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Smart contract deployment pending forever

I have a smart contract that is compiled and deployed using Remix and verified on Sepolia testnet.
pigfox's user avatar
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Batch NFT mining

I am trying to create a project where users can specify a total supply on a minted NFT, will the NFT all have the same address but with different tokenId's or they will have different addresses
Santos's user avatar
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Can you backup an ethereum node while running?

The question is pretty straightforward. I want to routinely backup the data folders of a an ethereum (geth) node, so that in the event of a disk failure I can recover quickly without having to ...
user2465039's user avatar
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GETH - BAD BLOCK : Error: invalid merkle root - Transactions and block stuck in pendings

I'm having problems with geth when I try to send transactions on my private blockchain being developed using Geth. Practically a block is blocked in pending with around twenty transactions inside it ...
AlexCav's user avatar
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How to retrieve addresses affected by block?

I need to scan each block and extract addresses affected in the block. The address is affected when funds (ETH, tokens, etc.) are sent to or from the address or involved in any other transaction. As ...
fsquirrel's user avatar
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1Inch with flashloan provider

Is there a way to trade on 1Inch using the API and flash-loaned balance. If it is possible please give me some info. I was seeing the DOC to find how to integrate the flash-loan provider with 1Inch ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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UniswapV2's equivalent of getPair and other functions

i see uniswapv3 quoter or factory or router contracts doesn't have getPair, getReserve and other similar ABI functions like UniswapV2. does UniswapV3 have Equivalent for this functions? or did they ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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REWARD!! PLEASE CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME ETH STUCK - I am a newbie trying to create a trading bot. and came across a tutorial, my 1.1eth stuck Metamask! [duplicate]

SORRY ABOUT THE GRAMMAR AND SPELLING I HAVENT SLEPT FOR ALLMOST 2 days BECAUSE OF THIS.. Here is a bit of a back story on why I have become a little desperate lately to find ways to make crypto faster ...
GTR ARGH's user avatar
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How to import code into a contract

I have a contract that needs to be compiled with solc so I can get Go bindings. $ tree . ├── openzeppelin ├── Swap.sol └── @uniswap pragma solidity >0.7.0 < 0.9.0; import { IUniswapV2Pair } ...
pigfox's user avatar
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getAmountsOut and sushiswap user interface shows different result

Hello eth communities.. I am trying to interact with ethereum chain using programming and I'm using getAmountsOut to get swap path quote using sushiswap's contract. But the result in my vscode and ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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is the impersonation of this function possible?

Vaults[0] is a contract desingned to call this function, so I want to ask areas in which Vault[0] can be impersonated to call this function function mintForCommerce(address _to, uint256 amount)...
James Luiz's user avatar
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How to run full archive Geth to sync from the beginning?

I've started v1.12.0 Geth with following flags: "--mainnet", "--datadir=/root/.ethereum/mainnet-geth", "--syncmode=full", &...
Ivan Aracki's user avatar
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Do new clients necessarily need to connect to archive nodes?

I understand that when a new client starts syncing the Ethereum blockchain, they have to recreate all previous states for each transaction starting from a particular checkpoint (in geth, this depends ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Logging time when our full node receives data of a new block from Arbitrum feeder

Per the title, I'm looking at logging the time when our full node receives data of a new block from the Arbitrum feeder. I'm using GETH to run our full node. Any idea which file I should be looking at ...
Khanh's user avatar
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how to encode transaction input data in Golang?

Heading In the web3j module, the following method can be used to generate input data to send raw transaction by passing the contract function name and parameters. new Function(functionName, ...
zhyyao's user avatar
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Problem with passing arguments from smart contract to a custom precompile smart contract in geth

I have a smart contract that calls a custom precompile smart contract in geth. My problem is that parameters after the 160th(0xA0) byte from the smart contract are not sent to the precompiled one. I ...
Infra1515's user avatar
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Can I make a contract call to refund the unused gas fee to a specific address instead of the msg.sender?

