user

I am using MIX IDE in Windows. I have created a new smart contract in Contract.sol, I have 4 Pages of html and there are 4 users. Each html page is controlled by each user. The pages are also ...
newBornDeveloper's user avatar
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Cannot enter commands into eth 1.2.1 on Windows

When I enter eth console I get this back and am not given a prompt back to give any commands. Also when I go to enter the password, it does not give me a prompt, but typing in my password and hitting ...
Anandamide's user avatar
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How to initialize private blockchain using flu?

I get the following error when trying to initialize a private bockchain using flu: $ sudo flu console --config ~/ppaconfig.json flu Hinted genesis block's state root hash is incorrect! flu Hinted #...
user3855422's user avatar
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Why some transaction need tracing to be possible to saw them?

Native ETH transfers, unlike ERC20 or wrapped ETH (WETH) transactions, often need specialized tracing methods to be fully visible in transaction. This raises the question: why does tracing become ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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What we can exactly do with debug_trace_call debug_trace_block_by_number debug_trace_transaction?

Could you please explain in detail the specific functionalities and use cases of debug_trace_call, debug_trace_block_by_number, and debug_trace_transaction and debug_traceCall? I am particularly ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Good extensions for both Foundry & Hardhat

Hello i'am looking for good vscode extension for both foundry & hardhat. Thank you for your feedback !
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Can I make a contract call to refund the unused gas fee to a specific address instead of the msg.sender?

Can I make a contract call to refund the unused gas fee to a specific address instead of the msg.sender? I want to use this as a means of charging fees for my project.
Benjamin's user avatar
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Uniswapv2 "quote" ABI

I am trying to sign contractof Uniswapv2 on ethereum mainnet using "quote" ABI. the function is quote(uint amountA, uint reserveA, uint reserveB) I use c++ to make the raw transaction and ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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Reduce gas price?

I'm working on a sniping bot on uniswap, and i have a little problem : the first ones to buy are those who pay the most. Pretty logical, but I don't really want to pay 300$ in priority gas to be the ...
Newly Sama's user avatar
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The definition and Implementation of the Keccak256() function

So I don't know if this is a silly/obvious question or not but after many hours I turn to the community for help. So for the past few days I've been writing my own C++ code to take an input public key ...
Daemin's user avatar
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I am able to import account from private blockchain to Metamask but there is no balance shown

I know there is a question with very similar title posted here but my question is a bit different. In my scenario, I created a private blockchain and created an account there with some funds. So in my ...
Blav Orian's user avatar
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How can I make a transfer from wallet to wallet in Decentraland

I'm developing a small scene in Decentraland where I want to reward MANA for completing a mission. How can I make such a contract to transfer MANA to the player from my wallet right on the ...
Mr Eclipse's user avatar
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how does EVM track gas and interrupt the execution of a transaction?

As we know, the EVM will revert a transaction when out of gas. How it works? I guess the EVM put a check before executing EVERY instruction like this: accumulatedGas += gasOfLastInstruction; if ...
user861746's user avatar
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Is there any way to transfer ETH in a contract function just like transferFrom for ERC20 tokens?

I know that you can request an authorization and the transfer of ERC20 tokens from a contract user to another address with approval() and transferFrom(). But it here any equivalent to do the same for ...
Sebastien VAX's user avatar
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geth error exceeds block gas limit"

im running a local geth node to increase transactions speeds for nfts minting however during a nft mint that had a contract set Gas limit to 250k there was gas wars and eth gwei went up to 500 gwei ...
user104887's user avatar
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Can't full sync node

My node can't catch up actual block, it stays around 70-100 block to latest block. I installing node on Windows10. In logs what i see in geth.exe it show me what i am importing a latest block headers, ...
relict's user avatar
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“Personal address detected. Import the collectible contract address” error while importing an NFT from Opensea

Let me share my problem in short here. So I did a course on Buildspace that was on Creating your first smart contract. On completing it, I got a Buildspace NFT from their side but I was not able to ...
littleironical's user avatar
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How to use Web3 with C++?

So this is less of a question about how to use web3 for C++ but rather where to start learning how to use and install Libraries for C++! Related: How to interact with contracts in C++ application? In ...
Chunky Panda's user avatar
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What settings should a private PoA blockchain have to be free to use? ( No ether in use )

I am a total noob in creating blockchains, and I am trying to make one using geth with PoA. I want to make a PoA private blockchain where transactions and smart contracts ( usage and deployments ) are ...
MrFrenzoid's user avatar