Can I make a contract call to refund the unused gas fee to a specific address instead of the msg.sender? I want to use this as a means of charging fees for my project.
Benjamin's user avatar
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Impossible to get my bundle include even with 20 eth as priority fees

Bundle was not included in target block. Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently attempting to execute a SwapExactETHForTokens transaction on Uniswap V2 using EIP-1559. When I try ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Multiple transactions in one block

There are three wallets A, B, C, wallet B is empty, I send one ether from wallet A to wallet B, and I want to send 1 ether from wallet B to wallet C in the same block, how can I implement this? I know ...
DinoU's user avatar
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A node just to act as sync point / checkpoint server

I've created a small private blockchain with 3 full nodes 100% synced (1 Exec, 1 Consensus and 1 Validator each). All are working fast and smooth like a charm. Now I need to keep another nodes just to ...
Magno C's user avatar
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Call to a view function returns an incorrect value

I'm currently developing a private network for a client using geth 1.11.3 and have encountered an unusual behavior. Here is a simple contract: pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract Test { string public ...
Naple's user avatar
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($10 ETH Bounty) Base Chain - My submitted transaction is always 2 blocks behind the current block

For some reason whenever I submit my transaction it is always included 2 or more blocks behind the current block. There's an address that always has their transaction included in the same block as the ...
shlx's user avatar
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How can I determine which node mined a specific block in Ethereum?

I've amassed a collection of detailed information about various Ethereum nodes, as shown in the example below. Given this data and a particular block (either by its number or hash), how can I identify ...
Howard's user avatar
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I sent eth from binance to friend tech base and it seems I make a mistake [duplicate]

I haven't received the eth I sent from my binance to friend tech base please how do I recover it?
Jerry's user avatar
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How do I create polygon based private blockchain like Ethereum using geth?

I have been going through polygon blockchain. I understand that to reduce transaction cost and improve throughput, polygon employs zkrollups. However, I have not found any blogs or documents about ...
INDUKURI MANI VARMA 21911012's user avatar
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Uniswapv2 "quote" ABI

I am trying to sign contractof Uniswapv2 on ethereum mainnet using "quote" ABI. the function is quote(uint amountA, uint reserveA, uint reserveB) I use c++ to make the raw transaction and ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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how does swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens work and its inputs

I tried many things on inputs but unfortunately I am just receving a gas error (the one that says would likely fail if continued) How does the function input works exactly? uniswapV2Router....
Lupus7's user avatar
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Ethereum Node, Lighthouse client error

I am synching Ethereum full node (Geth + Lighthouse). I got the following error CRIT Failed to start beacon node reason: Unable to open database: DBError { message: "Error { message: \"...
0xC6D0fF1e4's user avatar
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How to do a transaction simulation?

Alchemy(, Blocknative(, flashbots(eth_callbundle, mev_simbundle), they all have apis to simulate ...
user2873314's user avatar
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Fatal: Failed to write genesis block: can't start clique chain without signers

I am trying to setup a local geth blockchain server but every time I attempt to execute I get the above error. I created the account first with the following command. C:\private_chain>geth --...
Xavier's user avatar
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What are Wei, Gwei and other Ether multipliers [duplicate]

So, when someone sends you 1 Wei, are they sending you the constant "Wei", or 1e-18 Ether? Like what I'm asking is that, Ether, Wei or Gwei, they are constant values, but they are not ...
19216811's user avatar
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How can I fix 'no matches found: enode` error when setting up private geth nodes?

I'm following along with a tutorial from the geth documentation. The tutorial is describing how to set up a private network of multiple geth nodes. I have run the bootnode -nodekey boot....
jds250's user avatar
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beacon chain cannot sync with geth ethereum and error engine in geth

I had a problem while run Go Ethereum and Prysm. when both are executed, there is an error response on the Prysm beacon-chain and an error on geth ethereum. here is the error, Beacon Chain Geth ...
Ekacitta Wibisono's user avatar
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Front Running scam [duplicate]

Guys thats the code is there not a way to withdraw or do something to the funds that are stuck on the address. I used remix ethereum website pragma solidity ^0.6.6; // Import Libraries Migrator/...
Mehmet Gul's user avatar
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How can I specify the snapshot (block number) in geth snap sync?

As shown in the picture here (, snap sync starts from a recent snapshot. I wonder if there is any way for me to specify an earlier snapshot for ...
Justin Zhang's user avatar
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How to persist data (the chain itself) in a Docker private blockchain?

I'm creating a Docker private blockcain from here: But I'm afraid to lost all my data if I need to delete/...
Magno C's user avatar
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How to analyze a tx data?

Given a transaction of type types.Transaction (golang go-ethereum), how can I analyze the data field and check if it has a swap or a sync event? I know that ...
AnastasiaShishkova's user avatar
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I have a question about running an Ethereum GETH client node

If a specific node uses a version of the GETH client where it doesn't check for the users Ether balance when sending Ether, what happens? Would the node just accept a transaction where the user doesn'...
19216811's user avatar
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Retrieving Full Hash Values from Log Messages

I am currently working on monitoring rejected transactions from a Geth node and facing a challenge with retrieving the full hash of the rejected transactions from the logs. While utilizing Geth with --...
Armen's user avatar
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Who is the block builder and how to be one?

I read the documentation about Ether PoS, and 32 ETH is required if anyone wants to become a Valiator and proposer, but it's not quite clear what exactly is the role of a block builder, can anyone ...
user2873314's user avatar
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I was trying to convert private key of an account to its public key but getting an error

code: const accountFrom = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKey); getting error: throw new web3_errors_1.InvalidPrivateKeyError(); ^ InvalidPrivateKeyError: Invalid Private Key, Not a ...
Aritra Dam's user avatar
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How to drop and replace a transaction

I've read many stack posts but the ones I found are either very old or do not link to updated docs where the answer can be found. Does Ethereum have a replace by fee option similar to Bitcoin? ...
Nat's user avatar
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Reduce gas price?

I'm working on a sniping bot on uniswap, and i have a little problem : the first ones to buy are those who pay the most. Pretty logical, but I don't really want to pay 300$ in priority gas to be the ...
Newly Sama's user avatar
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Exploring LevelDB

I am a beginner studying blockchain in Korea. Recently, I completed 100% synchronization of the goerli testnet using geth as my client. I want to visualize the chaindata/.sst files. Also, I am curious ...
이주희's user avatar
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Question about node performance on listening event of contract

what is the best way to listen new event emitted from contract with smallest delay? Other third party (Infura, Alchemy) is good enough or I have to run a new node ? ( as i know until now, public node ...'s user avatar
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geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute

geth full node is too slwo.Only about 50 blocks can be synchronized per minute However I use snap mode to sync very quickly. Unfortunately what I need receipts for all transactions. this is my server: ...
Mashaji's user avatar
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transaction would cause overdraft

I am only borrowing 25% of my wallet balance and I get transaction would cause overdraft on Main net. The code works on Sepolia test net. Any ideas of what causes this? I get an instance ...
pigfox's user avatar
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Cancelled value + Error encountered during contract execution [execution reverted]

I have a failed transaction, Etherscan link, with the following errors: Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [execution reverted] Value: 0.000000000000066666 ETH ($0.00) - [CANCELLED] ...
pigfox's user avatar
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Where is the eth2 code actually?

I am confused as where the eth2 code actually is. is at v1.12.0, which is weird if it already reflects the actual eth2 code - I would have switched to ...
phetherer's user avatar
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Does anyone know why this error happens (batchTransfer)

So, i want a contract to send tokens to users in Batch, I know this code is vulnerable to overflow, but this is just to test if the contract works, and if it works ill add SafeMath libraries, but it ...
19216811's user avatar

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